MEMO: TV and WiFi Upgrade for Menno Apartment Residents
Date: March 12, 2025
To: All Residents of Menno Place
Dear Menno Apartment Residents,
I am writing to inform you all of an upgrade coming to our TV and Wi-Fi system at MENNO Apartments. This upgrade is needed in order to ensure our system functions well.
What does this mean for you?
Over the coming weeks, a TELUS representative will enter each of your suites and replace some of the equipment. You will be getting a new TV cable box and a new remote.
We will also be changing our wireless network and be giving each of you your own password. This will improve the system so we can better connect your devices that require Internet connection.
Unfortunately, any of the recordings you have saved on your current PVR will be lost. The new boxes are also PVR enabled and so we hope you can re-record shows that you want to watch.
Some of you have added channels and/or a second TV box through TELUS top up program. We are waiting for final details on how this may transfer. If this situation applies to you, please let one of the LEA team members know.
Thank you. I appreciate your flexibility as we don’t have complete firm dates for all the installs. We will keep you updated as best we can via daily announcements.
Leonard Klassen, Manager of Community Enrichment
You can contact the Life Enrichment Team at 604-851-4004