There are 3 new cats “roaming the Menno Place campus!
This little guy (still needs a name – any suggestions?) is bringing joy at the Primrose Gardens reception desk (see photo and video). What a great response people are having to this sweet robotic cat!
In Menno Home, one family watched their loved one interact with the robotic cat during a Zoom call. They write,
“What a delight to see her response to the cat! It brought tears to my eyes to see her so animated! I wish I could have videoed this event. It was so precious. next week, would it be possible to bring the cat in part-way through our visit so I can video her with the cat? Again, how can we thank you enough for making her time in care so wonderful?”
Thank you to Linda, our new Recreation Manager who is exploring all sorts of new initiatives for residents (and for Lynn in PG Reception)!
If you are interested in this cat for your loved one, please send an email to