October 20, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – No new COVID positive residents or staff: (T=4)

COVID UPDATE – October 20, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 4 (4 residents TW | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = October 16 (test date)

This memo will be delivered to the residents of Terrace West today:

MEMO: OCTOBER 20, 2021

Terrace West remains on COVID Outbreak. There are four COVID positive residents in Terrace West. Two are in hospital.

Our next COVID test
On Sunday, October 24th, we will do a COVID test for the same people who were swabbed on October 16th. It will likely take place in the morning. If you prefer to have a gargle test, you may not eat or drink for an hour prior to the test. Otherwise, you will have a swab test.

Essential Visitors are allowed into the building to visit you in your suite. Call Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator – 604.851.4006 if you need your loved one to come to your suite to assist you (groceries, laundry).  If you are COVID positive or on isolation/droplet precaution, they have to wear a gown, mask and goggles when they enter your suite.

Fraser Health Home Support
If you get assistance from Fraser Health Home support, they are screened at the front door and may continue to provide you support.

Stay on your own floor
Residents may only stay on their own floor. No visiting in each other’s apartment suites, even on your own floor. The 2nd and 4th floors are only for the second and fourth floor residents. The laundry room only open to residents on the 2nd floor.

Laundry Room
The laundry room is closed to floors 1, 3 and 4. Please ask your loved one to do your laundry outside of the building.

Leaving the Building
We have someone at the entrance who is screening everyone who comes into the building to ensure that they understand the infection control protocols – and that they should be in the building. The screeners are also asking residents their names if they are leaving the building.

What does it mean to be on isolation? All residents who were in contact with a COVID positive resident have already been placed on isolation and are being tested for COVID. They must continue to isolate (no leaving the apartment suite) and wait for direction from the Public Health Officer. They have a cart outside their apartment door and anyone entering must wear full personal protective equipment.

Residents on 2nd and 4th floors – All residents on these floors will be tested for COVID on Sunday, October 24th. We will notify you when it is your turn to come down to the Bistro for your COVID swab. These residents are not on isolation at this time.

Additional residents to receive COVID testing – In addition, residents who were in proximity to a COVID positive resident will be tested for COVID. You were tested on October 16th. These residents are not on isolation at this time.

What about those who are not on isolation? If you are not on isolation, you are asked to follow all enhanced infection control protocols wearing a mask when you are with anyone else, practicing hand hygiene, staying in your suite as much as possible and staying 6 feet apart from others. Don’t visit in each other’s apartment suites. This also means answering a wellness check, twice a day asking if you have any COVID symptoms. Your noon meal will be delivered to your apartment suite.

What about visitors? Only essential visitors may enter this apartment building or your suite. The Medical Health Officer has to approve anyone to be an essential visitor. The process for application and approval is to phone Leonard Klassen – 604.851.4006 to explain your situation. Loved ones can enter the foyer to drop-off essential items such as groceries to you. You can meet them there if you are not on isolation.

Essential Support Services: If you receive home support services to assist you with activities of daily living (getting ready in the morning or night, showering, medicine) from Fraser Health, carry on as usual. If another organization provides you services, please notify Reception (604.851.4004) to ensure they are permitted entry. No unvaccinated service providers permitted.

Can residents who are not isolated go out? Yes. You may leave the apartment building. This includes walks around the Menno Place campus or going out with a loved one. It also includes medical appointments. We are advising you not to go to public places or where groups gather. This includes avoiding grocery stores, the shopping mall and church services. This virus is very contagious and the elderly are the most vulnerable to it. Use all your layers of protection: mask, hand washing, 6 feet distance.


COVID UPDATE – October 18, 2021 – Terrace East OFF Outbreak

At midnight on Monday, October 18th, Terrace East is officially off of Step-Down Phase 2!

Congratulations to all of the residents and staff who kept each other safe in a very difficult time at Terrace East.

