Smoke-Free Campus: Changes for Staff & Visitor Smoking

Effective immediately smoking in the courtyard smoking area of Menno Home will be restricted to residents ONLY. Staff and visitors will not be permitted to smoke in this area.

Menno Place is a smoke-free campus. In keeping with Fraser Health’s smoke-free policy, and in response to feedback from our listening sessions with families, the courtyard smoking hut will be reserved for residents only. Upcoming upgrades to this area will prevent smoke from interfering with resident activities and their enjoyment of the courtyard.

Smoking is not permitted in any building, on the campus, in cars in the parking lots, or within three meters of any door, window, or air intake in compliance with the City of Abbotsford Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 1694-2017.

Thinking of Quitting?

Free Resources

Did you know that BC Pharmacare’s Smoking Cessation Program can help you get up to 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy including lozenges and patches? You can find more information about this program here:

BC Pharmacare’s Smoking Cessation Program

Additional Resources

Any staff person who is interested in support to quit smoking is encouraged to visit This site created by the BC Lung Foundation includes information, practical guides and a community of support.