Change to Assisted Living Grocery Delivery on Fridays

Dear Friends and Families of Terrace East Residents,

On Fridays only, grocery drop off will begin at 9:30am.

Canada Post has notified Menno Place that they will not deliver mail if there are people at the entrance of the building. This is for the protection of their staff members. Canada Post has very strict rules in place to keep their delivery staff safe. If we are not able to keep the doorway clear they will not deliver the mail.

Terrace East Grocery Drop-Off:
Fridays: 9:30am – 11:30am
All other days of the week grocery hours remain 9:00 – 11:30am.

Thank you for working with us to keep Menno Place safe during these challenging times

SAFE VISITS – Book as frequently as you would like

We are pleased to open up the SAFE VISIT bookings in Menno Home, Menno Hospital and Terrace East for the Designated Visitor to book as frequently as you would like.

We have 9 Visitation Hosts who are facilitating these safe visits 7 days a week and they are eager to welcome you to a visit!

Diana Bae, our Visitation Host LEAD informs me that there are appointments that are available nearly every day for visits from loved ones.

If you are a Designated Visitor in Menno Home, Hospital or Terrace East, please book visits with your loved one as often as you would like.

The Safe Visit calendar is open until Dec. 30th. We will open it for January to March by the beginning of December.

Flu Shots – Menno Place residents

Flu shots will be provided for residents of Menno Home on November 2, 3, 4th

Flu shots will be provided for residents of Menno Hospital on November 5th and 6th

Flu shots will be provided in the Apartments the week of October 26th

Booking is Open for Safe Social Visits with Terrace East Assisted Living Residents!

Booking is open for Safe Social Visits with Terrace East Assisted Living residents!
Visits begin on Monday, Oct 19th and must be booked in advance.
Primary Contacts for Terrace East residents received an email on October 15th with links to book their visits. These indoor visits will look different than the outdoor visits many of you enjoyed during the warmer months. 
Please take some time to review the Safe Social Visit protocols, including information about the one designated visitor and personal protective equipment.
If you have any questions about preparing for your Safe Social Visit or any of our infection prevention protocols, please contact Life Enrichment Coordinator, Nik Van Egdom at 604-851-4006 or

Elections BC and Voting at Menno Place

All residents of Menno Place – Menno Home, Menno Hospital, Primrose Gardens, Terrace East, Terrace West and Pavilion have been registered for mail-in ballots for voting in the upcoming provincial election.

The mail-in ballots were ordered several weeks ago and will arrive on Monday, October 19th. Residents may vote until the 22nd when the ballots will be picked up from Menno Place by Elections BC.

If a resident in Menno Home or Hospital wishes to vote, they may tell the nursing team. We will provide assistance for them to vote. You may also request their ballot during a safe social visit. We will provide it to you and you can indicate their vote, seal it and return it to the Visitation Host. Please make arrangements with for this prior to your visit so we can be prepared with the ballot.

Memo: Sept 17 Terrace East & Terrace West water shut down THURSDAY evening

Date:               September 16, 2020
To:                   All Terrace East & Terrace West Residents
Re:                   Water shut down THURSDAY evening


Dear Residents of Terrace East and Terrace West,

Hot and cold water will be shut off tomorrow evening, Thursday September 17th, for four hours, starting at 9pm.

We need to do a major plumbing repair that requires us to shut off the water to both buildings. We have scheduled this work at night to try to minimize the inconvenience. The water should be back on and running when you get up in the morning.

What you need to do tomorrow evening:

  1. Please fill a container for drinking water in case you need a drink in the night.
  2. If possible, try not to flush your toilet until the morning.

Terrace East residents: If you need help filling a container, please use your call button to call a care aide and they will assist you.

Thank you for your co-operation!