Social visits resume inside Terrace East. Please enter only by the front entrance of the building, preferred visiting time is between 10am and 6pm. Visitors must show evidence of full vaccination as ordered by the Provincial Health Officer. Please bring your Vaccination Card (QR code) and government issued photo ID for verification. Medical masks provided by the Visitation Host are mandatory. Only visit with your loved one in their apartment suite in order to keep others safe. Residents may resume going outside, enjoying walks and Mill Lake.

This is a time for caution as the prevalence of COVID continues to be high in our community. Please encourage your loved one to wear a mask at all times when they are with others. If they attend a church service, encourage them to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and remain 6 feet away from others regardless of the practice of their individual church. These protocols are for their own protection.

We will not be resuming dining in Terrace East for another week while we put in place a plan that will keep residents safe as they socialize. Our Fraser Health Outbreak Response Lead provided feedback on our  initial dining room plan and is supportive of the social aspects and the social distancing. Terrace East residents, staff and visitors are all fully vaccinated.

Thank you to everyone for your vigilance and care during this outbreak. We remember the 4 residents who succumbed to COVID and pray for the recovery of 1 resident who remains in hospital. We express our condolences to the families who lost a loved one and pray for the resident in hospital.

In addition, there is an outbreak at Terrace West. There is no walk-through between these buildings. Four residents are COVID positive, two of whom are in hospital. Please pray for these residents and their families as they navigate difficult decisions related to health and medical treatment.

Thank you – and be safe!


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY OCT 6/21/21: 1 (T=4 residents TE)

October 18, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=4)

COVID UPDATE – October 18, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 4 (4 residents TW | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = October 16 (test date)

Two residents are in hospital from Terrace West. Please pray for their recovery.

There is also a resident from Terrace East who contracted COVID and continues the battle in the hospital as well. Please pray for this resident as well.


We continue to put all the safety measures in place for the residents of Terrace West. All of the staff who worked in the building or served the residents in the dining room have been swabbed for COVID. There are no positive staff, several results are still outstanding. The residents who were with a COVID positive resident as well as the ones who are in close proximity (on the same floor) were swabbed. One test result was returned as COVID positive.

For the residents on isolation, we have phoned the primary contact from the family and offered Essential Visitor designation to continue supporting them as they wait out their time on isolation. Essential visitors must be fully vaccinated. There are no social visitors permitted in the building.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. As a family member, the biggest support you can provide for your loved one is to encourage them to follow all the layers of protection. Please ask them if they have any new or worsening symptoms and report those to our Manager – 604.851.4020.

Moving forward, we will make changes to the dining room experience in all of our apartments to include a greater distance between diners for this winter season. The residents in Terrace West will be dining in the Bistro that is just at the entrance to the apartment building. We will making some changes to the furniture and look forward to a time when this outbreak is over and we begin to enjoy each other’s company in this way again.

Here are some articles you may be interested in as you follow the various aspects of this COVID outbreak:

October 16, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – COVID positive = 3

COVID UPDATE – October 16, 2021 – Terrace West Called on Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 (3 residents TW | 0 staff)


One is in hospital. Please pray for his recovery.


This morning, the mobile COVID testing team from Fraser Health came to swab the residents who were identified by Public Health as requiring swabbing (see memo below). Leonard Klassen, Sharon Simpson and Trish Giesbrecht provided the support to bring residents to the bistro for the COVID swab. The team was very efficient and had the swabs completed by 10am! Results will be given to the residents by Public Health. Families, please report these results to Leonard Klassen – 604.851.4006 or to Reception: 604.851.4004. If you have your loved one’s date of birth and personal health number, you can check results by going to this link: https://results.bccdc.ca/

It was very meaningful to us to hear the resident’s express their gratitude for the onsite swabbing and the care for their safety that we are providing for them by following the Provincial Health Orders. There were many good conversations and plenty of laughs as we navigated the morning. Staff who worked in Terrace West are getting swabbed at the community site.

