Assistive Listening Devices for Social Distanced Visits

Are you visiting 6ft away from a loved one with hearing impairment? This is allowed for residents in The Apartments (Primrose Gardens, Terrace East Assisted Living, Terrace West and Pavilion).

Two recommended products that help communicate with someone who is hearing impaired while social distancing:
  1. Pocket Talker – $229 – this little microphone amplifies sound closest to the listener and makes it easier to hear –!/Pocketalker-Ultra-Complete-with-Headset-and-single-Ear-Bud/p/46500778/category=13078163
  2. Voice Buddy – $299 – personal voice amplifier with speakers – our chaplains and recreation teams have these to ensure that they are speaking loudly enough for a listener to hear them –!/VoiceBuddy-Personal-Voice-Amplifer/p/46500821/category=12521539
    They also sell a MiniBuddy Voice Amplifier for $209.95:!/ALDS-MiniBuddy-Voice-Amplifier/p/46500692/category=12521540
There are many other excellent products for sale (all price ranges) on the Assistive Listening Device Systems Store – they have always provided excellent customer service to Menno Place. Located in Langley, BC.
Check it out: