Blessing the Menno Place Staff!

Blessing the Menno Place Staff!

We give thanks for all the people who show their love and kindness at this time – below are some photos of the people who are reaching out – Thank you!
If you want to bring some treats, we would happily accept any gifts for our staff!
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts that will ensure we can accept the gifts:
  1. All food must be commercially prepared and individually packaged – cookies individually packaged, muffins.
  2. We will accept cut flowers for the staff to take a bundle when they leave their shift
  3. We love plants/bouquets in individual pots
  4. Do you have a special mug? Corporate mugs? We’d love them!
  5. Drinks! Gatorade, water, special individualized drinks – the staff are VERY hot under their PPE.
  6. Fastners to keep the mask elastics from pulling on ears
  7. Individually wrapped chocolates!!!!!!!
  8. Catered lunches – we didn’t accept this previously, but now do! Boston pizza provides individual mini-pizzas – ask for elementary school pricing.
  9. Individually wrapped sandwiches (commercially prepared)
  10. Personal size hand sanitizers
  11. Hand lotion
  12. Vitamins – yes! Bring on the energy!
  13. Cards – the residents are receiving cards – the staff would love to receive them, too.
  14. Gift cards ($5) for a Starbucks, Tim’s or McDonald’s coffee – perfect for after a shift or on the way to night shift
  15. Any other encouragement – personal sized, individually wrapped.
If you want to donate directly to the E2 COVID positive staff, please indicate that is your wish. Garry W. Janzen will let you know quantities.
ALL of the Menno Place staff have been working so hard to keep our seniors safe – please consider donating to a specific unit or building OR to anywhere on the campus.
Blessings to you!
Please contact, 604.851.1332 if you would like to make a donation.
All donors will be acknowledged in the Abbotsford News when the outbreak is over! We look forward to that day!