Purchase Medical Grade Masks – The Apartments

We have ordered 40 boxes of medical grade masks. We are offering this initially to residents and Registered Visitors from Primrose Gardens, Terrace WEST and Pavilion.
Menno Place supplies medical grade masks to Designated Visitors in the Safe Visit program (Home, Hospital, Terrace East) and to the residents in Terrace East. We supply medical grade masks at the entrances of Primrose Gardens, Terrace West and Pavilion, however, Regsitered Visitors and Residents may wish to purchase their own box.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How much does a box cost? $20
  2. How many masks are in a box? 50
  3. How many boxes can I order? 2 boxes per order
  4. Who can purchase these? Residents and Registered Visitors in Primrose Gardens, Terrace West and Pavilion
  5. How are they delivered? To the resident’s apartment suite
  6. How are they paid for? On the resident’s monthly billing statement
  7. What if you run out and I’ve put in an order? We either re-order or let you know that we can’t provide them to you
  8. Does this program mean that nurses and care aides won’t have proper PPE in another part of Menno Place? No. These masks are from a different supplier.
  9. What is a medical-grade mask? Click here to go to the BCCDC website to learn more
  10. If I have a special reason to purchase and my loved one lives in Terrace East, Menno Home or Menno Hospital, what can I do? Reach out to Garry.Janzen@MennoPlace.ca