COVID UPDATE – April 20, 2021 – Terrace East (TE) and Terrace West (TW)

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 2 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 1 (1 resident / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24  residents – all results are NEGATIVE – YAY!  |  27 staff swabbed – 23/27 negative awaiting 4 more results

Terrace East remains on isolation and all who require full PPE continue to require full PPE for staff to enter their apartment suite. We are so grateful to our chaplain, Scott McKenzie for his ministry in Terrace East. He will be spending time with residents encouraging them as they go through this 14 day isolation. If you would like Scott to pay a visit to your loved one, please email him: Scott.McKenzie@MennoPlace.ca


The Medical Health Officer has assessed the situation and Terrace West is NO LONGER ON ISOLATION!

Registered Visitors may resume visits and support.

Today was an audit by Fraser Health to ensure that all of our practices support the safety of residents and staff. They were very pleased with the way that our staff team is managing the protocols and safety. Thank you to Cheryl Dawes and the amazing staff of Terrace East & West!


This memo was handed out to the residents of Terrace East and Terrace West on April 16, 2021

Dear Residents of Terrace East & Terrace West,

We were notified this morning that a staff member in Terrace East has tested positive for COVID. Because East and West share a dining room the Public Health Office has ordered a two week isolation for both Terrace East and Terrace West.

The following rules are in place from Friday April 16 – Saturday May 1:

  1. All residents must remain in their suites at all times. You are not permitted to walk the halls or go outside.
  2. The dining room is closed. All meals will be served in your suite.
  3. All recreation activities are cancelled. Recreation programming on
    Channel 10 will continue.
  4. Grocery delivery will resume. Your loved ones can drop off essential groceries and laundry from 9-11am, seven days a week.
  5. All visits to Terrace East residents have been cancelled.
  6. Registered Visitors are NOT permitted inside Terrace West during this time.
  7. All medical appointments will need to be rescheduled. If you have an urgent appointment please call the LPN for direction: 604 615-7652

If you have any questions please phone Claire at Reception: 604 851-4004.

Thank you for working with us to keep everyone safe. We understand how hard it is to be in isolation, especially in such nice weather. We hope to be able to get back to normal as soon as possible.
Cheryl Dawes
Manager of Community Enrichment


16- April-2021
Dear Residents and Families of Menno Place Terrace- East,

We are writing to notify you that someone at Menno PlaceTerrace- East was diagnosed with COVID-19. The Fraser Health enhanced monitoring team is working with the staff and medical staff at the home to identify anyone who may have been exposed and to take steps to protect the health of all residents, staff and medical staff. Our Medical Health Officer has not declared a COVID-19 outbreak at this time.

This exposure does not mean that your family member is sick with COVID-19. Residents, staff and medical staff will be screened twice-daily for any signs of illness. Those who develop symptoms will be isolated, tested for COVID-19 and provided the care they need.

The health and safety of residents, staff and medical staff is our first priority and a responsibility we take very seriously. To date, as part of our proactive management, Fraser Health has worked to ensure enhanced measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at this home.

We know that staying away from your loved one is very difficult and we appreciate that you are cooperating with this request with the goal of keeping residents, staff and medical staff healthy.
Staff and medical staff at this home will continue to provide care and services to our residents to enhance their safety and well-being while maintaining routines where it is safe to do so. We will also keep you up-to-date on any changes related to your family member’s health status.

For general information about COVID-19, call 8-1-1, or visit HealthLinkBC: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-feature/coronavirus-covid-19.

If you have further questions, please contact Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment, 604.851.4020


COVID Update – Pavilion 3rd floor isolation lifted tonight – March 7, 2021

Effective midnight March 7, 2021, quarantine is lifted. Residents may return to COVID precautions:
  • Registered Visitors may resume visits
  • Continue to practice hand hygiene, social distancing, wearing masks
  • Essential outings only


COVID-19 Update – March 7, 2021 – Safe Visits

Menno Home – We are pleased to announce that all Designated Visitors of Menno Home residents in E1, E2 and W1 received a phone call last week informing them that the safe visit program is once again available.

Last week was the first week of safe visits for the residents of Menno Home E2, survivors of the COVID outbreak in their unit. This was an emotional time for both families and residents with three days of visits focused on this unit.

The Safe Visit program is a government-funded program whose funding was guaranteed until March 31, 2021. Although we have not had written confirmation of continued funding, we are continuing to provide the safe visits, hiring new staff to carry on where previous Visitation Hosts are not able.

The new Visitation Hosts will begin their work April 1st. Until that time, we are grateful to three casual Visitation Hosts who are picking up shifts enabling us to offer safe visits to all of the Menno Home units in March.

The Safe Visit program continues with the same protocols and guidelines as it had prior to the outbreak and prior to vaccination. We have not heard that there will be any changes to the program.

