Road Resurfacing on Primrose Street Starting March 24
To: All Menno Place Staff, Residents, and Visitors
From: Bas Kervel, Director of Support Services
Date: March 21, 2025
Re: Road Resurfacing on Primrose Street and Surrounding Area Starting March 24
The city of Abbotsford will be in our area to complete road resurfacing from March 24 – 29, weather permitting.
The road works will affect Wildwood, Primrose, Wilerose, Brundige, Kay and Stevenson as marked on the map below. During the period of work the roads will be limited to local traffic only and NO STREET PARKING will be permitted.
Staff, residents, and visitors should expect delays and plan accordingly. If you need to pick up a resident from Terrace East during this time it may be easier to enter through the main doors of Terrace West.
Please remember to keep a safe distance from equipment working on the road and follow all direction given by traffic control persons.