Flu Shots – Menno Place residents

Flu shots will be provided for residents of Menno Home on November 2, 3, 4th

Flu shots will be provided for residents of Menno Hospital on November 5th and 6th

Flu shots will be provided in the Apartments the week of October 26th

Booking is Open for Safe Social Visits with Terrace East Assisted Living Residents!

Booking is open for Safe Social Visits with Terrace East Assisted Living residents!
Visits begin on Monday, Oct 19th and must be booked in advance.
Primary Contacts for Terrace East residents received an email on October 15th with links to book their visits. These indoor visits will look different than the outdoor visits many of you enjoyed during the warmer months. 
Please take some time to review the Safe Social Visit protocols, including information about the one designated visitor and personal protective equipment.
If you have any questions about preparing for your Safe Social Visit or any of our infection prevention protocols, please contact Life Enrichment Coordinator, Nik Van Egdom at 604-851-4006 or Nikolas.VanEgdom@MennoPlace.ca

Changes to Independent Living – Registered Visitor Program

INDEPENDENT LIVING ONLY (Pavilion, Terrace West, Primrose Gardens):
We are pleased to announce the following change to the Registered Visitor program in the Independent Living Apartments (Pavilion, Terrace West & Primrose Gardens). This does NOT apply to Terrace East (Assisted Living), Menno Home or Menno Hospital.
We have expanded the Registered Visitor program to include TWO Registered Visitors per suite in the 3 Independent Living Apartment buildings. Today, residents of Primrose Gardens, Terrace West and Pavilion will receive the memo below that explains the expanded Registered Visitor program.
Please note that Registered Visitors will now be responsible to deliver groceries directly to the suite of the residents. Last grocery delivery to Independent Living apartments is Sunday, October 18th.
Registered Visitors may provide essential services as well as social visits within the apartment suite.
You may apply as the 2nd Registered Visitor using this link: www.mennoplacelife.com/register
Here is the memo that we will be distributed this afternoon:


Menno Apartments is now allowing TWO Registered Visitors per suite in the Independent Living Apartments: Pavilion, Terrace West, Primrose Gardens
As we prepare for the cooler days of winter, Menno Apartments has expanded the Registered Visitor program to include TWO Registered Visitors per apartment suite.
The current Registered Visitor does not need to re-apply. You may choose another one of your family members, a housekeeper, a friend or someone who provides personal care services for you.
Registration is open now. We will be processing the applications over the next several weeks. Your second Registered Visitor will receive a badge as soon as possible so that they can visit with you in your suite. www. MennoPlaceLife.com/Register
What are the changes?
· TWO people who don’t live in your apartment building can visit with you or provide services (housekeeping, care) in your apartment suite.
· Grocery drop-off ends. Your registered visitor will bring your groceries to your suite and ensure that they are safe. Last grocery drop-off day is Sunday, October 18, 2020.
· There are no limits to the kinds of services or length of visits for your Registered Visitors.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does my housekeeper count as a Registered Visitor? Yes.
2. Can I have more than two people as Registered Visitors? No.
3. Can we visit in the common areas, such as the lobby? No. You can only visit in your apartment suite at this time.
4. How do I keep myself safe if I have visitors in my suite? Keep a safe distance apart (6 feet), wear masks and use hand sanitizer frequently.
5. Can I change Registered Visitors? Yes, but not frequently. Contact Nik if you want to make a change to the people who are Registered to visit you – Nik: 604.851.4006
6. What happens to my groceries that are delivered? Your Registered Visitor will bring them to you.

Elections BC and Voting at Menno Place

All residents of Menno Place – Menno Home, Menno Hospital, Primrose Gardens, Terrace East, Terrace West and Pavilion have been registered for mail-in ballots for voting in the upcoming provincial election.

The mail-in ballots were ordered several weeks ago and will arrive on Monday, October 19th. Residents may vote until the 22nd when the ballots will be picked up from Menno Place by Elections BC.

If a resident in Menno Home or Hospital wishes to vote, they may tell the nursing team. We will provide assistance for them to vote. You may also request their ballot during a safe social visit. We will provide it to you and you can indicate their vote, seal it and return it to the Visitation Host. Please make arrangements with Garry.Janzen@MennoPlace.ca for this prior to your visit so we can be prepared with the ballot.

Additional Time Slots for Home & Hospital Safe Social Visits

Additional time slots have been added to the Home & Hospital Safe Social Visits calendar for Oct, Nov and Dec. Designated Visitors for Home & Hospital received an email on Tuesday, October 13th with links to book.
If you have any questions about Safe Visits with your loved one in Home or Hospital, please contact Life Enrichment Coordinator, Garry Janzen at at 604-851-1332 or Garry.Janzen@mennoplace.ca

The Visitation Host Team is Growing!

The Visitation Host team is growing!

We are pleased to welcome Diana as our Visitation Host Lead. She is training with Garry to ensure the visitation schedule is full each day. She is a vibrant member of the team and will be facilitating safe visits in Terrace East beginning on the 19th of October. Joining her at Terrace East is Cole who will also be facilitating visits in Terrace East. Primary contacts for Terrace East will receive the online booking link via email shortly.


In addition to Nikki at Menno Hospital, we will soon be welcoming Gail (full-time) and Tonya (weekends) to the team that facilitates safe visits. Additional booking times will be available on the booking calendar shortly.


At Menno Home, we welcome Joyce and Muhti who were working their first week as safe-visitation hosts this past week. Joining them in the third week of October is Shanta who will be working full-time, including the weekends. Additional booking times will be available on the calendar shortly.


We are excited that the team has grown from Nikki and Garry to this entire group of enthusiastic and joyful people! What a gift to our residents and to you, their loved ones.

Two monthly Safe Social Visits now available in Menno Home & Hospital

Additional Visitation Hosts are now in place in Menno Home and Hospital, making two monthly visits possible for designated visitors moving forward. An email was sent to Designated Visitors on Friday, October 2 with links to book additional visits.

Safe Social Visits are still only available to ONE designated visitor per resident by order of the Public Health Officer. We will be announcing details for Safe Social Visits for Assisted Living Residents in Terrace East soon.

If you have any questions about Safe Visits with your loved one in Home or Hospital, please contact Life Enrichment Coordinator, Garry Janzen at at 604-851-1332 or Garry.Janzen@mennoplace.ca

Memo: Sept 17 Terrace East & Terrace West water shut down THURSDAY evening

Date:               September 16, 2020
To:                   All Terrace East & Terrace West Residents
Re:                   Water shut down THURSDAY evening


Dear Residents of Terrace East and Terrace West,

Hot and cold water will be shut off tomorrow evening, Thursday September 17th, for four hours, starting at 9pm.

We need to do a major plumbing repair that requires us to shut off the water to both buildings. We have scheduled this work at night to try to minimize the inconvenience. The water should be back on and running when you get up in the morning.

What you need to do tomorrow evening:

  1. Please fill a container for drinking water in case you need a drink in the night.
  2. If possible, try not to flush your toilet until the morning.

Terrace East residents: If you need help filling a container, please use your call button to call a care aide and they will assist you.

Thank you for your co-operation!

Cheryl Dawes,
Manager of Community Enrichment