COVID UPDATE – January 21, 2022 – Primrose Gardens


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 11 (11 residents | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 21, 2022

There are 2 additional COVID positive cases in Primrose Gardens. We have provided isolation carts and PPE (personal protective equipment) at the entrances to the apartment suites. These must be worn by anyone entering. Donning and Doffing instructions are provided in this location. Instructions for self-isolation and self-monitoring are available on the ACTION SHEETS . Please reference these if you are wondering what is required by public health.
Fully vaccinated visitors with no symptoms or COVID exposure may continue to come to visit or provide services. There is a screener at the entrance who will actively screen visitors for COVID.
We created the Menno Forum in the early fall – a 15 minute update on Channel 10 in the Apartments on Tuesdays and Fridays at 11am. This continues. Please encourage your loved one to tune in as this is updated COVID information and encouragement from Leonard Klassen our Life Enrichment Coordinator and John Dyck, our chaplain.
What to do on the weekend if a resident is symptomatic?
If your loved one is symptomatic on the weekend, encourage them to self-isolate and self-monitor. Judith, our Life Enrichment Associate works on Saturdays and will be available by calling Reception. She can provide a rapid test for the resident to see if they are COVID positive.
On Sunday, please encourage your loved one to self-monitor and self-isolate. If their symptoms become concerning, call 9-1-1. Call Reception – 604.851.4000 and leave a message. We will provide Action Sheets and a rapid test on Monday.
Action Sheets
Residents who are COVID positive, have COVID symptoms or have been a close contact of a COVID exposed individual are given a package of material that includes an Action Sheet. This material can be viewed – CLICK HERE

MEMO: Terrace East Elevator Safety & Guidelines

Now that everyone is coming down for meals again we wanted to remind you of the current rules and safety practices for using the elevators. These guidelines will ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable ride.

  1. Max 4 people in the Terrace East elevator at a time. Up to four people (staff and residents) can be in the elevator at the same time. If the elevator arrives and there are already four people inside please wait for the next one. For the Terrace West elevator the max stays at 2 people.
  2. Please do not push to get in or out of the elevator. We understand that elevators can be slow and sometimes it’s hard to wait but it’s important to take good care of each other. Shoving can lead to injuries or even a fall and we don’t want that. There is plenty of time. Thank you for practicing patience.
  3. Wear your mask. All residents, staff, and guests are required to wear a medical mask in all hallways, elevators and stairways. Please make sure your mask covers both your nose, mouth and chin.
  4. Come down for lunch at 12:00, not before. Remember to wait until 12:00 to come down for lunch so we don’t get a crowd gathering in the lobby.

If you have any questions or concerns about using the elevator please let Leonard know (604-851-4006). Your safety and wellbeing is our highest concern.


COVID UPDATE – January 2, 2022 – Primrose Gardens


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (1 resident | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 2, 2022

We are sorry to bring the news that a staff member has tested COVID positive. This is believed to be unrelated to the resident who is COVID positive.

Please continue to be cautious when you visit, practicing all layers of protection. Unvaccinated visitors are not permitted in any of the buildings on the Menno Place campus. Vaccinated visitors must wear a mask at all times, including while visiting their loved one. Practice hand hygiene by sanitizing upon entrance to the apartment building. Remain 6 feet away from other visitors, residents and staff.

When rapid tests are available, they are mandatory for visitors. At this time, there is not inventory for visitors to rapid test prior to visit.

The Omicron variant is extremely contagious and is asymptomatic for several days prior to symptoms for those who are COVID positive.

Please encourage your loved one at Primrose Gardens to get all 3 vaccinations to increase efficacy of vaccination to 75%.

The dining room is closed until further notice. Meals are delivered to resident suites.


COVID UPDATE – January 2, 2022 – Pavilion


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 1, 2022

Memo for Pavilion Residents – January 2, 2022 – This is being handed out this morning.


Date:                  January 2, 2022

To:                        Pavilion Residents

Re:                        COVID-19 Positive in Pavilion


A resident of Pavilion has been identified as COVID positive and is self-isolating. Residents in contact with COVID positive individual have been tested and are isolating.

DINING: The dining room is closed effective today. Your meals will be delivered to your apartment suite until further notice.

EXTRA PRECAUTIONS: The Omicron variant of COVID is extremely transmissible and can infect those who have had all vaccinations (including 3rd booster shot) as well as those who previously tested positive for COVID. Take ALL precautions, including self-isolating for your own protection. We have a record-high number of COVID positive individuals in BC and in our community. It is very easy to contract or transmit Omicron.

VISITORS: Your visitors must take all precautions before entering the apartment building/your suite. All (you and your visitor) must wear a mask at all times, including in your suite while visiting. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often. No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends. When rapid tests are available, they are mandatory for visitors prior to entrance. At this time, they are not available for visitors.

SELF-ISOLATION: This is a good time for your essential visitors to ensure you have EVERYTHING you need in your apartment. Ensure you have medications, groceries and clean laundry for the next 7 – 10 days. If you contract COVID-19, you will be isolating for a minimum of five days (for fully vaccinated) as per Dr. Bonnie Henry, Dec. 31, 2021 followed by five days of masking and essential outings only (no group activities, such as church or gatherings).

KEEP YOUR CONTACT GROUP SMALL: It is time now to reduce your contact with people to only those who provide you with essential services such as laundry, driving to essential appointments and grocery delivery. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person, even within this apartment building.

WHAT ABOUT IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED? Omicron is infecting those who are fully vaccinated, including those who have the 3rd booster shot. Your illness will likely be more mild than if you were not vaccinated, but it can still be very debilitating or even cause hospitalization or death.

ESSENTIAL OUTINGS: Reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10. Since the Omicron variant is so prevalent in our community, it’s better to have an essential visitor bring you groceries or order online if possible.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS? If you have any of the symptoms on the list below, go immediately to the Haida Center for a COVID-19 gargle or nasal swab test (PCR). Tell them that you live on a campus of care and that you are part of a vulnerable population. This will get you priority access to the testing.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WHO HAS COVID? Take a rapid test to see if you are positive at this time. If you are, go to the COVID test center for a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis. If you are negative, isolate and re-take the test in 24 hours.

WHAT TO DO WITH TEST RESULTS? Phone Reception: 604.851.4000 to report all test results, including rapid tests. If there is no answer, leave a voicemail message.

RAPID TESTS: You may also ask for a rapid test from Reception or the Dining Team. This test is a simple test that will tell if you have enough viral load at that moment to indicate if you are positive for COVID-19. If you have a positive rapid test, you are considered positive for COVID.

WHAT ABOUT THE COMMON COLD? The common cold is VERY intense this year. If you have cold symptoms AND received a negative gargle or nasal swab test, you likely have a cold. DO NOT SPREAD IT. Stay isolated until symptoms are gone.

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4000

Fever or chills? Cough? Unproductive cough?
Sore throat? Runny nose? Extreme fatigue or tiredness?
Body aches? Muscle aches? Diarrhea?
Difficulty breathing? Loss of sense of smell or taste?
Loss of appetite? Headache? Nausea or vomiting?



COVID UPDATE – January 1, 2022 – Pavilion


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = January 1, 2022

We are sorry to bring the news that one resident at Pavilion has tested positive for COVID through a rapid test. This test was done as a result of exposure with a COVID positive individual. The resident has been instructed to isolate and monitor their symptoms. Support is provided to the resident by their loved ones.

Meals will be delivered to residents at their apartment suite until further notice.

Visitors to Independent Living – Pavilion, Terrace West, Primrose Gardens


As the prevalence of COVID increases in our community, please use all the safety measures available to keep your loved one and their neighbours safe.

Although the Public Health Order calls for rapid testing for all visitors on the Menno Place campus, the inventory does not allow for rapid testing at the Independent Living Apartments. Please continue to self-screen (no symptoms), practice safe distance from others (6ft), wear a mask at all times (even with your loved one) and use hand hygiene (frequently) in order to enter the apartment building.

Continue to advise your loved one of all the layers of protection. We heard today from the Medical Health Officer that the efficacy of the vaccine increases from 60% to 75% with the 3rd booster shot. If your loved one is not fully vaccinated, please encourage them to become fully vaccinated.

Currently, our vaccination rates in the Apartments are:

Fully vaccinated (2 shots plus booster):

  • Pavilion: 69%
  • Terrace West: 79%
  • Primrose Gardens: 77%
  • Terrace East: 93%

On Dec. 31, 2021, Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC Public Health Officer announced that only essential visitors will be allowed to visit residents in long-term care: Menno Home and Menno Hospital – CLICK HERE FOR ANNOUNCEMENT

Assisted Living (Terrace East) continues social visits for residents with rapid test.

Independent Living continues social visits for vaccinated visitors.




Date:  December 29, 2021  

To: TE, TW, Pavilion Residents  

Re: COVID-19 Positive in Primrose Gardens – TAKE EXTRA PRECAUTIONS 


A resident of Primrose Gardens has been identified as COVID positive. Those in contact with the resident have been swabbed for COVID and are waiting for their test results.  

ALL APARTMENT BUILDINGS: As the Omicron variant of COVID becomes VERY prevalent in our community, the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 increases for us all. This is the time to take extra precautions to keep yourself safe. As a member of a vulnerable population and a resident on a campus-of-care, you need to exercise extra safety measures. 

EXTRA PRECAUTIONS: The Omicron variant of COVID is extremely transmissible and can infect those who have had all vaccinations (including 3rd booster shot) as well as those who previously tested positive for COVID. Take ALL precautions, including self-isolating for your own protection. Wear a medical mask (do not wash) provided in the foyer. Take 2 or 3 to carry with you so you always have one available. 

VISITORS: Your visitors must have a negative rapid test result before entering the apartment building/your suite. All (you and your visitor) must wear a mask at all times, including in your suite while visiting. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often. No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends. 

GET PREPARED FOR LOCKDOWN: This is a good time for your essential visitors to ensure you have EVERYTHING you need in your apartment. Ensure you have medications, groceries and clean laundry for the next 7 – 10 days. 

KEEP YOUR CONTACT GROUP SMALL: It is time now to reduce your contact with people to only those who provide you with essential services such as laundry, driving to essential appointments and grocery delivery. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person, even within this apartment building. 

WHAT IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED? Omicron is infecting those who are fully vaccinated, including those who have the 3rd booster shot. Your illness will likely be more mild than if you were not vaccinated, but it can still be very debilitating or even cause hospitalization or death. 

ESSENTIAL OUTINGS: This is a good time to reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10. Since the Omicron variant is so prevalent in our community, it’s better to have an essential visitor bring you groceries if possible.  

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS? If you have any of the symptoms on the list below, go immediately to the Haida Center for a COVID-19 gargle or nasal swab test (PCR). Tell them that you live on a campus of care and that you are part of a vulnerable population. This will get you priority access to the testing. 

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WHO HAS COVID? Take a rapid test to see if you are positive at this time. If you are, go to the COVID test center for a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis. If you are negative, isolate and re-take the test in 24 hours. 

WHAT TO DO WITH TEST RESULTS? Phone Reception to report all test results, including rapid tests. If there is no answer, leave a voicemail message. 

RAPID TESTS: You may also ask for a rapid test from Reception or the Dining Team. This test is a simple test that will tell if you have enough viral load at that moment to indicate if you are positive for COVID-19. It is not a definitive test. A PCR test is still required (gargle or nasal swab).  

WHAT ABOUT THE COMMON COLD? The common cold is VERY intense this year. If you have cold symptoms AND received a negative gargle or nasal swab test, you likely have a cold. DO NOT SPREAD IT. Stay isolated until symptoms are gone.  

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4000 

Fever or chills?  Cough? Unproductive cough? 
Sore throat? Runny nose?  Extreme fatigue or tiredness? 
Body aches? Muscle aches?  Diarrhea? 
Difficulty breathing?  Loss of sense of smell or taste? 
Loss of appetite?  Headache? Nausea or vomiting? 



COVID UPDATE – December 29, 2021 – Primrose Gardens


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = December 29, 2021

We are sorry to bring the news that one resident at Primrose Gardens has tested positive for COVID through a rapid test. This test was done as a result of exposure with a COVID positive individual. A PCR test (nasal swab) has been done – results are pending. Tablemates of this resident have all tested negative to rapid testing.

Screening has been put in place at the entrance of Primrose Gardens.

This is the memo that will be distributed to all residents of Primrose Gardens:


Date:  December 29, 2021  

To: Primrose Gardens Residents  

Re: COVID-19 Positive in Primrose Gardens 


A resident of Primrose Gardens has been identified as COVID positive. Those in contact with the resident have been swabbed for COVID and are waiting for their test results. Residents who have been tested MUST ISOLATE until further notice from Public Health. 

DINING: While we wait for the test results and direction from Public Health, the dining room will be closed. Your meals will be delivered to your apartment suite until further notice. 

EXTRA PRECAUTIONS: The Omicron variant of COVID is extremely transmissible and can infect those who have had all vaccinations (including 3rd booster shot) as well as those who previously tested positive for COVID. Take ALL precautions, including self-isolating for your own protection. 

