Enhanced Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Respiratory Illness Season

Effective Tuesday, October 3, the BC Ministry of Health is reinstating enhanced infection prevention and control measures for respiratory illness season: COVID, cold, flu

  1. Medical mask wearing will be required by all health-care workers, volunteers, contractors and visitors in resident areas of health-care facilities, which includes long-term care homes (Menno Home, Menno Hospital) and assisted living residences (Terrace East).
  2. Medical mask wearing is expected in Independent Living shared common areas, hallways, entrances, lounge spaces and the dining room.
  3. Visitors are required to wear a medical mask (provided at the entrances) when they are in a common area of the home and when participating in indoor events, gatherings and activities in a communal area of the care home. This includes the dining room and while assisting with meals for their loved one.
  4. Visitors to IL apartments (Terrace West, Pavilion and Primrose Gardens) who are sick or show symptoms of viral respiratory illness are discouraged from visiting.
  5. Visitation Hosts will be reinstated at the front entrances to support screening for symptoms of respiratory illnesses, hand out medical masks and to ensure that people sanitize hands before entering.
  6. All residents in long-term care as well as seniors age 65 and older are included in the priority populations that will be invited to book vaccine appointments as early as October 10, 2023.

The Ministry of Health official news release can be found here.

The Ministry of Health is currently developing a Q&A document that will be shared ahead of the October 3 implementation date. We will share that with you when it becomes available.