October 7, 2021 – TERRACE EAST OUTBREAK – A fourth resident passed away (T=4)

COVID UPDATE – October 7, 2021 – Terrace East Outbreak

We are sorry to report that, after a lengthy battle with COVID, a fourth resident from Terrace East has succumbed to COVID. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of this resident. We are saddened to report the continued hospitalization of another Terrace East resident who continues his battle with COVID.

Please pray for the families who lost their loved ones due to COVID at Terrace East. Please pray for the resident who is in hospital – for healing and relief from this illness. Please pray for the staff who love and serve these residents. They are very impacted by these losses. The residents who live at Menno Place become a source of joy and deep connection for our staff. We will miss these residents in our community.

We are reminded that the average age of residents living at Menno Place is 89, an age where, despite the COVID vaccination, they can contract and pass away from this virus. Please do everything in your effort to keep your loved ones safe. Encourage them to wear masks when they are outside of their apartment, even with their loved ones. Wear a mask when you are with them to provide another layer of protection. Encourage your loved ones to use hand sanitizer often. Make sure that they have hand sanitizer with them when they go out. Reinforce with them what 6 feet of distance looks and feels like – it is a long distance for social interaction and can feel uncomfortably far away. If you are unvaccinated, please recognize that you are at a greater risk to contract and transmit COVID to your loved one. Regardless of your position on the vaccine, the government or the vaccine passport, please follow every guideline for safety for your loved one. They are counting on you to keep them safe from a virus that could take their life.



TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 9 (9 residents TE / 0 staff)


PASSED AWAY OCT 6/21/21: 1 (T=4 residents TE)