Medical Grade masks required for all who enter Menno Place buildings

Yesterday, we heard that there are 425 new cases of COVID-19 in BC since Nov. 2 and 36 long-term care and assisted living care homes with COVID outbreaks. Fraser Health has provided a new directive for mask wearing inside these buildings. ALL masks worn must be medical grade masks.

Medical grade masks are now required for all who enter Menno Place buildings.

This includes designated visitors (Home, Hospital, Terrace East), registered visitors (Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion), all staff, contractors and emergency responders.
Question: Can you wear the clear mask that you purchased from Menno Place? No.
Question: Can you wear a cloth mask? No.
Question: Where do you get medical masks? For safe visitors and essential visitors, Menno Place provides medical grade masks. For registered visitors in the Apartments, some masks are available at the entrance to the building. You may also purchase medical grade masks at drugstores or Costco.