COVID UPDATE – April 19, 2021 – Terrace East and Terrace West

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 2 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 2 (0 residents/ 2 staff)

TOTAL NEW SYMPTOMATIC = 0 (0 residents / 0 staff)

SWABBED FOR COVID – 24  residents and all staff

There is no update of information today except to say that there are no new symptomatic residents nor staff. Some staff swabs have come back, all are negative.

We have received a number of emails from family members along with phone calls that prompts this next set of Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional questions, please email them to Sharon.Simpson@MennoPlace.ca

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. My loved one lives in Terrace West and is in need of my help daily with medication administration. How can I help them? Will Menno Place provide them with this help? Answer: You may apply for Essential Visitor status through a conversation with Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment – 604.851.4020. This is a new kind of visitor for those living in Independent Living. All Essential Visitors must be assessed and permitted through Cheryl Dawes. You can read about Essential Visits on the Fraser Health website – CLICK HERE
  2. I need to get some important paperwork to my loved one in Terrace West. What do I do? Call Leonard Klassen, Life Enrichment Coordinator – 6043851.4006+ to arrange pick-up of the paperwork from you to the resident.
  3. Why are residents on isolation when they have been vaccinated? This decision to isolate residents is made by Public Health. They have collected all the information about who was in contact with the initial COVID positive staff member and have evaluated the risk to the residents.
    We know that the chance of a double-dose vaccinated person becoming COVID-19 positive is a 5% chance (efficacy rate of 2 doses of Pfizer-BioNtech is 95%) and that it lessens the symptoms and severity of the disease if you are vaccinated.
    We expect as time passes and the evidence of how the vaccine protects people becomes stronger that there will be more freedom. Until the population is vaccinated to herd immunity (60-70%), it is likely that there will be continued caution.
  4. Why aren’t staff getting vaccinated? 94% of our staff are vaccinated. There are medical and personal reasons why a staff member may choose to not get vaccinated. It is important to remember that medical information is confidential. Staff are not required to disclose to Menno Place (employer) whether or not they are vaccinated. We receive the percentage of staff vaccinated from Fraser Health’s records. All healthcare workers are required to state their employer when they get their vaccination.

Please send further questions to Sharon.Simpson@MennoPlace.ca

You will receive daily reports on www.MennoPlaceLife.com and www.Facebook.com/groups/MennoPlace

If you have questions, please address them to Cheryl Dawes, Manager, Community Enrichment, 605.851.4020 – Cheryl.Dawes@MennoPlace.ca