Update on our new TV and WiFi System at Menno Apartments
Date: March 27, 2025
To: Family and Contacts of Menno Apartment Residents
Re: Update on our new TV and WiFi system at Menno Apartments
Dear Family and Contacts of Menno Apartment Residents,
Our switch over to our new TV and WiFi system is almost complete. At this time I wanted to update you on what has changed and ask for your help to support your loved one as they get used to the new system.
Our residents may need help to:
- Familiarize themselves with a new TV remote and new TV home screen
- Access to Menno TV Channel (formerly known as Channel 10)
- Connect their devices to WiFi
As always, the LEA team will be available to assist during regular hours, but with everyone switching over at the same time, your support will speed this process up significantly.
Television Package
All suites have received a brand new set-top box with a new remote. This new box is an app-based smart TV set-up. In other words, it is now possible to log into apps like Netflix or YouTube directly through the TV box. Navigating the system is slightly different. We have distributed a cheat sheet and an updated list of channels to every suite.
Unfortunately, our local channel is no longer “Channel 10”; it is now a “Local Camera” App accessed directly from the home screen. But rest assured, our Menno TV Channel is still live and available. The Telus TV cheat sheet has instructions on how to access it along with pictures of what the new screen looks like.
The new remotes have one additional feature we haven’t announced to the residents yet. There is a Google Assistant button that allows voice control of the remote. Feel free to assist your family member/friend if you feel this will benefit them.
Lastly, the new system allows devices connected in the suite to cast to the TV. I’m sure this feels intuitive to the younger generation, so feel free to utilize this feature if you want to show your loved ones some pictures from your phone via casting.
I want to thank the Telus technicians for their work on this over the past few weeks, and my Life Enrichment team members who are doing what they can to assist with learning a new system. Please join me in expressing my thanks to them when you see them.
Click here to download the Telus TV Cheat Sheet
Click here to down the updated List of Channels
WiFi Network Upgrade
The other major component of our upgrade is a completely updated WiFi network. To summarize, every apartment now has their own private network with their own password to access the internet. This will allow devices such as smart speakers, wireless printers, WiFi enabled smart plugs, Google Home devices, Alexa, etc. to properly connect and be used.
My team has distributed a print-out to each suite that has the unique password for that suite. (You can see an example of this here.) Every member of the Life Enrichment team has access to the passwords and we can very quickly print a new one or provide you with the information you need. Please note that the new network is called “Menno Place Resident WiFi” (do NOT use Menno Place Residents any longer). Each suite has the password written out, along with a QR code for quick access. Again, I would appreciate your assistance in getting your loved ones’ devices on this new network. (The old network will be taken offline soon.)
Thanks for your support.
I have repeatedly heard appreciation for Menno Apartments providing the telecommunication services for our residents. I trust this will continue to be the case. Currently, I’m asking for your assistance in helping our residents learn to navigate the new systems. My team is grateful when we see a child/grandchild or friend assisting someone in connecting to the internet. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Life Enrichment team with further questions.
Leonard Klassen,
Manager of Community Enrichment