September 6, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=33 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 6, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 33 (21 residents / 12 staff)

PASSED AWAY: 1 resident E1 – this resident was palliative pre-outbreak

We continue to wait for the results of the first expanded point-prevalence testing. 157 residents and 124 staff are included in this swabbing. We thank the staff who did the swabbing as well as those who have gone to get their COVID swab.
The only COVID positive results at this time are related to the Menno Home E1 unit.
Visits for Menno Home – E1, E2, W1, W2
Essential Visitors permitted with full PPE
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.
Social Visitors for all other locations:
Social visits continue across the campus.
Masks are mandatory for all (regardless of immunization status) for the entire duration of your visit. Fully immunized no longer permitted to take off mask when alone with your loved one.

September 5, 2021 – MENNO HOME OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 1 (T=30 / E1)

COVID UPDATE – September 5, 2021 – Menno Home Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = Menno Home E1: 30 (21 residents / 9 staff)

PASSED AWAY: 1 resident E1 – this resident was palliative pre-outbreak

We are sad to report that one resident on E1 has passed away. Our condolences to the family as they grieve the loss of their loved one.
One new COVID-19 positive staff from E1 reported today. All swabs of Menno Home residents were completed. All staff who worked since Aug. 27th are being tested as well.
This swab testing is a point-prevalence testing (PPT) that provides the baseline data for analysis and further action.
Visits for Menno Home – E1, E2, W1, W2
Essential Visitors permitted with full PPE
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.
Social Visitors for all other locations:
Social visits continue across the campus.
Masks are mandatory for all (regardless of immunization status) for the entire duration of your visit. Fully immunized no longer permitted to take off mask when alone with your loved one.


COVID UPDATE – September 3, 2021 – Menno Home All Units on Outbreak

We are sad to let you know that all units, effective immediately, at Menno Home have now been declared on outbreak by the Medical Health Officer. This decision has been made with an abundance of caution.
What does this mean?
  • Safe visits are closed for the duration of the outbreak.
  • All residents and all staff will be swabbed.
  • Essential visitors connect with nurse of your loved one’s unit for current update about visits.

September 3, 2021 – MENNO HOME E1 – OUTBREAK – New COVID positive – 21 residents, 8 staff (Total=29)

COVID UPDATE – September 3, 2021 – Home E1 Outbreak

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 resident, 3 staff

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 29 (21 residents / 8 staff)

All swabs have been returned for the E1 Home Lounge (see map below). There is only one positive resident. Three additional staff have tested positive. The lounge and the chalet are being cohorted to prevent cross-transmission between them. Family has been notified.
Testing for residents and staff throughout the campus of care is vigilant – we are testing at the first sign of any minor symptoms. Any additional COVID swabs for residents or staff have been returned as negative.
Visitors and Staff for Home E1:
Essential Visitors are permitted to visit residents on Home E1 with full PPE.
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.
Social Visitors for all other locations:
Social visits continue across the campus.
Masks are mandatory for all (regardless of immunization status) for the entire duration of your visit. Fully immunized no longer permitted to take off mask when alone with your loved one.

Menno Home E1 – Map

Orange = Lounge side of Home E1
Red = Chalet side of Home E1

September 2, 2021 – MENNO HOME E1 – OUTBREAK – New COVID positive – 20 residents, 1 staff (Total=25)

COVID UPDATE – September 2, 2021 – Home E1


NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES = 18 residents, 3 staff

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 25 (20 residents / 5 staff)

This morning, the swabs for the residents and staff from Menno Home E1 Chalet came back with 20 residents and 3 staff testing positive for COVID-19. Families have been notified. Swab results for Menno Home E1 Lounge have not been returned. See map (below)
Dr. Ken Dueck, our Medical Director, reminded us that this is an entirely different outbreak than the one we experienced before the COVID vaccine was available. Two residents had mild symptoms and were found to be COVID positive on August 31st. This put into motion the testing of all other residents and staff who were in close contact with the residents. The rest of the residents who are now found to be COVID positive were not exhibiting symptoms that would warrant a COVID test.
This is a significant difference as pre-vaccine transmission caused significant symptoms and 14 of our residents lost their lives as a result. We are grateful for the significant reduction of symptoms for our  fully vaccinated residents and staff. The vaccine does not completely prevent an individual from becoming COVID positive, but vastly reduces the symptoms.
Essential Visitors are permitted to visit residents on Home E1 with full PPE.
Social visits are not permitted.
Staff are cohorted to work only on their specific unit within Menno Home and may not move from unit to unit.

Menno Home E1 – Map

Orange = Lounge side of Home E1
Red = Chalet side of Home E1

*Update* Hair Salon Pricing Changes – Effective August 1, 2021

As of August 1, 2021, the pricing at the hair salons on campus will be the following:

Outdoor Group Gatherings – Book for Menno Home, Menno Hospital

Booking a Group Visit – Outdoors – Menno Home, Menno Hospital

Families and Friends of residents can book an outdoor gathering (up to 10 people) through Reception.

Menno Home, call 604.853.2411

Menno Hospital, call 604.859.7631

Visits will be booked for the large tent in the central courtyard. There are 2 available time slots each day, seven days per week (14 times in total per week): 10am-12pm and 1pm-4pm. The location is covered making gatherings on a rainy day a possibility.

These gatherings follow the BCCDC Guidelines that were provided to Long-Term Care providers April 1st.

This states that:

Bookings for outdoor visits must align with the current PHO guidance on outdoor gatherings for the public.


  1. Current Public Health Officer guidance, and site capacity will inform safe outdoor group visitation. A number of factors should be considered including staffing levels, space layout, the ability to maintain safe social distances and provide adequate PPE.
    For Menno Home and Hospital: One large location is available for bookings twice per day, seven days per week. The available hours coincide with the Visitation Host schedules. The Visitation Hosts will provide entrance to the gathering area. This location is under the large tent in the central courtyard. Visitors must remain inside the central courtyard for the duration of their visit as the courtyard is a locked, secure location for residents. Do not admit or let out any person who is not a part of your visitor group, including staff or others.
  2. A visitor list should be maintained to manage social visits and allow for contract tracing if necessary.
    For Menno Home and Hospital: All visitors will be screened by the Visitation Host prior to entering the central courtyard. Contact information will be required at the time of screening. Visitors will be required to perform hand hygiene and safe physical distancing from all who are outside of their visitor group. Physical contact with resident make take place if hand hygiene is performed, mask is worn, vaccination (desired) and any other recommended precautions / layers of protection.
    Medical Masks are required for outdoor visits. Visitors will be instructed on appropriate use of outdoor space and all required Infection Prevention and Control practices.
  3. For Menno Home and Hospital: Medical masks are provided at the time of screening by the Visitation Hosts. Visitors may not remove their mask while visiting which means no eating or drinking while visiting.
  4. Visitor access to washrooms and other amenities inside the facility will be provided as required. For Menno Home and Hospital: There are restrooms available at the main entrance of Menno Hospital. Visitors may not enter resident spaces to use the restroom. There is a port-a-potty available at the courtyard gate as an alternate restroom that is in close proximity to the tent in the central courtyard.
  5. Outdoor gatherings will be booked in advance. For Menno Home and Hospital: Bookings must take place 48 hours in advance (minimum). Receptionists are available Monday – Friday from 8am – 4pm. Nursing does not book these gatherings.
  6. Visitors will clean and disinfect the surfaces of furniture in the gathering area at the end of each visit.
    For Menno Home and Hospital: The Visitation Host will provide you with cloths and cleaner to do the disinfecting of all surfaces at the end of your gathering.
  7. Gatherings will cease immediately if an outbreak or enhanced monitoring is declared for the unit in which your loved one resides.
  8. One or two social visitors will be given entrance to the unit in order to transport your loved one to the large tent in the courtyard.
  9. Visitors are expected to remain within the large tent space in the courtyard and not walk throughout the courtyard. This is a resident space.
  10. No smoking on the Menno Place campus. Residents do have a smoking area provided. This is not for visitor use.
  11. A table will be provided if you wish your loved one to have a space to sit or place a birthday cake or snacks for your loved one. There is no eating or drinking allowed at this time by visitors.

MAY 22, 2021 – MENNO HOME W2 – Covid Positive – Total = 1 staff

COVID UPDATE – May 22, 2021 – Home W2


  • No residents on isolation
  • Social visits resume
  • Essential visits continue
  • Communal activities resume – dining together and recreation


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 resident/ 1 staff)

Mask Wearing at Menno Place

Can you explain about mask-wearing at Menno Place?

There was a comment about mask wearing and we provided an explanation – here it is for those of you who may have missed it in the other discussion.
The reality of mask wearing is going to be a bit complex at Menno Place as we have varying levels of care on our campus of care. Our requirements for mask wearing are according to the expectations of the BC Public Health Orders and the Fraser Health requirements for Long-Term Care Homes (Menno Home, Menno Hospital) and Assisted Living (Terrace East).

1. In long-term care and assisted living – all social visitors (if you booked using the online calendar) and essential visitors are expected to wear a mask at all times. This includes when you are out on a patio or outside area for your visit. If you enter through the building door or were screened by the Visitation host to have your visit, you are under these Fraser Health orders to keep your mask on at all times. There are other expectations to mitigate risk of COVID transmission to your loved one, the other residents and staff such as being actively screened at entrance.

2. In long-term care and assisted living – no mask wearing by residents. This is not required under any circumstance, including while on isolation. Residents may choose to wear a mask if they wish. This is stated in Fraser Health’s orders.

3. Inside independent living – Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion: no mask wearing required by any resident. This is optional for residents and should be evaluated by the resident based on their risk (such as medical issues and vaccination status). We are asking residents to wear a mask when they gather for meals – en route to and from the dining room and when they are not eating. This is because they will encounter so many more people during this activity and the risk of COVID transmission increases. Masks are required by Registered Visitors at all times, including within the apartment suite.

4. The outside spaces of Menno Place alongside the Apartments such as Living Waters Gazebo, patios at Primrose Gardens, Terrace East, Pavilion – masks are not required. Anyone visiting in these areas is guided by the Public Health Orders for outside gatherings. The Public Health Orders remind us to use our layers of protection which may include mask wearing but it is not required. The orders state that up to 10 people can gather in an outside space – do not gather with new groups of people, stick to the same people (see link below). Both independent living residents and assisted living residents make use of these spaces for outside visits.

For Terrace East, (Assisted Living) an outdoor visit is not booked through the social visitor program/online calendar. You may arrange an outside visit with your loved one directly where they meet you outside without you entering the building. If you need to enter the building, you must book an online social visit using the booking calendar. If a resident needs assistance to meet you outside due to their mobility, you must arrange this with Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment – 604.851.4020.

5. Staff must wear masks. All staff are required to wear both mask and goggles when they are within resident spaces in long-term care and assisted living. Why these different rules? The logic here involves the fragility of the residents in these various levels of care. Those in long-term care often have more complex medical issues and are in close proximity to each other most of the time which makes the spread of COVID more likely. Those of us coming in from outside of the building are always the source of COVID exposure. For this reason, ALL efforts are made to reduce the risk when we enter and spend time in the long-term/assisted living resident space.

Those living in Independent Living apartments are living under the same regulations as the rest of us in the public – the Public Health Officer’s restrictions for all British Columbians. These are found here:…/con…/covid-19/info/restrictions

The additional layer of protection that Menno Place has put in place for residents in Independent Living is the Registered Visitor program. We are waiting for the residents to have their 2nd dose and also to see the community prevalence reduced before assessing the necessity of this additional layer of protection. Unlike regular apartment buildings in the community, our independent living residents are gathering together for meals and (soon) social activities. These gatherings bring a higher level of risk for COVID transmission. We are mitigating this additional risk with the Registered Visitor program (extremely successful – thank you!). We are also audited by Fraser Health on our infection control protocols in the Independent Living buildings, so we put other measures in place as well including sanitizing stations, enhanced cleaning, etc. that are not required in community apartment buildings. These are some of the differences between an apartment building in the community and our independent living apartments.

Outside gathering restrictions for British Columbians are listed on the link above. It says “continue to use layers of protection and maintain physical distancing”. Those layers involve visiting in a bubble/core household, mask wearing, social distancing, vaccination. We do not supervise the layers that families/friends choose with their loved ones in Independent Living or outside visits for Assisted Living. We expect that visitors who are visiting their loved ones are putting in place layers of safety that will not bring harm. This has proven to be the case as we have not had an instance of a visitor bringing a COVID exposure to residents in Independent Living.

Dr. Bonnie Henry has repeatedly shared that outside is safer than inside – the mask requirement from the PHO is for inside spaces only, such as stores, at this time. It is not a requirement for outside visits.

In summary, there are stricter restrictions for inside visits (versus outside visits) AND there are stricter restrictions for inside visits for residents living in long-term care and assisted living.

MAY 12, 2021 – MENNO HOME EAST 2 – COVID positive = 1 STAFF

COVID UPDATE – May 12, 2021 – Menno Home E2

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents/ 1 staff)

Menno Home E2 was removed off of enhanced monitoring today! Good work, Team! Social visits to resume!