You can read about the Safe Visit program here: https://mennoplacelife.com/safe-visits/

Menno Hospital – We are operating the Safe Visit program at capacity with many happy residents eager to visit their loved one. Menno Hospital has been using a microphone/speaker system that enables residents to more easily hear their visitor. This is such a success, we have ordered one for Menno Home as well.

Terrace East – We continue to have one Visitation Host providing Safe Visits for the Assisted Living residents in Terrace East. The demand for these visits does not fill the booking calendar, so there is opportunity for Terrace East visitors to book more visits if you would like.

Vaccination Update – Menno Home and Independent Living Apartments

Vaccination Updates – Menno Place – February 23, 2021

Menno Home – We have been informed that the 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech will take place for Menno Home residents TOMORROW, February 24th!
Independent Living – Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion
Menno Place has been contacted for preparation for upcoming vaccinations for Independent Living residents. There is a new consent form that will need to be filled out. We will provide more information this week on this. The date for vaccination is not confirmed, but we have been required to supply Fraser Health with the number of residents who will require their 1st dose of vaccine.


COVID-19 Update, Feb. 22, 2021 – PAVILION

Memo to Residents in Pavilion – 3rd floor – distributed this evening:
Good afternoon:
I received a call from Public health last evening stating there is a Covid Positive resident who lives on the 3rd floor of Pavilion Apartments. This resident is currently in hospital but was infectious prior.
The Medical Health officer has ordered that ONLY all of the tenants on the 3rd floor be placed on isolation until further notice. All tenants on the 3rd floor will be swabbed for Covid as soon as it can be arranged by Home Health. Once I have the date and time of the swabs, I will contact you and provide information to you. All Fraser Health Home Support workers will also be swabbed.
Effective today February 22, 2021 all meals and snacks will be served in your suites. We will get through this, thank you for your understanding.
Blessings to you all,
Cheryl Ann Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment, 604.851.4020


Hello Pavilion Tenants:

Public Health (PH) has communicated with Menno Place that there is NO ISOLATION PERIOD required for tenants of Pavilion! Registered Visitor visits may resume.

Public Health recommendations:

  • As there was no identified exposure to COVID for the other tenants and staff in the facility, no PH follow up is required for this group.
  • PH will follow up the home health workers as per their guidelines.
  • Pavilion tenants should call 811 and speak to a nurse if they are symptomatic for COVID (fever, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, etc.)
  • Continue to implement all infection protocols, including masks, social distancing and hand hygiene. Continue enhanced cleaning.
  • The 18 residents cared for by the Home Health staff would be considered contacts of contacts and not require PH follow up.

With this information, effective immediately the isolation period is complete. Registered Visitors may return to Pavilion.

If you have any symptoms of Covid, please call 811 and speak to a Nurse, let them know your symptoms. The Nurse will let you know if you need to have a Covid swab test or not.  Please ask your Registered Visitor to take you to the swabbing site. If you are unable to get to the swabbing site please let the 811 nurse know and she will arrange a swab for you in your apartment.

Blessings to you,

Cheryl Dawes, Manager of Community Enrichment – 604.851.4020


Hello Pavilion Tenants,

I received a call from Public Health today stating there was a tenant who is now known to be Covid Positive in Pavilion, between February 10th 4 pm to February 12th at 1 pm. The tenant returned back to hospital on February 12th, 2021 at which time was diagnosed as Covid-19 positive. Although no Menno staff at Pavilion were in contact with the tenant, Fraser Health Home Support Workers were in contact. Those same home support workers were in contact with other tenants in Pavilion.

The Medical Health officer has placed all tenants on isolation until further notice. All tenants will be screened daily for any symptoms of Covid.

Effective today February 14, 2021, all meals and snacks will be served in your suites. Registered visitors can drop off essential groceries at the front door and call the dietary team for delivery.

Please contact me if you received Home Support between February 10th and February 12th. Monitor your symptoms and notify us if you develop any COVID symptoms (listed on the Active Screening poster).

We will get through this, praying for you. Blessings to you all. Updates are on MennoPlaceLife.com. We will continue to provide memos to tenants to keep you informed.

Cheryl Dawes, Manager of Community Enrichment – 604.851.4020

Vaccination Updates – Menno Place

Vaccination Updates – Menno Place – February 13, 2021

Menno Hospital – 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were given to the residents today.

Menno Home – We are expecting that 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech will happen mid-March, but have not received confirmation of the date.

Terrace East – Assisted Living – 2nd doses of Pfizer-BioNTech will be given to residents on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021. This is only for residents. Staff and any visitors who were vaccinated will need to book their 2nd dose through the Fraser Health online booking. For 2nd dose information, contact connect@mennoplace.ca

Independent Living – Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion

EngAge BC has just received confirmation that independent living residents will receive COVID-19 vaccinations in phase two of the vaccine’s roll out (subject to supply). As such, it is expected that vaccines could begin to roll out in independent living as early as the beginning of March. This timing will coincide with the vaccination of home health employees.