Be prepared to rapid test yourself at home – BEFORE coming to visit your loved one

Be ready to rapid test at home if you have ANY symptoms!

Have a rapid test kit on hand if you have any COVID symptoms.

Don’t come to visit your loved one if you have any symptoms.

BC makes Rapid Antigen Testing Kits available at your local pharmacy – CLICK HERE FOR INFO

Rapid antigen testing kits are free for everyone. A pharmacy should never ask you to pay for a kit.

Visit your local pharmacy and ask for your testing kit. Anyone can ask for a kit. You don’t have to show ID. 

If you can’t go to a pharmacy, a friend or family member can pick up a test kit for you.

What are the COVID symptoms that are used for self-screening?

Do you have ANY of these symptoms?

Follow COVID-19 testing instructions if the answer is yes.

  • Fever (above 37.8C)
  • Cough
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Sore Throat
  • Runny nose
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Body aches
  • Loss of sense of taste
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea


Welcome, Sonia Singla, Physiotherapist

Welcome Sonia Singla, to Menno Place as the Menno Home and Hospital Physiotherapist! Sonia graduated with her Bachelors in Physical Therapy in 2007, and her Masters in Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy from University of Pittsburgh in 2011. Sonia has worked in a variety of settings including acute care, rehabilitation hospitals, residential care facilities and private physiotherapy clinics. Her passions are to help people achieve their goals by providing them with the skills and exercises that will allow them to function as independently as possible. When not at work, Sonia enjoys running, volleyball, yoga and spending time outdoors.

Sonia’s services are by referral in Menno Home and Hospital.

MEMO: Terrace East Designated Visitors Only

We are noticing a significant spread of COVID in Terrace East and Terrace West. As of today, August 25th, the Public Health Office has put new safety measures in place to help limit the spread of COVID in our community. This affects how visiting will happen in Terrace East for the next while.

Each Terrace East resident will be able to choose two (2) designated visitors.

  • Only the designated visitors will be allowed to enter the building.
  • Call reception 604-851-4004 to let us know who your visitors will be.
  • Visits will take place in your apartment or outside. Visitors cannot meet in public areas of the building – ie lounges, the main lobby, etc.

When the designated visitor arrives at the door they will need to show proof of vaccination to the visitation host.

  • The host will confirm that the visitor is on the designated visitor list.
  • The visitor will take a COVID rapid test.
  • We will NOT require the green visitor badges that we used last year.

There will be extra recreation programming on Channel 10 to help keep everyone connected while in-person activities are on hold. You can find further details about daily COVID numbers on our website: .

Please limit your movement going between Terrace West and Terrace East and do not visit in other buildings on campus. If you have a loved one in Menno Home or Menno Hospital contact care staff to find out about options for visiting.

If you feel unwell or have any COVID symptoms please use your pendant to call care staff so we can assist you.

MEMO: Terrace West Visitation Guidelines

We are noticing a significant spread of COVID in Terrace West and Terrace East. As of today, August 25th, we are putting a couple of safety measures in place to help limit the spread of COVID in our community.

Visitors are welcome in Terrace West provided they follow these guidelines:

  1. All visitors must sign in at the door and self-screen. If a visitor feels sick they should not enter the building.
  2. All visitors are required to wear a mask.
  3. Visits must take place in your apartment or outside. No visitors are allowed in public areas of the building – ie lounges, the bistro space, etc.
  4. We recommend visitors take a rapid test. Tests will be available at the door.

Meals will be delivered outside your door and placed on the black crates. Dietary staff will knock to let you know the meal has arrived.

There will be extra recreation programming on Channel 10 to help keep everyone connected while in-person activities are on hold. You can find further details about daily COVID numbers on our website:

Please limit your movement going between Terrace West and Terrace East. You can access the wellness center if needed, but please do not visit in other buildings on campus.

If you feel unwell or have any COVID symptoms please call reception to request a rapid test: 604-851-4004. If you test yourself and it comes back positive, please let us know.

Partner with Fraser Health and Patient Voices Network

Help Fraser Health shape the future of Long-Term Care and Assisted Living.

Be a volunteer and partner!

Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Network

What is the opportunity?

Long-Term Care and Assisted Living is looking for people living in care and their caregivers to volunteer and share their perspective. This is an opportunity to partner with Fraser Health leadership to improve the quality of life and care in Long-Term Care and Assisted Living throughout the region.

What will we do?

Share your perspective about:

  • Long-Term Care and assisted Living Services
  • Data Review and Analysis
  • Collaborative partners
  • Strategic Planning
  • Resources for the region to support consistent, high quality and safe care

What is the time commitment?

Participate in virtual meetings via MS Teams with Long Term Care and Assisted Living leaders, physicians and clinical and operational supports.

The meetings will be 4 times a year on the third Thursday of the month. Next meeting is September 15.

I’d like to get involved:

If you are interested in taking part then be prepared to:

  • Share your experiences in ways tha tothers can learn from them
  • See beyond your own personal experiences
  • Show concern for more than one issue or topic
  • Listen well
  • Respect the experience of others
  • Speak comfortably in a group
  • Available to attend meetings

For more information please contact Laura Klein –


in partnership with



Memo: Terrace Dining Room Closed

We are sorry to report that as of today there are 11 COVID positive residents in the Terraces – 8 in Terrace East and 3 in Terrace West. The affected residents are isolating in their apartments. Because of this increase in cases the Public Health office has put some extra measures in place to keep everyone safe.

Here’s what changes starting Tuesday:

  1. The Terrace dining room is closed. Staff will bring your meals and snacks to you in your apartment starting with morning snack Tuesday morning.
  2. All in person recreation activities, including bus trips, are cancelled. Channel 10 programming will continue.
  3. We recommend that all residents wear a mask whenever you are outside of your apartment.
  4. Menno Home and Menno Hospital MIGHT make changes to their visitation rules. Please call ahead before going to visit a loved one.

We are NOT in lockdown. You are still free to leave your apartment, move around the building, visit other residents, go outside, run errands and receive visitors. Please be careful. Please do not visit with residents who have an isolation cart outside their apartment.

If you start to feel unwell press your call button and let the care staff know. If you have any questions please call reception 604-851-4004.

Menno Place Video: Welcome Home

Watch and enjoy this joyful Menno Place video filmed last summer on our campus of care! Be sure to share the video from our Facebook page!

Accreditation Bulletin – Infection Prevention & Control Theme


Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is one of our Accreditation Themes. It covers hand hygiene education & training, compliance with accepted practices, and infection rate tracking and analyzing. Within the IPC there are 3 Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) that must be met to successfully complete our Accreditation which will occur October 17 – 21, 2022.

Who is on the Infection Prevention & Control Committee (IPCC)?

Kim Scott (Chair), Smitha Varghese, Anitha T, Leanne T, Angela R-F, Linda W, Trish G, Moreen R, Annette F, FHA IPC representative.

How will the ROPs be evaluated?

Surveyors will tour Menno Home & Menno Hospital and test compliance for each of the ROPs. Specifically they will gather information by:

  • Talking and listening to team members, families, residents, volunteers, and community partners such as physicians, pharmacists, and contractors.
  • Observations of what is taking place as they tour the sites
  • Reviewing resident health records and/or Employee files

Who needs to be aware of the Infection Prevention and Control ROPs?

Surveyors will meet with team members, residents, families, students and volunteers so everyone should be aware of this IPC theme and the associated ROPs and priority practices. If you are asked a question on an unfamiliar topic, please refer the surveyor to the appropriate individual or supervisor.

ROP 1  Hand Hygiene Compliance

How does Menno Place evaluate compliance with accepted hand hygiene practices?

Menno Place evaluates hand hygiene compliance by directly observing the practice using their Speedy Audit tool.

Evidence: How does Menno Place do this?

  • We have a written policy available on SharePoint:  Infection Prevention & Control Program AP 5.05
  • We have trained Hand Hygiene auditors who regularly conduct peer audits
  • Audits are reviewed with the Infection Prevention and Control Committee, sent to leaders, and then shared with team members at unit team meetings and department meetings
  • Audits are posted on our bulletin boards and visible to residents, families, visitors, and volunteers
  • Concerns and trends are followed up on
  • Our audits provide valuable information to our leaders and staff in developing and implementing strategies to improve hand hygiene. For example, based on feedback, we have installed more hand sanitizers in targeted areas.

ROP 2 Hand Hygiene Education & Training

What education and training have Menno Place staff received on hand hygiene?

Menno Place staff receive regular education assigned to them in Surge Learning, they have visual signs posted throughout the site, they receive hands on education at unit team meetings, and direct feedback by hand hygiene peer auditors.

Evidence: How does Menno Place do this?

  • Annual Hand hygiene education for all staff and volunteers
  • Hand hygiene education at orientation and on Surge Learning (ongoing)
  • Annual COR certification
  • Hand hygiene is discussed with all families during move-in
  • Posters throughout the building
  • Hand hygiene is discussed at family councils and resident councils
  • Education – Fact sheet – posted in Newsletter

ROP 3 Infection Rates are Tracked and Analyzed

Does Menno Place track infection information, analyze it, and communicate this information throughout the organization?

Yes, Menno Place tracks infection rates, analyzes the information to identify clusters, outbreaks and trends; this is shared throughout the organization.

Evidence: How does Menno Place do this?

  • We track infections by completing the infection log monthly
  • Complete infection surveillance sheets for all infections
  • We have an Infection Prevention and Control Committee where we analyze monthly data
  • All outbreaks are reported to our Infection Control Lead (Kim Scott), who follows up according to the infection control manual’s outbreak management guidelines from FHA
  • Outbreaks are managed in partnership with health authority medical health officers.
  • Infection rates are displayed on a report sheet every month; the graph is shared with team members at unit/department meetings.
  • Outbreak information is shared at monthly Leadership team meetings and quarterly at the Quality Improvement Risk Management Board committee (QIRM).
  • We have a Policy: APS 5.05 – Infection Prevention and Control Program


What are some sample questions that surveyors may ask about the Infection Prevention and Control theme?

  • How do you get regular information about infection control issues?
  • Do you know about the infection rates within your care home?
  • Do you know where the hand hygiene audit results are posted?
  • How easy was it for you to get your flu/covid vaccination at work?
  • What would you do if you suspected a co-worker or resident had an infectious disease?

Thank you for your part in making this Accreditation Survey another successful one!

In Person Family & Friends Council Returns!

On September 15, 2022, 2:30pm-3:30pm, Family and Friends (Family Council) will start to meet in person again! The option of attending via Microsoft TEAMS will be offered as well if you cannot attend in person.

The meeting will take place in the Menno Hospital Conference Room (near the Fireside Café – behind Receptionist Leslie Calbick’s desk).

If you plan to attend in person:

• You will need to be vaccinated
• Please arrive early in order to conduct the rapid test in the reception lobby
• Please wear masks during the meeting

If you plan to attend online through Microsoft TEAMS, please click the following link below to join the meeting by video, or call the number with the code beside it to call in to the meeting. It is recommended to download Microsoft TEAMS onto your device to benefit from all its features, but it not, you can still click the link and use TEAMS through your internet browser.

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 232 592 692 764
Passcode: S8MP9Z
Or call in (audio only)
+1 778-731-1352,,50679340# Canada, Port Moody
Phone Conference ID: 506 793 40#

Family and Friends is a regularly scheduled meeting for family members, friends or representatives of our residents in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. Our guest speakers will be Recreation/Volunteer Manager Linda Weatherly and Menno Home and Hospital Life Enrichment Coordinator Garry Janzen. Linda will be sharing her role, as well as discussing family volunteer opportunities at Menno Place. Garry will be sharing about the admissions process, as well wound care that is provided at Menno. We would love to hear your feedback regarding admissions and wound care.

Family Council is a great way to connect and learn about the opportunities that are on the Menno Place campus, as well as getting to know other family members that are on a similar journey with their loved ones in long term care. We hope you will be able to join us.

Accreditation Bulletin – Safety Theme



Safety is one of our Accreditation Quality Dimension. It focuses on creating a culture of safety at Menno Place. Within the safety quality dimension there are 4 Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) that must be met to successfully complete Accreditation which will occur October 17-20, 2022.

How do we comply with the Safety ROPs?

Menno Place has dedicated resources to adopt and implement a variety of safety reporting measures including reporting events and disclosing them. Safety is embedded in Menno Place’s Strategic Plan. Leaders regularly report to the Quality Improvement Risk Management Committee (QIRM) on safety concerns and provide recommendations and progress reports on key initiatives in process. Additionally, leaders provide detailed review on all the quality indicators.

How will the ROPs be evaluated?

Surveyors will tour Menno Home & Menno Hospital and test compliance for each of the ROPs. Specifically they will gather information by:

  • Talking and listening to team members, families, residents, volunteers, and community partners such as physicians, pharmacists, and contractors.
  • Observations of what is taking place as they tour the sites
  • Reviewing resident health records

Who needs to be aware of the Safety Culture ROPs?

