Menno Hospital E2 Kitchen Renovation

We would like to inform you about the kitchenette renovation project in the Menno Hospital East 2 area. The renovation is being carried out in accordance with licensing and infection control standards to ensure the highest quality of care for your loved ones. The work is expected to be completed by mid-December.

Our contractors are committed to minimizing any disruption to the residents’ daily activities. Every effort will be made to ensure that the renovation process is as smooth and quiet as possible, with minimal impact on the comfort and routines of the residents.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.

Thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely ,

Smitha Varghese, