Current 2023 Protocols for Respiratory Illnesses in Independent Living

Current 2023 protocols are as follows. Please note that these are updated from when we were in the COVID pandemic.

Showing care and concern for each other is our overarching approach.

If you have any of the following symptoms (fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle/body ache, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, diarrhea/nausea/vomiting), please do the following:

DINE IN YOUR SUITE: Inform us so that we can deliver your meals. Do not come to the dining room while you are sick.

During office hours, please contact Reception – 604.851.4000

On weekends and statutory holidays, please call the kitchen in your building after 9:00am.

Pavilion: 604.851.1373     Terrace: 604.851.4011      PG: 604.851.7398

MASK IN COMMON AREAS: Wear a medical mask when in common areas of the building (for example, if you are on your way out to an appointment).

NO GROUP ACTIVITIES: Do not attend any recreation activities while you have the above list of symptoms.

INFORM FAMILY/CAREGIVERS: Contact your family/care givers for any necessary support; call 9-1-1 if in medical distress.

COVID TESTING: COVID test kits are available from Judith (LEA) or Angela (Reception). Covid testing will be self-administered or with assistance from your family or caregiver.

POSITIVE COVID TEST: Notify Reception (604.851.4000) or LEA (604.851.4021) to inform Menno Apartments of COVID positive test result.

We will provide a PPE (personal protective equipment) cart outside your apartment door for 5 days. This is for the purpose of protecting Menno staff and/or home care workers who need to enter your apartment to provide service while you are sick. You can rejoin dining and activities on the 6th day after your positive test, provided your symptoms have cleared up.

Staff are required to wear medical masks in common resident areas.

Medical masks are optional for residents who have NO symptoms.

Visitors are asked to wear medical masks in all common areas (masks are available at the front entrances of each building).



As I stated at the beginning, showing care and concern for each other is our overarching approach. Let’s all do our part to avoid spreading illness. Thank you for your commitment to doing your part in following our protocols.

Leonard Klassen, Interim Manager of Independent & Supportive Living

Current 2023 Protocols for Respiratory Illnesses in Assisted Living

Current 2023 protocols are as follows. Please note that these are updated from when we were in the COVID pandemic.

Showing care and concern for each other is our overarching approach.

If you have any of the following symptoms (fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle/body ache, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, diarrhea/nausea/vomiting), please do the following:

DINE IN YOUR SUITE: Inform care staff so that we can deliver your meals. Do not come to the dining room while you are sick.

MASK IN COMMON AREAS: Wear a medical mask when in common areas of the building (for example, if you are on your way out to an appointment).

NO GROUP ACTIVITIES: Do not attend any recreation activities while you have the above list of symptoms.

COVID TESTING: COVID tests are available and care staff will administer a rapid test if you have any of the above list of symptoms.

POSITIVE COVID TEST: We will provide a PPE (personal protective equipment) cart outside your apartment door for 5 days. This is for the purpose of protecting Menno staff who need to enter your apartment to provide service while you are sick. You can rejoin dining and activities on the 6th day after your positive test, provided your symptoms have cleared up.

Staff are required to wear medical masks in common resident areas.

Medical masks are optional for residents who have NO symptoms.

Visitors are required to wear medical masks in all common areas (masks are available at the front entrance from the Visitation Host).



As I stated at the beginning, showing care and concern for each other is our overarching approach. Let’s all do our part to avoid spreading illness. Thank you for your commitment to doing your part in following our protocols.

Smitha Varghese, Interim Manager of Assisted Living

Shake Out Earthquake Drill – Thurs October 19, 2023

Menno Place will practice our earthquake preparedness safety drill  – the Great British Columbia ShakeOut – on Thursday, October 19th at 10:19am! DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON. All staff and residents at Menno Place will be participating with practice drills.

Drop, Cover, and Hold On when the earth shakes.

Taking the proper actions, such as “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”, can save lives and reduce the risk of injury. Everyone, everywhere, should learn and practice what to do during an earthquake, whether at home, work, school or traveling.

