MARCH 12, 2022

Fraser Health Scenarios for Protocols – CLICK HERE

TERRACE EAST:  SELF MONITORING – Scenario 1 (confirmed March 12, 2022)




  • Twice daily symptom screening of staff and residents and have a low threshold for testing any symptomatic staff or residents.
  • Symptomatic residents and residents who test positive are to be placed on isolation/droplet precautions.
  • Group activities continue – Terrace East and Terrace West programs separated.
  • Dining room remains open
  • No change to social visits. Visits continue. We ask that all visitors are vigilant about screening themselves, completing a Rapid test when they enter the building, wear a MEDICAL mask (provided), sanitize hands. Do not enter if you are sick.
  • Cohorting staff to the affected area (building).
  • No point prevalence testing of asymptomatic residents or staff

HOSPITAL E2: MONITORING – Scenario 2 (declared March 10, 2022)



  • Social visits and essential visits continue
  • Communal dining stays open
  • Group activities continue
  • Twice a day monitoring for staff and residents
  • Staff to wear masks and goggles
  • Staff to cohort to Menno Hospital E1
  • Staff to use separate entrance


Hymn Stories – March 2022

? Praise God, it’s March! Our hymn of the month is the Doxology by Bishop Thomas Ken and Louis Bourgeois. The four lines of the Doxology have been the most frequently sung words of any known song for more than three hundred years! Click to listen.

Hymn Stories – February 2022

? It’s February and our hymn of the month is Come, Thou Fount by Robert Robinson. Written in 1758, the story behind this hymn is both beautiful and tragic. Thank you, Lord, for your “streams of mercy, never ceasing”!
Click to listen.

Welcome to our Resident & Family Centred Care Project Lead, Michelle Merkel

Menno Place welcomes Michelle Merkel, Resident and Family Centred Care Project Lead. Click to read more about the project and Michelle’s leadership experience…

MEMO: Terrace East Elevator Safety & Guidelines

Now that everyone is coming down for meals again we wanted to remind you of the current rules and safety practices for using the elevators. These guidelines will ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable ride.

  1. Max 4 people in the Terrace East elevator at a time. Up to four people (staff and residents) can be in the elevator at the same time. If the elevator arrives and there are already four people inside please wait for the next one. For the Terrace West elevator the max stays at 2 people.
  2. Please do not push to get in or out of the elevator. We understand that elevators can be slow and sometimes it’s hard to wait but it’s important to take good care of each other. Shoving can lead to injuries or even a fall and we don’t want that. There is plenty of time. Thank you for practicing patience.
  3. Wear your mask. All residents, staff, and guests are required to wear a medical mask in all hallways, elevators and stairways. Please make sure your mask covers both your nose, mouth and chin.
  4. Come down for lunch at 12:00, not before. Remember to wait until 12:00 to come down for lunch so we don’t get a crowd gathering in the lobby.

If you have any questions or concerns about using the elevator please let Leonard know (604-851-4006). Your safety and wellbeing is our highest concern.

Merry Christmas!

MEMO: HOME & HOSPITAL: Service Price Increase Notice – Foot care and Hand care


December 7, 2021

Subject: Service Price Increase Notice – Foot care and Hand care

Menno Place has been notified about a price change for the professional foot care and hand care provided to our residents. We wish to share with you that starting January 1, 2022 the price will increase by $10 for each service. We’re confident that even with the increase, prices remain competitive for the quality of the service that is provided.

Starting in January 2022, the charge for services will be $45.00 for foot care and $40 for hand care. The contractor providing this service has worked hard to keep costs down and is proud that this is the first increase since January 2019 (three years ago).

  • Foot care, as you know, is an important clinical service for older adults, especially those diagnosed with diabetes. We are pleased that we have professional nurse contractors to provide this service for our residents. We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that these services include:
  • Foot care assessment – corns & callus care, cutting toenails, checking for skin infection & conditions, preventing potential problems, and moisturize feet.
  • Hand care assessment – cutting of fingernails, checking for skin infection & conditions, preventing potential problems, and moisturize hands.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss these changes regarding foot care or hand care for your loved one, please ask your Nursing staff.

Kathrin McMath, MA, CHE, CPA, CMA
Chief Operating Officer
Menno Place

Family & Friends (Family Council) Meeting – Dec 16 2021

Family and friends (Family Council) will be meeting via Microsoft TEAMS (online Video) December 16, 2021, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Please click this link to join the meeting by video, or call the number with the code beside it to call in to the meeting. It is recommended to download Microsoft TEAMS onto your device to benefit from all its features. If you prefer not to download the app you can still use TEAMS through your internet browser.

Join us for the Family Council Meeting Dec 16th
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 778-731-1352,,150475739# Canada, Port Moody
Phone Conference ID: 150 475 739#

Family and Friends is a regularly scheduled meeting for family members, friends or representatives for our residents in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. We will be having Chief Operating Officer (COO), Kathrin McMath, as our guest speaker. She will be discussing her role as COO, and will be available for your questions. The full agenda is below.

Family Council is a great way to learn, share and connect with other family members that are on a similar journey with their loved ones in long term care. We hope you will be able to join us.

Family Council: Agenda

TEAMS (online):  December 16, 2021, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

  1. Welcome and Introductions, facilitators: Kim Wiebe, RSW, Dan Janzen, RSW
  2. Guest Speaker: Kathrin McMath, Chief Operating Office
    • Introduction
    • Role
    • Questions
  1. Review and Purpose of Family Council
  2. Resources: Alzheimer’s Society
  3. Questions and feedback:
  4. Conclusion
    • Date and time of next Council meeting: March 17, 2022
    • Check Family and Friends newsletter emails for further details.