Notice of Enhanced Monitoring from Fraser Health


December 16, 2021

Dear Residents and Families of Menno Hospital,

We are writing to notify you that someone at Menno Hospital was diagnosed with COVID-19. The Fraser Health COVID-19 Public Health team is working with the staff and medical staff at the home to identify anyone who may have been exposed and to take steps to protect the health of all residents, staff and medical staff. Our Medical Health Officer has not declared a COVID-19 outbreak at this time.

This exposure does not mean that your family member is sick with COVID-19. Residents, staff and medical staff will be screened twice-daily for any signs of illness. Those who develop symptoms will be isolated, tested for COVID-19 and provided the care they need. We will keep you up-to-date on any changes related to your family member’s health status.

The health and safety of residents, staff and medical staff is our first priority and a responsibility we take very seriously. To date, as part of our proactive management, Fraser Health has worked to ensure enhanced measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at this home.

Your loved one may be required to isolate based on their exposure risk and COVID-19 vaccination status. We know that staying away from your loved one is very difficult and we appreciate your cooperation with this request with the goal of keeping residents, staff and medical staff healthy. Essential visits will continue.

Staff and medical staff at this home will continue to provide care and services to our residents to enhance their safety and well-being while maintaining routines where it is safe to do so.

For general information about COVID-19, call 8-1-1, or visit HealthLinkBC:

If you have further questions, please contact Smitha, Director of Care, 604.859.7631


COVID UPDATE – December 16, 2021 – E1 Hospital Enhanced Monitoring


TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents | 1 staff)

MOST RECENT COVID CASE = December 16, 2021

All day staff who worked in E1 HOSPITAL who worked on December 10th and 11th are required to get a COVID PCR test immediately.

1 resident is on droplet precaution / 6 residents have been swabbed for COVID.

For the unit on Enhanced Monitoring:

  • Communal dining will continue
  • Recreation activities will continue
  • Social visits continue – masks worn at ALL times – they are not permitted to be taken off when visitors are alone with residents
  • Unvaccinated visitors may not take residents off of the unit
  • Visits may not take place in the Fireside Cafe as it is the cohorted staff break room
  • Medical masks only

E1 Staff – Follow all of these requirements:

  • All day staff who worked Dec 10 or 11 must get COVID swabbed
  • Lunchroom is the Fireside Cafe for E1 cohorted staff ONLY
  • No access to Fireside Cafe takeout for E1 cohorted staff
  • E1 staff enter and exit the unit through the patio door ONLY
  • Manual sign in/out for E1 staff ONLY – located at patio entrance
  • Goggles are required at all times for staff
  • Change your mask after every break and when it becomes wet or dirty

The Omicron variant is VERY contagious and ALL staff and visitors MUST be vigilant in all the infection control protocols including:

  • six feet of distance in the lunch rooms
  • masks off ONLY when eating or drinking AND six feet away from others
  • rapid testing REQUIRED for staff and STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for all visitors
  • masks worn properly – NEVER under the nose – tightly pinched and shaped tight to your nose – no exceptions

MEMO: HOME & HOSPITAL: Service Price Increase Notice – Foot care and Hand care


December 7, 2021

Subject: Service Price Increase Notice – Foot care and Hand care

Menno Place has been notified about a price change for the professional foot care and hand care provided to our residents. We wish to share with you that starting January 1, 2022 the price will increase by $10 for each service. We’re confident that even with the increase, prices remain competitive for the quality of the service that is provided.

Starting in January 2022, the charge for services will be $45.00 for foot care and $40 for hand care. The contractor providing this service has worked hard to keep costs down and is proud that this is the first increase since January 2019 (three years ago).

  • Foot care, as you know, is an important clinical service for older adults, especially those diagnosed with diabetes. We are pleased that we have professional nurse contractors to provide this service for our residents. We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that these services include:
  • Foot care assessment – corns & callus care, cutting toenails, checking for skin infection & conditions, preventing potential problems, and moisturize feet.
  • Hand care assessment – cutting of fingernails, checking for skin infection & conditions, preventing potential problems, and moisturize hands.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss these changes regarding foot care or hand care for your loved one, please ask your Nursing staff.

Kathrin McMath, MA, CHE, CPA, CMA
Chief Operating Officer
Menno Place

Family & Friends (Family Council) Meeting – Dec 16 2021

Family and friends (Family Council) will be meeting via Microsoft TEAMS (online Video) December 16, 2021, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Please click this link to join the meeting by video, or call the number with the code beside it to call in to the meeting. It is recommended to download Microsoft TEAMS onto your device to benefit from all its features. If you prefer not to download the app you can still use TEAMS through your internet browser.

Join us for the Family Council Meeting Dec 16th
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 778-731-1352,,150475739# Canada, Port Moody
Phone Conference ID: 150 475 739#

Family and Friends is a regularly scheduled meeting for family members, friends or representatives for our residents in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. We will be having Chief Operating Officer (COO), Kathrin McMath, as our guest speaker. She will be discussing her role as COO, and will be available for your questions. The full agenda is below.

Family Council is a great way to learn, share and connect with other family members that are on a similar journey with their loved ones in long term care. We hope you will be able to join us.

Family Council: Agenda

TEAMS (online):  December 16, 2021, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

  1. Welcome and Introductions, facilitators: Kim Wiebe, RSW, Dan Janzen, RSW
  2. Guest Speaker: Kathrin McMath, Chief Operating Office
    • Introduction
    • Role
    • Questions
  1. Review and Purpose of Family Council
  2. Resources: Alzheimer’s Society
  3. Questions and feedback:
  4. Conclusion
    • Date and time of next Council meeting: March 17, 2022
    • Check Family and Friends newsletter emails for further details.

