Social-Distanced Outdoor Visits – Independent and Assisted Living

About Safe Social Distanced Outdoor Visits

Menno Place allows safe socially distanced outdoor visits for residents of Pavilion, Terrace West, Terrace East and Primrose Gardens.

What is a safe social distanced outdoor visit?
This is a visit with a resident that takes place outside and all visitors are 6 feet apart from each other.

No-Touch Visit
Your safe social distanced outdoor visit is a no-touch visit. No holding hands, shaking hands, rubbing back, hugging, kissing or touching. This will not be possible if you are six feet apart.

What if there is a group of visitors who are a bubble with each other?
If there is a group of visitors who live under the same roof and are a bubble, they may sit together closer than 6 feet apart. An example is a husband, wife and their children in their household. On the Menno Place campus, we ask that you use the MOST conservative definition of “bubble”. This means that siblings living in multiple households should exercise social distancing.

What if we are all related to each other – doesn’t that make us a bubble?
No. The coronavirus does not care if you are relatives or not. Some of the most unfortunate “hot-spots” of COVID-19 spreading has happened at family gatherings. Be extremely cautious. You do not want your family to be impacted this way. See: Family Gathering COVID-19

Should you wear a mask while socially distanced visiting? YES.
Yes. It is required. This is because it is NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to stay 6 feet away while having a conversation. Six feet is a HUGE distance for normal social interaction. We have marked the distance with red duct tape on the ground and notice that these marks are regularly ignored. They seem TOO far apart. The mask is REQUIRED at all times on the Menno Place campus.

What if I don’t think a mask makes any difference to the safety of myself or the visitor?
Menno Place is not seeking to change your mind. You do not have to agree, but you must comply if you are on the Menno Place campus.

What will you do if I don’t wear a mask?
We will ask you to wear a mask. We may provide you with a mask. We will ask you to leave if you continue not to comply. Disprespect and aggression are not tolerated on the Menno Place campus.

Will you evict a resident if they do not comply?
No. We will ask the resident to comply with the infection control protocols. Most residents are concerned about their own safety and the safety of others should they bring COVID-19 to our campus.

How can we communicate with a mask on if our loved one is hard of hearing?
Menno Place has clear masks available for purchase – CLICK HERE and we suggest an assistive hearing device – CLICK HERE.

Can I use the restroom inside the apartment building when I come for a socially distanced visit?
No. You may not enter the apartment building unless you are the registered visitor for a loved one in Pavilion, Terrace West or Primrose Gardens. You must wear your ID badge to enter. There are NO visitors inside Terrace East.

A porta-potty is available near Terrace East at the Living Waters Garden. You must hand-sanitize after use.

Hand hygiene
Every visitor is expected to practice hand-hygiene. You should bring your own hand sanitizer with you so that you can clean your hands before and after your visit with your loved one.


How often can I visit outdoors with my loved one?
There is no limit to the frequency of your visits.

What should I do if the Living Waters Gazebo or Patio is getting crowded?
Bring extra folding chairs and pick another spot. Crowding is one of the risks of COVID-19 spread.

Can our whole family come to visit with our loved one on a special occasion like a birthday?
The Public Health Officer guidelines for groups says that no more than 50 may attend and all must be socially distanced in a gathering. There is not enough space on the Menno Place campus (by the apartments) for this many people to gather safely. Your group must be smaller and practice social distancing. All must wear masks. A safer idea is to have a “drive-by” visit where your loved one is located where cars can safely drive by and wish them a happy birthday or anniversary, etc.

Can we bring our small children to visit?
Yes. They bring a lot of joy to the elders. All must wear masks.

Can we play golf on the putting green?
Yes. As long as you are all in the same bubble and you are wearing masks. You must stay socially distanced from your loved one. This would be a fun idea for your loved one to watch from a distance.




Safe Visit Update – August 9. 2020

The Safe Visits continue to be a joy for residents, family members and our Visitation Hosts. We now have online booking open for both Home and Hospital. The link to book was emailed to the primary contact for each resident. On Monday and Tuesday, we will call all of those who do not have an email registered with us so that you know how to book through Reception.

You can read more about Safe Visits – Lots of Frequently Asked Questions answered in the links below.

August 5th Update

Safe Visit Protocols – includes how the ONE designated visitor is chosen

Here’s some more information about the Safe Visits:

Cancellation Short-List: After you have your safe visit with your loved one, we will email you a survey to give us feedback on how it went. In that survey, there will be an opportunity for the ONE designated visitor to sign up for the “last minute” visit opportunities. These will happen if someone cancels – like the dentist office. You’ll get a phone call the day-of or the day prior to come and see your loved one. We want all the visits filled each day – no empty spots. This is only for the ONE designated visitor to visit, but it may get them a 2nd visit.
Tips to make the visit even better:This tip comes from Cheryl Ann Dawes, Manager of Community Enrichment who had a safe social visit with her mom in another care home – Tip: ask your family to send you videos and show those videos to your loved one. There are times for those with dementia that conversation can be challenging. These videos help keep the conversation going. If you don’t have videos, bring photos. Some visitors are showing photos on their phone. This is a bit small for the distance. If you have a tablet, bring that to show the photos or video.
Smile Mask:The Visitation Host has a supply of clear masks for the visit. They cost $5 and will be billed directly to the resident’s trust account. Well worth it if you are concerned about them recognizing you or not being able to lip read.
Here’s Kathrin, our Executive Director of Finance and Operations showing off how the smile mask works. This is not a medical grade mask, so our staff aren’t able to use it. They sure wish they could!

Dining Room for Primrose Gardens and Terrace West AND Grocery Delivery Time Change

Hi all,

On Monday, August 10th, the Apartments residents safe dining in the dining room will begin in both Primrose Gardens and Terrace West.

The Pavilion Apartments will begin safe dining in the dining room after August 19th as new furniture is being installed in the dining room on that day (exciting!). We were able to donate most of the tables to the Cascade Manor in Chilliwack. We are looking forward to this dining room re-fresh! Start date for dining room lunches in Pavilion to be determined.

In order to ensure safe distancing while going to and from the lunch hour, we are shortening the times for grocery delivery. Effective Monday, August 10th, groceries will be received between 9am and 11:30am. There will be no exceptions as the Receptionists will be escorting your loved ones in a safe way to the dining room for lunch. We have planned to have one floor at a time in the dining room to give all residents a once per week dining room experience.

We look forward to the happiness that we’ve seen in Terrace East as the residents enjoy their weekly outing to the dining room.

Thank you for your cooperation in this and for keeping your loved ones safe!

Sharon Simpson

Director, Community Enrichment

Visits Update – Home and Hospital – August 5, 2020

We are having a great time with the safe visits for residents and their family members. A few updates:

  • We are booking visits on ONE unit at a time – for example, ALL visits in Menno Home yesterday were with E1 residents and their loved ones. All visits in Menno Hospital yesterday were with E1 residents and their loved ones. We had 12 visits yesterday, facilitated by our amazing Visitation Hosts, Nikki and Isaiah.
  • We are phoning spouses for first opportunity for visits but not all are available, so we have had many visits with children and loved ones who are not spouses. This has been a privilege to facilitate!
  • There is some incorrect information floating around that we are only allowing visits for residents with spouses. This is NOT correct. We did prioritize those visits as the first ones, recognizing the unique distress that a spouse is experiencing in not seeing their spouse for this length of time.
  • We will do the testing on the online booking calendar today and will give you an update about this shortly. This is the same kind of calendar that you are currently using to book your Zoom visits. There will be a confirmation of your booking AND you must be the ONE designated visitor to have your booking confirmed. This idea of ONE designated visitor (for all visits) is an order from Fraser Health and the Public Health Officer.
  • Thank you for your support and patience in all of this. We are excited that our visits have been safe and meaningful for families and residents.

If you haven’t already found it, please join the Family, Friends and Residents Facebook Group – you have to make a request to join and must have a Facebook profile. There is a lot of information and conversation that you will find helpful in this group – here is the link – CLICK HERE

Apartments UPDATE: Going Off Campus – July 29,2020

Menno Apartments Memo: July 29, 2020 – Please read in full

Residents in Menno Apartments will receive a memo copy at their suite door July 29th afternoon.

Going Off the Menno Place Campus

You may now leave the Menno Place Campus, following Public Health Guidelines
The Assisted Living Registrar has advised us that residents living in Terrace East Assisted Living are now able to go on outings if they adhere to the BC Center for Disease Control parameters. Independent Living residents may also go on outings that adhere to the BC Center for Disease Control parameters.

Public Health Guidelines include social distancing (6 feet), washing hands frequently and staying home if feeling unwell. Gatherings may not be larger than 50 people and must be socially distanced.

Your risks are all of our risks: Every risk you take in going out can impact the others who share your Apartment building – your neighbours, friends and the staff. If you get infected with COVID-19, you could be the one who brings it home to your Apartment building where it can spread rapidly. COVID-19 is highly contagious. Be VIGILANT and CAUTIOUS in your outings so that you keep YOURSELF and EVERYONE at Menno Place safe.

Going Off the Menno Place Campus:

  1. Walking to Mill Lake Park –LOWER RISK – wear a mask around others, stay 6ft apart
  2. Visiting in the outdoors such as Living Waters Gardens – LOWER RISK – wear a mask at all times, stay 6ft apart, use hand sanitizer – risk increases as it gets crowded
  3. Going to a church service – HIGHER RISK – follow all instructions, 50 people or less, wear mask and 6ft apart, use hand sanitizer.
  4. Going to a wedding or funeral – HIGHEST RISK – as there is no organization enforcing infection control protocols. Wear a mask, stay 6ft apart to protect yourself, use hand sanitizer.
  5. Going to a restaurant – HIGHER RISK – server should be wearing a mask, they will ask for your phone number for tracing purposes, use hand sanitizer
  6. Going to an appointment with a service provider – LOWER RISK – (hair salon, barber, pedicure, doctor, dentist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, etc.) – follow all instructions, wear a mask at all times, use hand sanitizer
  7. Going to a family’s home for dinner – HIGHER RISK – don’t hug, kiss or touch. You must wear a mask and stay 6ft apart, use hand sanitizer – LOWER RISK if the gathering is outside
  8. Going to a public location with strangers (store, mall, public transit, Handy Dart) – HIGHER RISK – wear a mask at all times, stay 6ft apart, use hand sanitizer

This is a time for Caution – Stay in or start with LOWER RISK activities

Menno Place recommends that residents of Terrace East Assisted Living USE AN ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION to “open-up” outings as we are now seeing an increase in COVID-19 positive cases in our province.

Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC’s Public Health Officer is warning that there could be “explosive growth” in COVID-19 infections as the number of positive cases surges (July 20, 2020). She also said that 20% of COVID-19 patients in long-term care homes have died of their illness. Key factors contributing to these deaths include: being over 80 years old; having an illness that compromises your immune system and living in congregate housing where you more readily meet up with others.


If you are going off campus, you MUST follow these guidelines

For all residents living in Assisted Living and Independent Living (Pavilion, Terrace East, Terrace West, Primrose Gardens), you MUST do the following.

  • Practice social distancing at all times – remain 6ft away from all others. No hugging or touching.
  • Wear a mask as much as possible. Examples: at the hair salon, doctor’s office, driving in a car, at the store. Your mask MUST cover both your nose and mouth.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water as frequently as you can. Use hand sanitizer when you can’t.
  • Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it when you touch any object that others may have touched (door knob, car handle, shopping cart, chair arm, PIN pad for paying)
  • Immediately hand sanitize when you return to your apartment building (before you get on the elevator)
  • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water when you enter your own apartment suite
  • Avoid touching your face so that you don’t bring the virus from your hand to your mouth, nose or eyes
  • Self-monitor your own symptoms and health, using Self-Screening Questions
  • Report your symptoms to Reception or Care Staff if you have any new symptoms
  • Keep track of the people you contact and the places you go during each time you go out so that Public Health can trace any COVID-19 infections and warn you if you have come into contact with the virus
  • Do not participate in events that have more than 50 people in attendance. If you attend an event with 50 people, you MUST practice social distancing. Bring your mask and hand sanitizer.

How to Stay Safe when you go out:

  • Create a Safe Bubble (Group): Create a “bubble” of safe people with whom you visit. Your bubble should be a small group, no more than 6 people who are also following safe infection control practices such as social distancing (6ft apart) and wearing masks. Your bubble will likely be your children and very best friends only. Ask your family to meet outdoors for socially distanced visits as it is safer and the weather is good now in the summer. No matter how difficult it is, do NOT hug or touch others.
  • Protect Yourself from Strangers: ALWAYS wear a mask if you are indoors with people who are not in your bubble, for example those in a grocery store. Strangers may come within 6 feet of you and put you at risk (example: in a grocery store lineup or in the aisle). Your mask and hand sanitizer are your protection. Use them often.
  • Minimize Indoor Events: Minimize the number of indoor events you go to each week. Once per week is a reasonable number. This includes going to stores, church, family dinner’s in a home, grocery shopping or beauty appointments. Menno Place continues to accept grocery deliveries to ensure that you do not NEED to go out for essential grocery items. The highest risk places are where others are not practicing infection control – places where they are not wearing masks or staying 6ft apart from each other.
  • Maximize Outdoor Events: Walking to Mill Lake is a low risk outing because it is outdoors. Take a mask and hand sanitizer with you. If it is crowded or you have a walking partner, wear your mask.
  • Use Your MASK AND HAND SANITIZER: Carry a personal hand sanitizer with you and use it OFTEN. Always carry a mask and use it if you can’t be 6feet apart from others. Change your clothing when you arrive home from your outing if you can do so safely.


When to stop going out:

  • If someone you know has COVID-19 symptoms – Stop going out if you hear of anyone in your circles/bubble (church, friends, family) who has COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms.
  • If someone at Menno Place is COVID-19 positive – The safest place for you is IN your own apartment suite. We will inform you if there is a COVID-19 positive at Menno Place.
  • If YOU feel ill with symptoms of COVID-19 (see Self-Screening Questions)
  • If the number of COVID-19 positive cases continues to increase in the Fraser Health Region.

Self-Screening Questions

Do you have new onset of any of these symptoms:

Fever Sore throat or painful swallowing Muscle aches
Cough Loss of sense of smell Fatigue
Shortness of breath Loss of sense of taste Nausea and/or vomiting
Headache Loss of appetite Diarrhea
Chills Runny nose


Do you have any of these risk factors?

Been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19?
Been advised to self-isolate or quarantine at home by public health or a medical doctor/nurse?
Been in hospital for more than 12 hours?


Safe Social Distance Outdoor Visits at Menno Place

Menno Place has encouraged outdoor, socially distanced visits on the Menno Place campus. This has been a great opportunity for apartment residents to enjoy their families and friends. To ensure your visit is safe outdoors, you MUST follow these actions:

  • Social Distancing: You must stay 6 feet apart from others. Don’t park your walker close to someone. There are signs and red duct tape markers to show you how far away you need to be in order to keep yourself and your visitor/friend safe. Six feet apart is VERY far from each other and will feel “too far”. Resist the urge to get closer. Remember, all of the tables are only 4 feet across, so you will need to sit back from them in order to make the 6 foot required safe distance work.
  • Masks: Wearing a mask protects you from others’ spit droplets. You need to wear it over your nose and mouth if you want to stay safe. It also protects others from your spit droplets.
  • Crowding: Avoid being in a crowd. There are many residents who use the Living Waters Gazebo to visit. If it is full, find another place to sit and enjoy the outdoors. Menno Place monitors the crowding in the Gazebo. We do not want to shut it down. Please follow the marks on the ground (red tape) to know if there is a place for you in the gazebo.
  • Smile masks: You can now purchase a vinyl clear mask that allows others to see your lips. This is good if you or others are hard of hearing. We ordered 20 masks and they are $10 each. Call Reception to place an order for you or your family member.

