A Free Digital Advent Devotional for You!

Menno Place would like to offer our residents, staff, and families a special 4-week digital devotional published by Christianity Today to help you journey through the 2022 Advent season. This is our gift to you!

The Promised One features articles and devotional questions by Christianity Today contributors and editors such as Rasool Berry, Craig Blomberg, Jay Kim, Glenn Packiam, Kristie Anyabwile, Marlena Graves, and more.

Over the 4 weeks of Advent, this devotional guide explore what Scripture tells us about the Promised One. The daily reflections delve into key passages that help us understand more about who Jesus is. And each weekly theme centers around a core aspect of Jesus’ identity drawn from Isaiah’s prophecies.

Week 1 | Jesus is the Mighty God

We anticipate his promised return and his ultimate reign.

Week 2 | Jesus is the Prince of Peace

He brings us spiritual peace in the here and now as we experience redemption and live by the values of his kingdom.

Week 3 | Jesus is the Light of the World

Jesus is not only the light for us as individuals–he is a light for all nations.

Week 4 | Jesus is Immanuel

As Isaiah’s prophecy foretold, he is “God with us.”

Each daily reading concludes with Scripture passages for reflection and discussion questions to aid individual or group study. The guide at the back of the devotional offers additional ideas and activities for families and groups throughout advent.

As a bonus, the devotional includes two additional devotional readings for Christmas Day and Epiphany as well as family and group discussion questions and activities.

Download your free digital copy of The Promised One HERE