If you’re at Menno Place on Oct 19th, please prepare to participate in this drill.

At 10:19am you will hear an announcement: “Earthquake drill STOP, DROP, COVER, HOLD ON”

  • You are required, if safe to do so, stop current activity, drop to the floor and take cover under a table or desk.
  • You should count out loud for the duration of the simulated earthquake. This will help keep you focused and calm, as well as providing an indication of how long shaking can last.
  • When the shaking portion of the drill stops, stay in place and count to 60, giving displaced objects a chance to settle.

Some education tips:

  • Residents in beds, recliners, wheelchairs should not be transferred until after the shaking stops. Stay put. Cover your head and neck with your arms or a pillow until the shaking stops.
  • Wheelchair users: lock the wheels, cover your head and neck.
  • A safe place for residents who cannot drop is next to an inside wall away from moving/falling objects
  • Do not use doorways

For those who use adaptive equipment:


Upcoming Vaccine Clinics at Menno Apartments

We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting vaccine clinics (both Flu and Covid) in each of our Menno Apartments buildings.

Pavilion – Thursday, November 2nd
Primrose Gardens – Friday, November 3rd

Beginning today, a questionnaire will be circulated to each tenant offering them the opportunity to sign up for vaccination. Each tenant can make their choice about both the Covid vaccine and the Flu vaccine. Please follow up with your loved one if they may have difficulty completing the form. Forms can be handed in to reception or put in the suggestion boxes located in each building.

If you have any questions, please contact reception at 604-851-4000.

Leonard Klassen,
Interim Manager of Independent & Supportive Living

In-Person Chapel Returns Sept 17!

We are thrilled to announce that in-person chapel is returning to the Menno Place campus starting Sunday September 17th 2-3pm!  This service will take place once a month in the Menno Hospital chapel.

Everyone is welcome:

1. Residents who are able to come on their own may do so.
2. Residents who need assistance must have a family member or friend bring them or designate someone to do so. We are not able to provide staff to porter residents at this time.

Gathering in person for worship is a significant part of one’s faith experience. We want to provide this opportunity. Thank you for participating with your loved one to make it possible.

Volunteers Needed! Not every resident who needs assistance has family members or friends who are available to help. If you or someone you know would like to facilitate an in-person worship experience for those who need it please contact one of the Menno Place chaplains – Andy (, Ann ( or Kerry ( . Thank you!

Staying Cool in Hot Weather

It’s going to be hot for the next couple of days. Make sure you know how to stay cool and safe and watch out for symptoms of heat exhaustion.

How to keep your body cool and comfortable:

  • Drink lots of fluids
  • Stay in a cool space
  • Wet a facecloth with cold water and put it on the back of your neck
  • Dress in loose fitting, light colored and breathable fabrics
  • Pay attention to how you feel and watch for symptoms of heat exhaustion

How to keep your apartment cool and comfortable:

  • Make sure the heat is turned off
  • Keep your doors and windows closed during the day (you can open them overnight)
  • Close your blinds or curtains
  • Limit outside walks to the early morning
  • Cool off in the air-conditioned common areas of your building

Watch out for symptoms of heat exhaustion:

If you experience any of the following symptoms move to cool space immediately and let someone know you are not feeling well: skin rash, heavy sweating, headache, dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat and breathing, muscle cramps, extreme thirst, and/or dark urine or decreased urination.

Leonard Klassen
Interim Manager of Independent and Supportive Living

If you have any questions please contact reception – 604-851-4004 (Terrace East and Terrace West) or 604-851-4000 (Primrose Gardens and Pavilion).