Cheryl Dawes,
Manager of Community Enrichment

Safe Visit Update- Home, Hospital, Terrace East Assisted Living

Sept. 12, 2020 – Safe Visit Update

  1. Hiring for Additional Visitation Hosts – We are pleased with the number of applicants who have applied for the Vistation Host positions. We will be hiring next week. Most of the applicants will need to give 2 weeks notice, so the process will necessarily take time to put into motion.
  2. Funding for Terrace East Assisted Living visits – The funding has arrived to hire a Visitation Host for Terrace East Assisted Living. This is good timing as the weather is turning and outdoor visits will become increasingly difficult. If your loved one lives in Terrace East, be aware that Fraser Health is requiring the same protocols for Assisted Living safe visits as for long-term care safe visits (one designated visitor, physical distance, supervised, in a Visitor Center) – Click to READ THE SAFE VISIT PROTOCOLS
  3. You may be missing Isaiah, Visitation Host for Menno Home – We said good-bye to Isaiah as he got a placement in the Education Program at UFV. We wish him the best and know that he will be an incredible educator. Congratulations, Isaiah!
  4. Thank you, designated visitors, for filling out the Safe Social Visit Preference Survey – we received 108 responses to the survey. We appreciate that you took the time to help us understand how the visits are going and what you’d like to see going forward. Our team met to discuss your concerns and preferences. This has helped us form our visitation calendar.
  5. October Booking Calendar – We will make a minor change to the times of the visits in the October bookings. This is in response to feedback about the 5pm appointment time. This visit starts just as supper is being served and has proved challenging for some residents. When we open the October calendar for booking, the changes will be made so please take note.
  6. Month by Month Bookings – These will be a thing of the past once we have our Visitation Hosts hired. You will be able to book your visits months in advance. Thank you for your patience in all of this. The past two months have allowed us the opportunity to discover patterns and plan appropriately. We are always aware that the visitation schedule can change in a moment if we have a COVID-19 positive test or if the protocols change from Fraser Health.
  7. 119 of you have filled out the Safe Visit Satisfaction Survey that is emailed to you after your safe social visit. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how you are experiencing the visits. 92.44% of you are Somewhat Satisfied (12.51%), Satisfied (24.37%) or Very Satisfied (55.46%) with your visits. Only 1.68% are Very Dissatisfied and their corresponding comments were related to the inability of their loved one to connect with them during the visit. 74% of you felt that your loved one was satisfied with the visit. It has been very meaningful for us to facilitate your visits. We seek to do all that we can to continue to provide you with the best visits possible while following Fraser Health Safe Visit protocols.


Memo: September 11, 2020: Water Shut Down – Primrose Gardens



Date: September 11, 2020

To: Primrose Gardens Residents

Re: Water Off on September 10th


The water in Primrose Gardens is working normally and the leak in the 4” main pipe is repaired.

We apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced yesterday when the scheduled water-off period was extended by 4.5 hours. You received notice that only the hot water would be shut off from 9am – 2pm yesterday.

The water shut-off was required as there was a leak identified in the 4” main domestic hot water pipe. The original plan was to shut off only hot water in order to minimize the impact on residents. This would have allowed for cold water to be used and toilets to be flushed throughout the day. Instead, it was discovered that both cold and hot water needed to be shut off in order to repair the leaking pipe. Both hot and cold water were off from 2pm – 6:30pm.

Our team of maintenance workers worked together to successfully repair the leak, turning all water back on at 6:30pm.

If your tap water is brown, it is from sediment from the water tanks. Please run the tap until the water is clear again. If you are still experiencing issues with your water, please call down to Reception and she’ll make sure Maintenance checks on your suite.

In the future, we will provide bottled water for residents to drink in order to minimize the risk of dehydration, particularly on such a hot day. We will also advise residents to pre-emptively fill containers with drinking and washing water in the event that both hot and cold water will be turned off.

Please call Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment if you have any questions.

MEMO: PG, TW & TE Isolation Period Lifted Sunday, Aug 30

Menno Place Memo

To: All Residents, Staff & Families of Menno Place
Re: Primrose Gardens, Terrace West & Terrace East Self-Isolation Period Lifted Sunday, August 30th, 2020
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2020

As of Saturday, August 29th, NO residents of Primrose Gardens and Terrace West Independent Living Apartments and Terrace East Assisted Living Apartments have tested positive or are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. 

The self isolation period for these residents will be lifted on Sunday, August 30th, 2020 at 9:00am. 

  • Residents are permitted to leave their suites and go outdoors if they are feeling well.
  • Masks must be worn in indoor public spaces, and outdoors if a physical distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained. Residents, family and friends are no longer required to wear a mask outdoors on the Menno Place campus as long as they remain 6 feet apart
  • Registered Visitors of Primrose Gardens and Terrace West may resume their visits and deliveries as before. Indoor masks and hand hygiene required. 
  • Residents of Primrose Gardens, Terrace West & Terrace East may resume walks to Mill Lake, shopping, appointments, and short visits to family members’ homes as before. Masks must be worn and a physical distance of 6 feet must be maintained. Any gatherings off campus may not be larger than 50 people. We encourage residents not to attend large gatherings if possible. 
  • Meals in the dining room will resume next week. Invitations will be issued as before. 


  • Your safe, physically distanced outdoor visit on the Menno Place campus is a no-touch visit. No holding hands, shaking hands, back rubbing, hugging, kissing, or touching. 
  • Every visitor is expected to practice hand hygiene. You should bring your own hand sanitizer with you so that you can clean your hands before and after your visit with your loved one.
  • Only Registered Visitors may enter the apartment buildings. You must wear your ID badge to enter. There are NO visitors inside Terrace East. If a visitor needs to use the restroom, there is a porta-potty available near Terrace East at the Living Waters Garden. You must hand-sanitize after use.
  • Residents: If you are going off of the Menno Place campus, keep yourself safe. Avoid crowds and practice hand hygiene. Always bring a mask and a personal sized hand sanitizer with you. Minimize the number of indoor events you go to each week (once per week is a reasonable number). Keep a physical distance of 6 feet between you and others. Sharing car rides should only be done with masks on. 
  • Continue to Self-Screen and report any symptoms to staff immediately:

Self-Screening Questions

Do you have new onset of any of these symptoms:

Fever Sore throat or painful swallowing Muscle aches
Cough Loss of sense of smell Fatigue
Shortness of breath Loss of sense of taste Nausea and/or vomiting
Headache Loss of appetite Diarrhea
Chills Runny nose

Do you have any of these risk factors?

Been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or anyone who has been to the US in the past two weeks?
Been advised to self-isolate or quarantine at home by public health or a medical doctor/nurse?
Been in hospital for more than 12 hours?

Thank you for your patience and compliance during this self isolation period. If you have any questions, please contact Manager of Community Enrichment for Menno Place Apartments, Cheryl Dawes, at or 604-851-4020.

All other protocols for Pavilion Independent Living and Long Term Care in Menno Home & Hospital remain unchanged.

Karen Biggs
CEO, Menno Place 

P.S. Have you found our Family & Friends website? For information and updates, go to:

For information and discussion with others whose loved one lives at Menno Place, please ask to join the Menno Place Family & Friends Facebook Group.

UPDATE: Isolation Period for Primrose Gardens, Terrace West & Terrace East

Menno Place Memo
To: All Residents, Staff & Families of Menno Place
Re: UPDATE: COVID-19 Exposure in Primrose Gardens & Terrace West Independent Living Apartments
Date: Monday, August 24th, 2020 1:30pm 

On Friday, August 21st, Menno Place notified residents, family, and friends of a COVID-19 exposure in Primrose Gardens and Terrace West Independent Living Apartments. Read the Aug. 21 Memo here

The exposed residents and their families have all been contacted and advised. Residents were swabbed on Saturday and all results have come back negative for COVID-19. We are cautiously optimistic as false negatives are possible among the elderly. We are monitoring symptoms and the situation closely. 