Returning from Hospitalization

  • A COVID-19 Swab Test is required BEFORE you return to Menno Apartments from the hospital.
  • You must isolate for 14 days after returning from hospital in order to ensure that you are not COVID-19 positive and to ensure that you don’t inadvertently spread COVID-19 if you are asymptomatic (without any symptoms).


First Visit at Menno Hospital

Here is a photo of the first visitor coming to see her husband at Menno Hospital. Our amazing team of Visitation Hosts is asking her the Active Screening Questions about COVID-19 symptoms outside the building before the visit begins.

After our Orientation traning for our Visitation Hosts, we facilitated three visits yesterday for spouses in Menno Hospital E1 and will facilitate 7 visits in Menno Home today for spouses in E2.

We know that you are all waiting eagerly for your turn and we are grateful for your love and patience. This was an exciting start to our visits. It was emotional for visitor, resident and our staff. It is very meaningful for us to reunite you with your loved one. We look forward to calling you and setting your visit up.

At this time, we will have one visit opportunity per resident in Menno Home and Hospital in the month of August. This will be with the designated visitor. Please read the other posts on this website for additional information about the visits, including Frequently Asked Questions.

Safe Visits Begin Today – July 29, 2020 – Please read for details

We are excited to tell you that the first safe visits with residents will begin today, July 29, 2020. We have three Visitor Centers set up and two staff will be trained today to welcome and facilitate the visits. We have a schedule for the month of August with visiting opportunities between Sunday and Thursday each day. Visits will happen between 11:30am and 6:15pm on these days. First priority visits are spouses being reunited. This will be difficult as these are no-touch, socially distanced, supervised visits.

We look forward to the promised funding from the Provincial Government that would allow us to triple the number of visit opportunities by hiring two additional staff per building. We have not received this funding.

Here are some answers to the questions that we have been receiving. We hope that this helps.

  1. How do I know when I can visit?
    You will receive a phone call from us inviting you to choose a time to visit.
  2. What times are available to visit?
    Visit times will be Sunday – Thursday between 11:30am and 6:15pm (start of last visit).
  3. Who can visit?
    There will be one designated visitor per resident. If the resident is able to choose a designated visitor, they will choose the person. If they are not able to choose, we will phone their Health Care Decision Maker (or Power of Attorney if they don’t have one) to identify the designated visitor.
  4. How many times can I visit my loved one?
    We have enough visit opportunities for every resident in Menno Home and Menno Hospital to visit once in the month of August. Everyone will get an invitation before we begin the second set of visits.
  5. Where can I visit my loved one?
    We have three visitor centers that will be the location for all visits.
  6. Can we visit outdoors?
    Not at this time.
  7. How long will my visit be?
    30 minutes.
  8. Does the visit need to be supervised?
    Yes. This is a Provincial Health Order. Our Visitation Assistant will be a respectful distance from you.
  9. What if my loved one is not able to be transported to the Visitor Center?
    We will work with the nursing team to find an individual solution for visiting your loved one.
  10. What about safe-visits with Terrace East Assisted Living residents?
    These have not started. Terrace East Assisted Living residents may visit outdoors in socially distanced visits.

Menno Place – Staff Shortage – Karen Biggs, CEO on CityNews TV

Karen Biggs, Menno Place CEO speaks to Ashley Burr of City News Vancouver about the staff shortage that we face since the Single Site order in March, 2020. Click to go to the Twitter page with the CityNews video.


  • Care homes in BC are suffering major staff shortage
  • 675 staff at Menno Place – lost 39 casuals when we went Single Site only – Menno Place has vacant positions
  • The single site order ensures that staff do not work at other care homes and thereby increase the risk of infection throughout the care home sector
  • Menno Place, like all care homes, is working “short” every week and this is a risk as there is nobody to cover a shift for staff who are sick or on vacation

“When you don’t have staff available (and there is a COVID-19 positive case), care can deteriorate very quickly.” – Karen Biggs

  • The highest risk is that care can deteriorate rapidly if there aren’t enough staff available and a positive case of COVID-19 occurs in a care home.
  • Care homes are looking to the hospitality industry to hire housekeepers and dietary staff – finding ways of taking out-of-work Canadians and putting them into valuable employment