Primrose Gardens Community Meeting – May 29 2023

Greetings from Trish, Community Enrichment Manager

Fire Safety protocol with Dave Janzen, Building Systems & Emergency Response Coordinator

In case of fire:

    • Do not use the elevator
    • If it is safe to do so, stay in your suite. Keep your door closed & put a towel under the door the help keep smoke out
    • Call 911
    • If there’s a fire in your suite, leave immediately & pull the closest fire alarm
    • If you need to evacuate the building, the designated meeting place Is Living Water Gardens or Terrace Dining Room

Safety Items to consider:

    • Power bars with Surge Protector are best
    • Multi-outlet plugs can be a fire hazard, please avoid using these
    • When cooking try to remember to make sure everything is turned off before leaving your suite
    • Keep your suite clean & tidy, clutter can be fuel for a fire
    • Candles are not permitted, but battery operated candles are

How to use a fire extinguisher:

    • Turn the pin like a key to break the plastic then pull the pin out
    • Aim the hose at the bottom of the fire & pull the trigger
    • Extinguishers are meant to put out small fires only

Updates from Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator

Landscaping – Landscapers have been working hard to remove a lot of the dead growth. More plants are coming this week. Landscapers will be on campus every Tuesday, & possibly more depending on the work that needs to be done.

Power washing – the job has been completed for PG but the washers will be returning for some touch ups.

Heat – In extreme heat, it’s important to remain cool & hydrated. Common areas such as the Bistro or Dining Room have air conditioning & water jugs are located in the Activity Room & Wellness Center.

Wildlife – Do not feed the animals on campus. This includes squirrels, possums, raccoons, bunnies, birds, or cats. Hummingbird feeders are permitted.

Security – Reminder to not let people in the building. They can use the enter phone & call the person they wish to visit. Report any suspicious behavior to staff or call the building emergency line if it’s after hours-604-217-4418. Do not intervene. Your safety is important to us. Please remember to lock your doors. This is a smart task to remember even if you are just going to lunch. Even if you are home, it’s encouraged to lock your door.

Annual Rent Increase – The process for rent increases will be changing. Effective this year, the rent increase will be on a rolling basis. Example, if you moved here on August 1 2022, you will receive a rent increase for August 2023.

New Apartments Chaplain – Kerry is transitioning into his role here at the Apartments. His office will be located where Leonard’s current office is, and Leonard will be moving behind Angela in Reception.

Recreation summer update from Linda Weatherly Recreation manager

  • Butterfly Release on Friday, June 16th. Butterflies are available to purchase online or at Reception for $25.
  • Canada Day event on Friday, June 30th. This will include entertainment by Patsy Cline, vintage cars, & Food.
  • Summer Beach Party in July. There will be food, games, & music by Elvis.
  • Camping Theme event in August. More details to come.
  • Grandparents Day on Saturday, September 9th. This will include entertainment for the whole family with games, fun & food.
  • Concert in Care is once a month in the Menno Hospital Chapel. The next concert is on June 28th.
  • Bus Trips Price Increase the cost of the bus trips have been raised to $10. This is a very reasonable & fair price.

 June Bus trips update from Timea Derbyshire, Recreation Aide for Apartments. Some of the trips included are to Save on Foods, White Rock, Walmart, & the Westminster Abbey in Mission.

Fact from Trish- Studies show that the more socially isolated you are, the higher your frailty is. So be active, be social & participate!

Archway Services – offers a range of services that can be beneficial to residents. Some included are, Community Van, Meals on Wheels, Better at Home, & Senior Services. If you would like more information on this see Angela at Reception for pamphlets.

 Closing with Kerry Dyck, Apartments Chaplain. Fun Fact- He hates olives. Kerry looks forward to starting his new role at Menno & getting to know all the residents.

Income Tax Preparation for Apartment Residents

We are pleased to provide income tax preparation services completed by a volunteer accountant, working in conjunction with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). The CVITP partners with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to provide volunteers who prepare tax returns for those who have a modest income and a simple tax solution.


  • Individuals with income up to $35,000
  • Couples with income up to $45,000
  • Simple tax solution

To access this service please see Claire or Angela at reception to get a form. Return the completed form to reception no later than April 14th.  Reception will set up a phone appointment for you with the accountant.

Appointments will be by phone on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons throughout March and April. There are a couple of in-person appointments available as well.

For family members:

Family members are welcome to be on the call with the resident if they choose. For family members who have a current POA agreement, you can choose to take the call instead of the resident with permission from the resident. Please contact Claire 604-851-4004 to arrange this.