COVID UPDATE – October 18, 2021 – Terrace East OFF Outbreak

At midnight on Monday, October 18th, Terrace East is officially off of Step-Down Phase 2!

Congratulations to all of the residents and staff who kept each other safe in a very difficult time at Terrace East.

Social visits resume inside Terrace East. Please enter only by the front entrance of the building, preferred visiting time is between 10am and 6pm. Visitors must show evidence of full vaccination as ordered by the Provincial Health Officer. Please bring your Vaccination Card (QR code) and government issued photo ID for verification. Medical masks provided by the Visitation Host are mandatory. Only visit with your loved one in their apartment suite in order to keep others safe. Residents may resume going outside, enjoying walks and Mill Lake.

This is a time for caution as the prevalence of COVID continues to be high in our community. Please encourage your loved one to wear a mask at all times when they are with others. If they attend a church service, encourage them to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer and remain 6 feet away from others regardless of the practice of their individual church. These protocols are for their own protection.

We will not be resuming dining in Terrace East for another week while we put in place a plan that will keep residents safe as they socialize. Our Fraser Health Outbreak Response Lead provided feedback on our  initial dining room plan and is supportive of the social aspects and the social distancing. Terrace East residents, staff and visitors are all fully vaccinated.

Thank you to everyone for your vigilance and care during this outbreak. We remember the 4 residents who succumbed to COVID and pray for the recovery of 1 resident who remains in hospital. We express our condolences to the families who lost a loved one and pray for the resident in hospital.

In addition, there is an outbreak at Terrace West. There is no walk-through between these buildings. Four residents are COVID positive, two of whom are in hospital. Please pray for these residents and their families as they navigate difficult decisions related to health and medical treatment.

Thank you – and be safe!


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY OCT 6/21/21: 1 (T=4 residents TE)

October 7, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – A fourth resident passed away (T=4)

COVID UPDATE – October 7, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak

We are sorry to report that, after a lengthy battle with COVID, a fourth resident from Terrace East has succumbed to COVID. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of this resident. We are saddened to report the continued hospitalization of another Terrace East resident who continues his battle with COVID.

Please pray for the families who lost their loved ones due to COVID at Terrace East. Please pray for the resident who is in hospital – for healing and relief from this illness. Please pray for the staff who love and serve these residents. They are very impacted by these losses. The residents who live at Menno Place become a source of joy and deep connection for our staff. We will miss these residents in our community.

We are reminded that the average age of residents living at Menno Place is 89, an age where, despite the COVID vaccination, they can contract and pass away from this virus. Please do everything in your effort to keep your loved ones safe. Encourage them to wear masks when they are outside of their apartment, even with their loved ones. Wear a mask when you are with them to provide another layer of protection. Encourage your loved ones to use hand sanitizer often. Make sure that they have hand sanitizer with them when they go out. Reinforce with them what 6 feet of distance looks and feels like – it is a long distance for social interaction and can feel uncomfortably far away. If you are unvaccinated, please recognize that you are at a greater risk to contract and transmit COVID to your loved one. Regardless of your position on the vaccine, the government or the vaccine passport, please follow every guideline for safety for your loved one. They are counting on you to keep them safe from a virus that could take their life.



TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY OCT 6/21/21: 1 (T=4 residents TE)


PLEASE NOTE: This was not posted to Facebook, as it has been inaccessible world-wide on 04/10/21


Date:              October 4, 2021

To:                  Terrace East Residents

Re:                  This COVID Outbreak is over – now what? Step-Down Phase 2

We are thankful that the COVID outbreak in Terrace East has been declared OVER! We have now entered Outbreak Step-Down Phase 2. What does this entail?

Until October 18, 2021:

  1. You may leave your apartment suite. You must be physically distanced from others, remaining 6 feet from others. You may go outside in groups no larger than 4 people, physically distanced from each other. Stay on the Menno Place campus.
  2. If you have any symptoms, stay in your apartment and let the care staff know or phone Reception – 604.851.4004.
  3. Visitors may come to your apartment between 10am and 6pm, going through the screening at the main entrance. All must wear a mask the entire time that they are in your apartment.
  4. No unvaccinated service providers are allowed as per Provincial Health Orders. This includes housekeepers, caregivers, companions, foot care, hearing care, pastors, etc. There are NO exceptions. This is not a Menno Place rule, it is an order from the Provincial Health Officer.
  5. Outings – You may go to essential appointments only. You may not go out to any other events or appointments or public locations. Contact Reception if you have an essential appointment, such as dentist or medical appointment. You may not go shopping or to a friend’s house or to church during this phase.
  6. Bus Trips – these are not permitted in Phase 2 – Step-Down.
  7. Recreation and spiritual care can take place with only those on your floor in groups as large as 4 people who are physically distanced from each other.
  8. Dining Room – You will continue to stay in your apartment suite for 2 weeks to get your meal delivered on the hot cart


  1. Wear a mask wherever you go. This includes wearing a mask when you are in the hallway or outside of your apartment suite.
  2. Stay 6 feet apart from people. No hugging, shaking hands, sitting close to others. In a car, you are less than 6 feet apart from others – wear your mask even if you are driving with a friend or family member to go to an essential appointment (medical).
  3. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it all the time – after you touch a door handle, use the restroom, use a tissue, touch a railing, touch the elevator buttons. Also – when you are near a sink, wash hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Count each second. It’s a lot longer than you think!
  4. Sanitize your hands when you enter the apartment building. This is one way that you can protect your neighbours and the staff who live and work in your building.
  5. Monitor yourself for COVID symptoms – even the mildest symptoms are important to report. Report to Reception (604.851.4004) if you have ANY new or worsening symptoms, including runny nose, sore throat, cough, aches, fever, loss of sense of taste or smell, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting & shortness of breath.


In Terrace East, more people were exposed to the index case and 9 residents tested positive for COVID. Three of these have passed away from COVID and 2 are in hospital. We are very sorry to have lost these friends and neighbours. Please pray for those who are in hospital battling this disease.


We are pleased that Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that elderly seniors living in care homes or on a campus of care will be receiving a 3rd vaccine shot (a booster) within the next several weeks. This will give you an additional layer of protection from COVID.

October 2, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=9 in TE) 1 Resident passed away (T=3)

COVID UPDATE – October 2, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY OCT 1/21: 1 (T=3 residents TE)

We are sad to report that a third Terrace East resident has succumbed to COVID. Our condolences go out to the family and our staff who loved and served this resident. Please continue to pray for the two Terrace East residents who are in hospital, battling this illness.

We are waiting for a few more COVID test results to come back from residents and staff from the point prevalence test that was done on Sept. 28th. All results received are negative. Hopefully, we will receive the remaining results tomorrow for the full report tomorrow.


There are no changes to the orders for TE residents. No social visitors. All residents remain on isolation.

If you are concerned about your loved one and wish to discuss the specifics, please call Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment (604.851.4020) to express your concerns and determine if there is anything that can be done for your loved one specifically.

October 1, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=9 in TE) 1 Resident passed away (T=2)

COVID UPDATE – October 1, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY SEPT 30/21: 1 (T=2 resident TE)

We are sad to report that a second Terrace East resident has succumbed to COVID. Our condolences go out to the family and our staff who loved and served this resident.

We continue to wait for the results of the ppt testing done on September 28th.


There are no changes to the orders for TE residents. No social visitors. All residents remain on isolation.

If you are concerned about your loved one and wish to discuss the specifics, please call Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment (604.851.4020) to express your concerns and determine if there is anything that can be done for your loved one specifically.

September 29, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=9 in TE)

COVID UPDATE – September 29, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY TODAY: 0 (T=1 resident TE)

Today, we wait as the results of the PPT (point-prevalence testing) are reported to us. It’s tough to wait, but it may take a few days to get the complete set of PPT results together. Assisted Living residents results of their COVID swab are reported to Menno Place. Staff receive their own results and report them to Menno Place.


There are no changes to the orders for TE residents. No social visitors. All residents remain on isolation.

If you are concerned about your loved one and wish to discuss the specifics, please call Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment (604.851.4020) to express your concerns and determine if there is anything that can be done for your loved one specifically.

September 28, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=9 in TE)

COVID UPDATE – September 28, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY TODAY: 0 (T=1 resident TE)

Today, the residents and the staff were again tested for COVID. This PPT (point-prevalence test)is necessary to monitor this very unpredictable virus. The results of the PPT will be provided to Menno Place through Public Health.

There are no changes to the orders for TE residents. No social visitors. All residents remain on isolation.