We now have a Fraser Health staff member who is working each day from 10am – 6pm who will be delivering the morning snack, the lunch and will be doing the wellness check each day. The wellness check is asking each resident if they have any symptoms on the COVID symptom list.

We will likely have another point-prevalence testing in 7 days. Please note that there is now a gargle option available for residents. They cannot have any food or drink for 60 minutes prior to the test. We will add this to a memo to the residents in the coming week.

The memo, below, outlines the expectations of visitors and essential visitors as we move forward in this outbreak. If you are concerned about your loved one, please phone Trish Giesbrecht, 604.851.4020. She will discuss essential visitor designation with you. Cheryl Dawes is on vacation for another week. Please pray for her as she recuperates from her daily work during both the TE and TW outbreaks.

Thank you for the calls and letters of support. We are grateful for your encouragement and grateful to be of service.
This memo was handed out to the residents yesterday at the end of the day.
Date: October 15, 2021
To: Terrace West (IL) Residents re: Terrace West on Outbreak

We are sorry to inform you that there are three Terrace West residents diagnosed with COVID-19. The Terrace West apartment building has been declared on Outbreak. This means that there are specific enhanced infection control protocols that need to be followed to ensure that COVID does not spread further.

What does it mean for those on isolation? All residents who were in contact with a COVID positive resident have already been placed on isolation and are being tested for COVID. They must continue to isolate (no leaving the apartment suite) and wait for direction from the Public Health Officer. They have a cart outside their apartment door and anyone entering must wear full personal protective equipment.

Residents on 2nd and 4th floors – All residents on these floors will be tested for COVID on Saturday, October 16th. We will notify you when it is your turn to come down to the Bistro for your COVID swab. These residents are not on isolation at this time.

Additional residents to receive COVID testing – In addition, residents who were in proximity to a COVID positive resident will be tested for COVID. You will be notified by Menno Place if you are to be tested. These residents are not on isolation at this time.

What about those who are not on isolation? If you are not on isolation, you are asked to follow all enhanced infection control protocols wearing a mask when you are with anyone else, practicing hand hygiene, staying in your suite as much as possible and staying 6 feet apart from others. Don’t visit in each other’s apartment suites. This also means answering a wellness check, twice a day asking if you have any COVID symptoms. Your noon meal will be delivered to your apartment suite.

What about visitors? Only essential visitors may enter this apartment building or your suite. The Medical Health Officer has to approve anyone to be an essential visitor. The process for application and approval is to phone Trish Giesbrecht, Nurse Manager to explain the situation – 604.851.4020. Loved ones can enter the foyer to drop-off essential items such as groceries to you.

Essential Support Services: If you receive home support services to assist you with activities of daily living (getting ready in the morning or night, showering, medicine) from Fraser Health, carry on as usual. If another organization provides you services, please notify Reception (604.851.4004) to ensure they are permitted entry. No unvaccinated service providers permitted.

Can residents who are not isolated go out? Yes. You may leave the apartment building. This includes walks around the Menno Place campus or going out with a loved one. It also includes medical appointments. We are advising you not to go to public places or where groups gather. This includes avoiding grocery stores, the shopping mall and church services. This virus is very contagious and the elderly are the most vulnerable to it. Use all your layers of protection: mask, hand washing, 6 feet distance.

October 14, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – COVID positive = 3

COVID UPDATE – October 14, 2021 – Terrace West Called on Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 3 (3 residents TW | 0 staff)


There are three COVID positive residents of Terrace West. One is in hospital. We worked today with the team in Terrace East to put individuals who have been exposed on isolation. Meals are delivered to resident’s apartment suites. If a resident could put out a small table or chair outside of their door, the dining team would appreciate this as a place to drop off the meal. As we prepare for swabbing (2nd and 4th floor as well as all who were in close contact with a COVID positive resident), the dietary team will not be able to hand the meal to the resident. It is difficult for a resident to pick a meal up off the floor, so this request is for a surface that will make it easier for the resident to get their meal.

Please pray for the seniors as they hear about this outbreak. We will put together a Memo for them tomorrow morning. Please pray for our team as we enter another outbreak. This is a dangerous time for our seniors as the DELTA variant of the virus is so very contagious and our seniors are vulnerable to the virus.

We have only just heard of the Outbreak status. We will communicate more fully tomorrow with answers to questions that you may have, such as essential deliveries and essential medical appointments.


This memo was handed out to residents of Terrace West on October 13, 2021


Date:              October 13, 2021

To:                  Terrace West Residents



A resident of Terrace West has been identified as COVID positive. Those in contact with the resident have been swabbed for COVID and are waiting for their test results.

While we wait for the test results and direction from Public Health, the dining room will be closed.

Your meals will be delivered to your apartment suite until further notice.

You may continue to go out and have visitors in your suite. Wear a mask at all times. Use hand sanitizer frequently and wash hands with warm, soapy water often.

It is time now to reduce your contact with people – keep your circle small. Visit with others on the phone instead of in person.

This is a good time to reduce your outings to essential outings only, such as groceries or medical appointments. Choose to watch church online or on Channel 10 again.

If you do go to church, wear a mask the entire time. Stay 6 feet apart from others. The prevalence of the Delta variant of COVID is very high in our community and it is very contagious.

No unvaccinated people are permitted inside the apartment buildings, including your family members, housekeepers, service providers or friends.

Do you have any of these COVID symptoms – even mildly? Get tested for COVID and let us know: Reception: 604.851.4004

Fever or chills? Cough? Unproductive cough?
Sore throat? Runny nose? Extreme fatigue or tiredness?
Body aches? Muscle aches? Diarrhea?
Difficulty breathing? Loss of sense of smell or taste?
Loss of appetite? Headache? Nausea or vomiting?


PLEASE NOTE: This was not posted to Facebook, as it has been inaccessible world-wide on 04/10/21


Date:              October 4, 2021

To:                  Terrace East Residents

Re:                  This COVID Outbreak is over – now what? Step-Down Phase 2

We are thankful that the COVID outbreak in Terrace East has been declared OVER! We have now entered Outbreak Step-Down Phase 2. What does this entail?

Until October 18, 2021:

  1. You may leave your apartment suite. You must be physically distanced from others, remaining 6 feet from others. You may go outside in groups no larger than 4 people, physically distanced from each other. Stay on the Menno Place campus.
  2. If you have any symptoms, stay in your apartment and let the care staff know or phone Reception – 604.851.4004.
  3. Visitors may come to your apartment between 10am and 6pm, going through the screening at the main entrance. All must wear a mask the entire time that they are in your apartment.
  4. No unvaccinated service providers are allowed as per Provincial Health Orders. This includes housekeepers, caregivers, companions, foot care, hearing care, pastors, etc. There are NO exceptions. This is not a Menno Place rule, it is an order from the Provincial Health Officer.
  5. Outings – You may go to essential appointments only. You may not go out to any other events or appointments or public locations. Contact Reception if you have an essential appointment, such as dentist or medical appointment. You may not go shopping or to a friend’s house or to church during this phase.
  6. Bus Trips – these are not permitted in Phase 2 – Step-Down.
  7. Recreation and spiritual care can take place with only those on your floor in groups as large as 4 people who are physically distanced from each other.
  8. Dining Room – You will continue to stay in your apartment suite for 2 weeks to get your meal delivered on the hot cart


  1. Wear a mask wherever you go. This includes wearing a mask when you are in the hallway or outside of your apartment suite.
  2. Stay 6 feet apart from people. No hugging, shaking hands, sitting close to others. In a car, you are less than 6 feet apart from others – wear your mask even if you are driving with a friend or family member to go to an essential appointment (medical).
  3. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it all the time – after you touch a door handle, use the restroom, use a tissue, touch a railing, touch the elevator buttons. Also – when you are near a sink, wash hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Count each second. It’s a lot longer than you think!
  4. Sanitize your hands when you enter the apartment building. This is one way that you can protect your neighbours and the staff who live and work in your building.
  5. Monitor yourself for COVID symptoms – even the mildest symptoms are important to report. Report to Reception (604.851.4004) if you have ANY new or worsening symptoms, including runny nose, sore throat, cough, aches, fever, loss of sense of taste or smell, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting & shortness of breath.