Surveyors will meet with teams, physicians, staff, residents, families, students and volunteers so everyone should be aware of the Safety Quality Dimension and the associated ROPs and priority practices. If you are asked a question on an unfamiliar topic, please refer the surveyor to the appropriate individual or supervisor.

ROP 1  Accountability for Quality

Does the Menno Place Board have a demonstrated commitment to quality performance in the organization?

Yes, the Board of Menno Place demonstrates a clear commitment to quality by having it as a standing item on the agenda of its meetings.

Evidence:  How do we do this?

  • The Board is engaged in overseeing quality in order to ensure that quality performance continually improves. Governing bodies are accountable for the quality of care provided by their organizations. The Board is aware of key quality and safety principles in order to understand, monitor, and oversee the quality performance of the organization.
  • The Board has a clear commitment to quality as evidenced by having it as a standing item at each meeting.
  • The Leaders and Board review a number of indicators on a regular basis.
  • Resident safety is embedded in the Menno Place strategic plan.
  • Menno Place’s quality performance indicators are directly linked to strategic goals and objectives. Knowledge gained from the review of quality performance indicators (i.e. data collected on number of falls, pressure ulcers, restraints, sick time, injuries etc.) is used to set the agenda, inform strategic planning, and develop an integrated quality improvement plan. Resource allocation may be determined by priorities arising out of evaluation of quality performance.
  • Menno Place has a Quality Improvement and Risk Management Committee (QIRM). This committee consists of Senior Leaders and Directors and Board members and meets quarterly. The QIRM committee reports to the Board.

ROP 2 Workplace Violence Prevention Program

Does Menno Place have a documented and coordinated approach to prevent workplace violence?

Yes, Menno Place does have a documented and coordinated approach to prevent workplace violence.

Evidence:  How do we do this?

  • We have written policies, available on SharePoint: Workplace Violence Prevention AP 3.41 and Workplace Harassment and/or Bullying AP 3.43
  • Risk assessments are conducted to determine and identify the risk of workplace violence
  • Staff are educated and trained on workplace violence prevention through Surge learning and hands on workshops.
  • The JOHS committee regularly reviews policies, incidents, and conducts audits and assessments to prevent workplace violence.

ROP 3 Client Safety Incident Disclosure

Does Menno Place have a documented and coordinated approach for disclosing client safety incidents to residents and families?

Yes, Menno Place has a policy “Disclosure of Harm or Near Miss” AP 2.28, available on SharePoint.

Evidence:  How do we do this?

  • Disclosure is the process used by Menno Place to inform a resident and/or their family of a specific harmful incident. During this process the implications of that incident are discussed in a respectful, sensitive, and thorough manner. Part of the process involves support for residents and staff as well.
  • Menno is committed to honest and open communication with residents and families when harm occurs. This may include a fall with injury, medication error, unexpected death, missing resident, theft, etc.
  • A complete, accurate, and factual account of the disclosure discussion(s) is recorded in the resident’s health record.
  • An example of support to resident’s, families, and team members includes emotional/psychological support by social worker, 3rd party counseling service such as the Employee Family Assistance Program, and/or spiritual care.

ROP 4 Resident Safety Incident Management System

Are there processes in place to review client safety incidents, recommend actions and monitor improvements?

Yes, Menno Place addresses client safety incidents and takes action to reduce any risk of recurrence.

Evidence:  How do we do this?

  • Menno Place encourages everyone to report and learn from resident safety incidents including harmful, no-harm and near miss. The reporting system is simple, clear, confidential, and focused on system improvement.  Residents and families are also encouraged to report.
  • We have written policies, available on SharePoint: Incident Reports RCS 1.09, Reportable Incidents RCS 1.14, and Safety of Residents RCS 2.01.
  • We utilize resources from the Canadian Patient Safety Institute and learns from shared client safety incidents from other sources.
  • Broadly communicating incident analysis internally and externally in order to build confidence in incident management and promote collective learning.

What are some of the questions surveyors may ask about Safety Culture?

During the onsite visit, surveyors will ask questions about Menno Place and how they comply with the ROPs and standards. A sample of questions may include the following:

  • Do staff feel there is a no blame culture?
  • Are there open discussions about resident safety issues in each neighborhood?
  • What can you tell us about the incident reporting system at Menno Place?
  • Can you tell me about an improvement initiatives that has occurred in your work area over the past year?
  • Have you reported any near miss incident? Can you give an example?
  • Can you define a harmful event?

Thank you for your part in making this Accreditation Survey another successful one!