Social Distanced visits – The Apartments – Clear Face Masks

Independent and Assisted Living only – Pavilion, Terrace West, Terrace East, Primrose Gardens

We have made an order of 20 clear face masks that are homemade. These will be available for purchase by residents and families. The shipping hasn’t been calculated, so it will be $10+ per mask. They do fog, so there is a treatment for the vinyl that will come with the mask when you purchase. Once they are delivered to Menno Place, we’ll organize the payment. For now, you can reserve a mask for purchase by emailing

You may also choose to purchase another type of Clear Mask for $10 from Reception:

Assistive Listening Devices for Social Distanced Visits

Are you visiting 6ft away from a loved one with hearing impairment? This is allowed for residents in The Apartments (Primrose Gardens, Terrace East Assisted Living, Terrace West and Pavilion).

Two recommended products that help communicate with someone who is hearing impaired while social distancing:
  1. Pocket Talker – $229 – this little microphone amplifies sound closest to the listener and makes it easier to hear –!/Pocketalker-Ultra-Complete-with-Headset-and-single-Ear-Bud/p/46500778/category=13078163
  2. Voice Buddy – $299 – personal voice amplifier with speakers – our chaplains and recreation teams have these to ensure that they are speaking loudly enough for a listener to hear them –!/VoiceBuddy-Personal-Voice-Amplifer/p/46500821/category=12521539
    They also sell a MiniBuddy Voice Amplifier for $209.95:!/ALDS-MiniBuddy-Voice-Amplifier/p/46500692/category=12521540
There are many other excellent products for sale (all price ranges) on the Assistive Listening Device Systems Store – they have always provided excellent customer service to Menno Place. Located in Langley, BC.
Check it out:

Hair Salon – Opening in Terrace East – Monday, June 1 for Terrace and PG Residents

Great news!

The hair salon at Terrace East is opening on Monday, June 1st for hair cuts.

This salon is available for residents in Terrace West, Terrace East and Primrose Gardens.

The Pavilion hair salon opening will be announced shortly.

Call 604-556-8595 to book your appointment (must be a resident of Terrace West, Terrace East or Primrose Gardens).

What to Expect

Residents will be required to wear a mask covering nose and mouth. You can wear your cloth mask.

Residents will be asked to wash hands immediately upon arriving at hair salon.

Residents must comply with all infection protocol requirements or will not be served.

Hair dresser will be required to wear a mask and follow infection control protocols.

Residents from Primrose Gardens will be asked to enter the salon by the south doorway. Signage will be put up and Primrose Gardens residents will receive a map to this door. Residents may be transported by their Registered Visitor. No external visitors in the Terrace East building. If you need to use the restroom, there is one located in the Terrace West Bistro.

Directions: See below.

How to get to the Terrace East Hair Salon from Primrose Gardens

  2. Exit Primrose Gardens through the front entrance and head south (right) on Primrose Street towards Marshall Road
  3. Follow the sidewalk to the driveway at Terrace East
  4. Turn right down the driveway to the front entrance of Terrace East (this is a fairly steep downhill) Follow the BLUE LINE for less of a decline.
  5. Walk past the front entrance and around the corner of the building
  6. Turn right to follow along on the south side of Terrace East
  7. Follow the signs to the exterior door that says Hair Salon Entrance

If you follow the BLUE LINE, there is less of a downhill. In this path, you walk between the putting green and Living Waters Garden, up the driveway beside the Living Waters Garden and meet up with the RED LINE at the front of Terrace East.


Sharon Simpson on the Simi Sara Radio Show – CKNW – Opening up long-term care for visitors

Sharon Simpson, Director of Community Enrichment was interviewed on Thursday, June 4th on CKNW – the Simi Sara Show, along with Jennifer Lyle, CEO of SafeCare BC. The topic was opening up long-term care for visitors. Take a listen:

ELVIS is “OUTSIDE” the Building – June 4

This is a one day performance to celebrate Seniors’ Week and our “Everyday Heroes”. Watch or Listen from your balconies if you can!

Zoom Calls – Book Again!

If you’ve enjoyed a Zoom call with your loved one in Home or Hospital, book again!

Hospital Zoom Call Booking – CLICK HERE

Home Zoom Call Booking – CLICK HERE

At this time, we are not providing Zoom calls for The Apartments.

Menno Place and Ascension Benefits recognize team member who created and changed systems during COVID-19

Thankful and Grateful – COVID-19 FREE

You’ve asked how you’ll know if Menno Place has a COVID-19 positive staff or resident. We’ll tell you.
The great news for today (and the past several months as we’ve practiced COVID-19 infection control protocols) is that…


Our hearts grieve and rally with all at Langley Lodge who are working very hard to control the COVID-19 outbreak – 43 seniors infected and 16 deaths. We pray for the seniors, staff and families who are battling COVID-19 in this care home and others in our communities.


Thank you staff for your vigilance at work and at home.
Thank you visitors and families for continuing to bear the hardship of these protocols that make visiting impossible or challenging.
Thank you, seniors, for your positive outlook in the face of a grave and invisible danger.
Thank you, loved ones, who have said good-bye to their cherished mother, father, spouse in this peculiar time of limited visits and no funeral gatherings. May your heart be comforted.

Have you and your loved one taken the BCCDC COVID-19 Survey?

BCCDC COVID-19 Survey – Closes May 31, 2020

Have you taken the BCCDC COVID-19 survey? Has your loved one taken the survey?
You can phone your loved one and submit their survey to bring the senior’s perspective to the conversation about the citizen experience, knowledge and actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s important that seniors are included in helping the BCCDC understand the social, economic, mental wellness and community wellness impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.