Assistive Listening Devices for Social Distanced Visits
Are you visiting 6ft away from a loved one with hearing impairment? This is allowed for residents in The Apartments (Primrose Gardens, Terrace East Assisted Living, Terrace West and Pavilion).
- Pocket Talker – $229 – this little microphone amplifies sound closest to the listener and makes it easier to hear –!/Pocketalker-Ultra-Complete-with-Headset-and-single-Ear-Bud/p/46500778/category=13078163
- Voice Buddy – $299 – personal voice amplifier with speakers – our chaplains and recreation teams have these to ensure that they are speaking loudly enough for a listener to hear them –!/VoiceBuddy-Personal-Voice-Amplifer/p/46500821/category=12521539
They also sell a MiniBuddy Voice Amplifier for $209.95:!/ALDS-MiniBuddy-Voice-Amplifier/p/46500692/category=12521540