Booster shots are coming – October 28th, November 1 and ?

We are excited to let you know that Menno Home and Menno Hospital residents will be getting their 3rd booster shot on October 28th!

Terrace East will be getting their 3rd shot on November 1st!

We have confirmation from Fraser Health that the Independent Living apartments WILL be included in the priority for 3rd booster shots – this includes Terrace West, Pavilion and Primrose Gardens.

We are also planning flu clinics for November.

Menno Place Map and Orientation

The following information will help you as you navigate the Menno Place campus.

As most families go to primarily ONE building, it can be confusing to figure out the other areas on the campus. We hope that this helps.

Menno Place is a campus-of-care with six buildings. It is 11 acres and is bordered by 3 main streets: Marshall Road (south), Primrose Street (east) and Brundige Avenue (on the north). Read more

*Update* Hair Salon Pricing Changes – Effective August 1, 2021

As of August 1, 2021, the pricing at the hair salons on campus will be the following:

Outdoor Group Gatherings – Book for Menno Home, Menno Hospital

Booking a Group Visit – Outdoors – Menno Home, Menno Hospital

Families and Friends of residents can book an outdoor gathering (up to 10 people) through Reception.

Menno Home, call 604.853.2411

Menno Hospital, call 604.859.7631

Visits will be booked for the large tent in the central courtyard. There are 2 available time slots each day, seven days per week (14 times in total per week): 10am-12pm and 1pm-4pm. The location is covered making gatherings on a rainy day a possibility.

These gatherings follow the BCCDC Guidelines that were provided to Long-Term Care providers April 1st.

This states that:

Bookings for outdoor visits must align with the current PHO guidance on outdoor gatherings for the public.


  1. Current Public Health Officer guidance, and site capacity will inform safe outdoor group visitation. A number of factors should be considered including staffing levels, space layout, the ability to maintain safe social distances and provide adequate PPE.
    For Menno Home and Hospital: One large location is available for bookings twice per day, seven days per week. The available hours coincide with the Visitation Host schedules. The Visitation Hosts will provide entrance to the gathering area. This location is under the large tent in the central courtyard. Visitors must remain inside the central courtyard for the duration of their visit as the courtyard is a locked, secure location for residents. Do not admit or let out any person who is not a part of your visitor group, including staff or others.
  2. A visitor list should be maintained to manage social visits and allow for contract tracing if necessary.
    For Menno Home and Hospital: All visitors will be screened by the Visitation Host prior to entering the central courtyard. Contact information will be required at the time of screening. Visitors will be required to perform hand hygiene and safe physical distancing from all who are outside of their visitor group. Physical contact with resident make take place if hand hygiene is performed, mask is worn, vaccination (desired) and any other recommended precautions / layers of protection.
    Medical Masks are required for outdoor visits. Visitors will be instructed on appropriate use of outdoor space and all required Infection Prevention and Control practices.
  3. For Menno Home and Hospital: Medical masks are provided at the time of screening by the Visitation Hosts. Visitors may not remove their mask while visiting which means no eating or drinking while visiting.
  4. Visitor access to washrooms and other amenities inside the facility will be provided as required. For Menno Home and Hospital: There are restrooms available at the main entrance of Menno Hospital. Visitors may not enter resident spaces to use the restroom. There is a port-a-potty available at the courtyard gate as an alternate restroom that is in close proximity to the tent in the central courtyard.
  5. Outdoor gatherings will be booked in advance. For Menno Home and Hospital: Bookings must take place 48 hours in advance (minimum). Receptionists are available Monday – Friday from 8am – 4pm. Nursing does not book these gatherings.
  6. Visitors will clean and disinfect the surfaces of furniture in the gathering area at the end of each visit.
    For Menno Home and Hospital: The Visitation Host will provide you with cloths and cleaner to do the disinfecting of all surfaces at the end of your gathering.
  7. Gatherings will cease immediately if an outbreak or enhanced monitoring is declared for the unit in which your loved one resides.
  8. One or two social visitors will be given entrance to the unit in order to transport your loved one to the large tent in the courtyard.
  9. Visitors are expected to remain within the large tent space in the courtyard and not walk throughout the courtyard. This is a resident space.
  10. No smoking on the Menno Place campus. Residents do have a smoking area provided. This is not for visitor use.
  11. A table will be provided if you wish your loved one to have a space to sit or place a birthday cake or snacks for your loved one. There is no eating or drinking allowed at this time by visitors.


COVID UPDATE – June 1, 2021

NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 1 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents/ 1 staff)

Menno Hospital E2 is OFF enhanced monitoring, effective immediately.

Social visits to resume June 2, 2021.

MAY 22, 2021 – MENNO HOSPITAL EAST 2 – COVID positive = 1 STAFF


NEW COVID POSITIVE CASES  = 0 (0 residents / 1 staff)

TOTAL COVID POSITIVE CASES = 1 (0 residents/ 1 staff)

Menno Hospital E2 is on enhanced monitoring as one staff member is COVID positive.

23 resident swabs completed and all returned negative

6 staff swabs returned negative; 4 pending

The residents on S wing on Isolation/Droplet Precautions:

  • Meals served in their rooms
  • No group activities
  • No social visits
  • Essential visits allowed

The residents on D wing:

  • No isolation for residents
  • Communal services to resume – dining in dining room, recreation
  • Social visits and essential visits to continue as before

MAP OF HOSPITAL E2 – D-Wing is the north end of the unit / S-Wing is the south end of the unit