In Terrace East, more people were exposed to the index case and 9 residents tested positive for COVID. Three of these have passed away from COVID and 2 are in hospital. We are very sorry to have lost these friends and neighbours. Please pray for those who are in hospital battling this disease.


We are pleased that Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that elderly seniors living in care homes or on a campus of care will be receiving a 3rd vaccine shot (a booster) within the next several weeks. This will give you an additional layer of protection from COVID.


COVID UPDATE – October 2, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak CALLED OVER!


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 residents TW | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = September 22, 2021

We are so pleased to tell you that the COVID outbreak in Terrace West has been declared OVER! Visitors may resume to visit with residents in their apartments. You must sign-in for contact tracing in the event of another COVID exposure. Masks are mandatory in common areas. Unvaccinated individuals must wear a mask for the full duration of their time in the building. Fully vaccinated visitors are encouraged to keep their masks on for their visit as a layer of protection for their elderly loved one. There are no unvaccinated service providers permitted in the building. This includes housekeepers, foot care, personal care or companionship. This is by order of the Provincial Health Officer.

We have lost 3 residents in Terrace East to COVID during the Terrace East outbreak (which continues). This reminds us that, although full vaccination is the best protection for the elderly, there is still a vulnerability for our elders, particularly when they have other health considerations. Please encourage your loved one to follow all safety protocols, including wearing a mask, keeping a six foot distance from others and practicing hand hygiene. Those who attend church are encouraged to wear a mask for the whole service. There are increased protocols by the Provincial Health Officer for the eastern part of the Fraser Valley, including Abbotsford. This is due to some of the lowest vaccination rates in the province as well as increasing cases of COVID. Now is the time to be cautious, particularly for the elderly. We appreciate your support in encouraging safety measures for your loved one. As you know, if one resident in the building is COVID positive, it can put all residents in isolation which is very challenging for both residents and families.

October 1, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=1)

COVID UPDATE – October 1, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 residents TW | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = September 22, 2021

There are no new cases of COVID to report today in Terrace West. Terrace West outbreak protocols continue – no social visitors. Only essential visitors permitted in the resident apartments. Please connect with Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment (604.851.4020) if you would like to speak about a concern with your loved one and their specific circumstances.

There have been several symptomatic residents who have been swabbed in the past week and are being monitored. The Medical Health Officer considers all the factors when making a decision to call the outbreak off.

September 29, 2021 – TERRACE WEST (IL) OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=1)

COVID UPDATE – September 29, 2021 – Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 residents TW | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = September 22, 2021

There are no new cases of COVID to report today in Terrace West. Terrace West outbreak protocols continue – no social visitors. Only essential visitors permitted in the resident apartments. Please connect with Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment (604.851.4020) if you would like to speak about a concern with your loved one and their specific circumstances.


The residents who were swabbed and put on isolation as a result of contact tracing from the Terrace West index case are no longer on isolation!! Families have been contacted.

NOTE – Some residents remain on isolation. Residents on isolation due to a return from Hospital or due to COVID symptoms are not released from isolation in this announcement. You will receive individual information that pertains to your loved one.

We continue with the Outbreak orders by the Medical Health Officer including no social visitors, lunch served to each apartment suite and no gathering of residents. Essential deliveries can be brought into the foyer of Terrace West and the resident may meet you in the foyer to pick up deliveries.

If you were (in the past) a Registered Visitor, please note that this program is no longer active. There are no social visitors allowed in Terrace West.