Thank you for your prayerful support and for honouring our request to halt visits and deliveries on the Menno Place campus over the weekend. 

At this time, we are asking ALL residents of Primrose Gardens, Terrace West AND Terrace East to abide by an isolation period until the morning of August 30th. 

This means:

  • Staying in your apartment.
  • Meals will be delivered to your apartment. 
  • All hair appointments have been cancelled. 

As Terrace East Assisted Living Apartments are connected to Terrace West Independent Living Apartments, we are asking those residents to also abide by this isolation period out of an abundance of caution. 

Residents of Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, and Terrace East may continue to go to important medical appointments off-campus. 

Registered Visitors of Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, and Terrace East must refrain from visiting or making deliveries to the campus until the morning of August 30th unless absolutely necessary. 

Families and friends of residents in these facilities must wait until the morning of August 30th to resume outdoor visits. 

To make arrangements for essential medical appointments, please contact Manager of Community Enrichment for Menno Place Apartments, Cheryl Dawes, at or 604-851-4020. Essential grocery deliveries can be made with the receptionists. 

Pavilion Independent Living residents may continue to have registered visitors and outdoor visits. Menno Home and Hospital Safe Social Visits will also continue as before. 

We are grateful for the many messages of encouragement (like this one) that we received over the weekend:

“Thank you so much for all your careful work during these challenging times. I am praying for you. I have complete confidence that you are doing everything possible to keep the residents safe.”

Thank you for your cooperation and love for the residents and staff of Menno Place. We will continue to send necessary updates to the situation. 

Karen Biggs
CEO, Menno Place 

Have you found our Family & Friends website? For information and updates, go to:

For information and discussion with others whose loved one lives at Menno Place, please ask to join the Menno Place Family & Friends Facebook Group.



How do I make essential grocery deliveries to my loved one until August 30th?

Essential grocery deliveries can be made 9am to 11:30am 7 days a week (on weekends, a phone number for dietary staff is posted on the outside door. Call and the dietary team will come to receive the groceries from you). Please remember to keep groceries “essential” until August 30th as to not overrun the receptionists. Primrose Garden grocery deliveries can be made at the main door with Brenda. Terrace East and Terrace West deliveries can be made at the Terrace East main door with Claire. If you use Save On or another grocery delivery service, deliveries also need to be during the hours mentioned above. Deliveries for Terrace East & West have to be made at the Terrace East main entrance.


My loved one lives in the Terrace East Assisted Living Apartments. If there was no COVID-19 exposure in Terrace East, why are they being asked to abide by the isolation period until the morning of August 30th? 

Out of an abundance of caution. The Terrace East building is connected to Terrace West. 


When will the rotating dining room schedule resume in Primrose Gardens, Terrace West and Terrace East?

Meals in the dining rooms in these buildings will resume after August 30th if there is no change to the situation. Residents will receive their invitations as before. 


I have a Safe Social Visit booked with my loved one in Menno Home or Hospital. Should I reschedule my visit until after August 30th?

There has been no exposure to residents in Menno Home or Hospital. The Safe Social Visit sites are also in separate buildings from the exposure. You may keep your appointment if you are comfortable doing so.

If it is more than 24 hours before your appointment, you can reschedule quickly and easily by clicking on the ‘Change/Cancel’ button at the bottom of your appointment confirmation email. Please keep in mind that Safe Social Visits are on a rotating schedule through our units, and it may be several weeks until a time slot for your loved one’s unit becomes available again.

If you would like to cancel or reschedule and it is less than 24 hours before your appointment, please contact Life Enrichment Coordinator, Garry Janzen at or 604-851-1332.


My loved one does not live in the exposed buildings. Why are you notifying me?

Out of an abundance of caution. It is important to us that you are aware of all COVID-19 related news.