VISITORS: Your visitors must have a negative rapid test result before entering the apartment building/your suite. All (you and your visitor) must wear a mask at all times, including in your suite while visiting. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often. No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends. 

GET PREPARED FOR LOCKDOWN: This is a good time for your essential visitors to ensure you have EVERYTHING you need in your apartment. Ensure you have medications, groceries and clean laundry for the next 7 – 10 days. 

KEEP YOUR CONTACT GROUP SMALL: It is time now to reduce your contact with people to only those who provide you with essential services such as laundry, driving to essential appointments and grocery delivery. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person, even within this apartment building. 

WHAT ABOUT IF YOU ARE FULLY VACCINATED? Omicron is infecting those who are fully vaccinated, including those who have the 3rd booster shot. Your illness will likely be more mild than if you were not vaccinated, but it can still be very debilitating or even cause hospitalization or death. . 

ESSENTIAL OUTINGS: This is a good time to reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10. Since the Omicron variant is so prevalent in our community, it’s better to have an essential visitor bring you groceries if possible.  

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS? If you have any of the symptoms on the list below, go immediately to the Haida Center for a COVID-19 gargle or nasal swab test (PCR). Tell them that you live on a campus of care and that you are part of a vulnerable population. This will get you priority access to the testing. 

WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WHO HAS COVID? Take a rapid test to see if you are positive at this time. If you are, go to the COVID test center for a PCR test to confirm the diagnosis. If you are negative, isolate and re-take the test in 24 hours. 

WHAT TO DO WITH TEST RESULTS? Phone Reception: 604.851.4000 to report all test results, including rapid tests. If there is no answer, leave a voicemail message. 

RAPID TESTS: You may also ask for a rapid test from Reception or the Dining Team. This test is a simple test that will tell if you have enough viral load at that moment to indicate if you are positive for COVID-19. It is not a definitive test. A PCR test is still required (gargle or nasal swab).  

WHAT ABOUT THE COMMON COLD? The common cold is VERY intense this year. If you have cold symptoms AND received a negative gargle or nasal swab test, you likely have a cold. DO NOT SPREAD IT. Stay isolated until symptoms are gone.  

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4000 

Fever or chills?  Cough? Unproductive cough? 
Sore throat? Runny nose?  Extreme fatigue or tiredness? 
Body aches? Muscle aches?  Diarrhea? 
Difficulty breathing?  Loss of sense of smell or taste? 
Loss of appetite?  Headache? Nausea or vomiting? 




Date:                December 15, 2021
To:                   All Primrose Gardens Residents
Re:                   In-Person Dining Room 7 Days a Week!

Dear Primrose Gardens Residents,

We are delighted to announce that starting Monday, December 20th all Primrose Gardens residents can eat together in the dining room, seven days a week.

  • The dining room will open for residents at 11:30 with lunch served at 12:00.
  • Sanitize your hands before you sit down and again after you’ve eaten.
  • Go directly to your table without visiting at other tables. Keep your mask on.
  • Your spot to sit is arranged with others from your floor. You will remain in this spot for contact tracing purposes.

To do our best to keep the dining room open, we need to work together to do our part to stay safe. This means:

  • Wear a mask to the dining room and keep it on until you start to eat or drink.
  • Put your mask back on immediately after you finish your meal.
  • Please do not visit other tables. This will reduce possibility of COVID transmission.
  • If you feel unwell (see COVID symptoms on back) call reception 604-851-4000 and your meal will be delivered at no charge. On the weekend, call the kitchen to make arrangements 604-851-7398.
  • Wear a mask at all times when outside of your apartment – in the hallways,when you are running errands and while at church. These are public health orders. Wear a mask if you visit or drive with any unvaccinated friends or family.
  • If you are concerned about joining the communal dining, please contact Leonard Klassen 604-851-4006 to arrange to have your meals delivered at no charge.

You can read more about the safety measures Menno Place is using to protect residents in the dining rooms during the pandemic on the back of this memo.

If you have any questions about the new guidelines for dining please contact Lynn at Reception 604-851-4000 or Leonard, Life Enrichment Coordinator, 604-851-4006.

Menno Place Dining Room Safety Procedures

We are hopeful that the decision to open the dining rooms will continue for the duration of the winter season. If the new COVID variant is prevalent in our community OR the public health orders change OR we have a COVID exposure, we may be required to close the dining room once again.

