Updates – 05/23/2020 – Hairdressing, Dentist, Visits, Deliveries

Some quick updates

HAIRDRESSING – we are working on re-opening haircutting and styling services next week across the campus.This is an ongoing conversation with the hair dressers and our maintenance team to set up safe locations for hair services.
Each building / unit will need its own hair salon solution. We don’t have a hair salon in Primrose Gardens, so that is something we are working on. Menno Home residents (west side) have used the Pavilion hair salon and this will no longer take place.
We realize that people are really needing their hair to be cut, styled, colored and generally beautified. We do not recommend Independent Living residents go to outside hair salons (Pavilion, Terrace West, Primrose Gardens). Thank you for your patience!
DENTIST – For Long-term care (Home and Hospital) as well as Assisted Living (Terrace East), there are no outside appointments for residents unless a medical emergency.
For Independent Living, we STRONGLY recommend NOT going to the dentist for routine dental checkups or cleaning. Use all infection control protocols (mask, hand hygiene, active screening questions for the dentist staff, goggles, etc) if you have to go for urgent or emergency work.
VISITING – Long-term care (Menno Home and Menno Hospital) as well as Assisted Living (Terrace East) continue to be under Medical Health Orders to have only ESSENTIAL visitors (palliative care) and no outside appointments.
DELIVERIES – For Long-term care (Home and Hospital) as well as Assisted Living (Terrace East), deliveries must be considered ESSENTIAL (hearing aids, mobility aids, etc). We are not accepting donations of take-out food or snacks. If you bring a card, it will be quarantined for 48 hours.
Although BC is in Phase 2 Opening, seniors’ care continues to be the highest risk for a fatal result from a positive test for COVID-19. We do not envision any major re-opening taking place for visits or services in the near future.