If you are concerned about your loved one and wish to discuss the specifics, please call Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment to express your concerns and determine if there is anything that can be done for your loved one specifically.

September 24, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – New COVID positive = 0 (T=8 in TE)

COVID UPDATE – September 24, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 8 (8 residents TE / 0 staff)

PASSED AWAY TODAY: 0 (T=1 resident TE)

There are no new cases of COVID to report in TE today, however, several residents remain in hospital with COVID. Please pray for them. Terrace West will now receive its own individual daily report.

We continue to wait for the few final test results for the Terrace East point prevalence that was done on September 21st. There are a number of reasons that these can take so long, including organizing the swabbing for over 60 staff. At times, the swab sample is not sufficient and a swab has to be re-done. Almost all have come back for residents and staff and all are negative so far.

When will the isolation end? This decision is made by the Medical Health Officer and is based on the risk of further transmission of COVID. If there is no transmission of COVID and all other factors are assessed as low-risk, it could be called off two weeks after the last COVID positive is diagnosed. This is not a guarantee, but gives some sense of what may transpire.

September 23, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK/ TERRACE WEST EXPOSURE – New COVID positive = 0 (T=9)

COVID UPDATE – September 23, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak / Terrace West Outbreak


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (8 residents TE / 1 resident TW | 0 staff)

PASSED AWAY TODAY: 0 (T=1 resident TE)

We are sorry to report that Terrace West is now on OUTBREAK. As per the Medical Health Officer’s recommendation, Public Health has now placed Menno Terrace West (Independent Living) on outbreak. We will know more tomorrow how families can support their loved one while on outbreak. Fraser Health will be providing staff for additional support in the apartment building. Please pray for the residents of Terrace East who are on their 11th day of isolation. Please pray for the residents of Terrace West as they, too, begin their time on isolation. Please pray for the staff as they navigate not only the infection control protocols at work, but also in their own homes and lives.

We are waiting for four resident’s swabs to come back from the PPT testing that was done in Terrace East on Sept. 21st. All received so far are negative! The same is true for the staff PPT results. These come more slowly as the results are reported through a different process. So far, also all negative!

What do Outbreak precautions entail?

No social visitors in Terrace West

Enhanced cleaning throughout

Meals provided to the tenants apartment suites

No gathering together, no dining together, no group activities

2 meter distancing to be maintained as much as possible

Staff cohorted to one building or one floor if possible

Restricted movement of staff and residents

Daily symptom checks for all residents

Signage placed at entrance to indicate Outbreak

Symptomatic residents will be tested and isolated – twice daily COVID symptom checks

Isolation carts with PPE outside symptomatic, COVID positive or isolation resident’s apartment suites

Staff actively symptom monitoring at start of shift by screener and self-monitoring

Symptomatic staff remain at home until tests results are received and they are cleared to return to work

Follow up guidance daily by Public Health and the Medical Health Officer. Additional liaison supports provided to Menno Place.




September 22, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK/ TERRACE WEST EXPOSURE – New COVID positive = 1 (T=9)

COVID UPDATE – September 22, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak / Terrace West Exposure


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (8 residents TE / 1 resident TW | 0 staff)

PASSED AWAY TODAY: 1 (T=1 resident TE)

We are sorry to report that one resident from Terrace East(TE) has succumbed to COVID-19. Our condolences are with the family who will miss their loved one. In addition, we are sad to report that there is 1 positive COVID resident in Terrace West (TW). We have connected with the Public Health Officer who has ordered that the meals be delivered to residents in Terrace West. Several residents who were identified in contact tracing were tested for COVID. Families have been informed.

Yesterday, all residents and staff  in Terrace East were swabbed in our 2nd point prevalence testing. CLICK HERE to learn more about what Point Prevalence Testing is and why it is used in a health care facility. There are no positive COVID results from the ones that have being reported to us. Not all results are in.

There are several residents who are still in hospital as the disease has progressed. Please pray for these residents that they would feel the presence of God as they are living with the impact of COVID.

We will have more information about visits to Terrace West tomorrow after we speak with Public Health.

If you are supporting a loved one in Terrace West or one of our other apartment buildings, please raise the level of protection for your loved one by using all layers of protection –  hand hygiene, fewer visitors, mask wearing at all times, vaccination. Please ask your own loved ones about any mild symptoms they may be experiencing – CLICK HERE FOR SYMPTOM LIST.