Why is it possible now to open the dining rooms?

  • CASPR air scrubbers have been installed in all dining rooms in the Apartments (99.96% kill rate on surfaces: bacteria, viruses and mold). This was recommended by Fraser Health out of an abundance of caution. (
  • Most residents in your building are fully vaccinated and have also had a third booster shot. All staff have been double vaccinated and many have had their booster.
  • The few residents who have not been vaccinated will be seated together.
  • Residents who have received one or two vaccine shots will be contacted to help them complete their vaccinations.
  • Church services are safer now that masks are mandatory by public health order. When everyone wears their mask (over nose and mouth), it reduces risk of becoming infected at church and bringing it home to your neighbors in this building.

If you have questions or concerns about these safety protocols please contact Leonard 604-851-4006.

Monitor yourself for any of these symptoms – if you have any symptoms, do not come to the dining room. Go to the COVID testing site at 32470 Haida Drive for a COVID test.

Fever                                  Sore throat                                                   Body aches

Cough                                 Loss of sense of smell                                Loss of sense of taste

Nausea                               Vomiting                                                       Difficulty breathing

Headache                          Loss of appetite                                          Diarrhea

Chills                                   Extreme fatigue or tiredness





Date:                December 15, 2021
To:                   All Terrace East Residents
Re:                   In-Person Dining Room 7 Days a Week!

Dear Terrace East Residents,

We are delighted to announce that starting Monday, December 20th Terrace East residents can eat together in the dining room, seven days a week.

  • The dining room will open for residents at 12:00 with lunch served at 12:20.
  • Sanitize your hands before you sit down and again after you’ve eaten.
  • Go directly to your table without visiting at other tables. Keep your mask on.
  • Your spot to sit is arranged with others from your floor. You will remain in this spot for contact tracing purposes.
  • The dining room will open for supper at 4:30 with the meal served at 4:45.

To do our best to keep the dining room open, we need to work together to do our part to stay safe. This means:

  • Wear a mask to the dining room and keep it on until you start to eat or drink.
  • Put your mask back on immediately after you finish your meal.
  • Please do not visit other tables. This will reduce possibility of COVID transmission.
  • If you feel unwell (see COVID symptoms on back) call reception 604-851-4004 and your meal will be delivered at no charge. On the weekend, call the kitchen to make arrangements 604-851-4011.
  • Wear a mask at all times when outside of your apartment – in the hallways,when you are running errands and while at church. These are public health orders. Wear a mask if you visit or drive with any unvaccinated friends or family.
  • If you are concerned about joining the communal dining, please contact Leonard Klassen 604-851-4006 to arrange to have your meals delivered at no charge.

You can read more about the safety measures Menno Place is using to protect residents in the dining rooms during the pandemic on the back of this memo.

If you have any questions about the new guidelines for dining please contact Claire at Reception 604-851-4004 or Leonard, Life Enrichment Coordinator, 604-851-4006.

Menno Place Dining Room Safety Procedures

We are hopeful that the decision to open the dining rooms will continue for the duration of the winter season. If the new COVID variant is prevalent in our community OR the public health orders change OR we have a COVID exposure, we may be required to close the dining room once again.

Why is it possible now to open the dining rooms?

  • CASPR air scrubbers have been installed in all dining rooms in the Apartments (99.96% kill rate on surfaces: bacteria, viruses and mold). This was recommended by Fraser Health of out an abundance of caution.
  • Most residents in your building are fully vaccinated and have also had a third booster shot. All staff have been double vaccinated and many have had their booster.
  • The few residents who have not been vaccinated will be seated together.
  • Residents who have received one or two vaccine shots will be contacted to help them complete their vaccinations.
  • Church services are safer now that masks are mandatory by public health order. When everyone wears their mask (over nose and mouth), it reduces risk of becoming infected at church and bringing it home to your neighbors in this building.

If you have questions or concerns about these safety protocols please contact
Leonard 604-851-4006.

Monitor yourself for any of these symptoms – if you have any symptoms, do not come to the dining room. Go to the COVID testing site at 32470 Haida Drive for a COVID test.

Fever                                  Sore throat                                                   Body aches

Cough                                 Loss of sense of smell                                Loss of sense of taste

Nausea                               Vomiting                                                       Difficulty breathing

Headache                          Loss of appetite                                          Diarrhea

Chills                                   Extreme fatigue or tiredness