October 29, 2021 – PAVILION (IL) COVID EXPOSURE – New COVID positive =0 (T=1)

COVID UPDATE – October 29, 2021 – Pavilion COVID exposure


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (1 resident PAVILION | 0 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = October 22, 2021

The Fraser Health Licensing audit returned with Moderate Risk level for the Pavilion (low, moderate and high categories). This means that we will put into place more signage, active screening at the entrance and continued vigilance with enhanced cleaning.

The two residents on isolation had negative COVID results for their test on Oct. 27th. We await information from Public Health on next steps as these residents continue to self-monitor. The entire building remains on Enhanced Monitoring. All residents who are on isolation report that they are doing well.

Meals continue to be delivered to the resident’s apartment suites. The laundry room is open. Maximum 3 people in the laundry room at a time. Wipe down all machines before using them. Wash your hands thoroughly.

The dining room is closed, lounges are closed and residents are not permitted to visit in each other’s apartment suites. Visitors must all be vaccinated fully.

Please communicate with your loved ones that they need to exercise caution in their activities: reducing the frequency of outings; reducing the number of people that they contact; wearing their mask over nose and mouth; staying 6 feet away from others; using hand sanitizer frequently and washing hands often.

Please report any symptomatic residents to Reception: 604.851.4004