Menno Place Map and Orientation

The following information will help you as you navigate the Menno Place campus.

As most families go to primarily ONE building, it can be confusing to figure out the other areas on the campus. We hope that this helps.

Menno Place is a campus-of-care with six buildings. It is 11 acres and is bordered by 3 main streets: Marshall Road (south), Primrose Street (east) and Brundige Avenue (on the north).

Menno Home

The building that is on COVID outbreak (Sept. 2021) is Menno Home.

Here are some quick facts:
bright blue building on the left side of the map (see below)

  • 196 residents
  • 3 main entrances:
  • Entrance A (Receptionist) at Brundige Ave used for West 1
  • Entrance B (parking lot off of Brundige) used for entering East 1 or East 2
  • Entrance C (long ramp) used for entering West 2

Menno Hospital

Menno Hospital is a long-term care home. It has the historical name of “hospital” because it is under the Hospital Act. This was put in place when it was built and was considered “extended care” for the MSA Hospital.

  • Menno Hospital has 151 residents
  • one main entrance
  • has the Fireside Cafe (currently only for staff and visitor use)

It also has units named with the exact same letters as Menno Home (East 1, East 2, West 2). This can be confusing. Make sure you look for the word: Home or Hospital to help you know which building the unit is in.

Menno Hospital does not function like an acute care hospital (Abbotsford Regional Hospital) where anyone can receive medical services (emergency, surgeries, recovery, etc). It functions in the same way Menno Home functions – as a long-term care home for a specific group of residents.

Menno Place

Menno Place is the name for the entire campus and does not refer to any one specific building. It covers 11 acres.

Menno Place is located directly north of Abbotsford Regional Hospital and the Abbotsford BC Cancer Agency.

The main office for the CEO and COO are located through the Menno Hospital main entrance off of Marshall Road

There are 3 levels of support / care provided at Menno Place:

  1. Long-term care: Menno Home and Menno Hospital
  2. Assisted Living: Terrace East
  3. Independent (supportive) Living: Primrose Gardens, Terrace West, Pavilion

Menno Home is a term often used to describe the whole of the campus-of-care – mainly because it was the original and primary care home for many years. Many people have relatives that have lived in Menno Home and that name has stayed in their memory.

We refer only to Menno Home as one of six of the buildings.
Menno Place is how we refer to ALL of the buildings. Here is a map of Menno Place – the PDF (larger version) is located here: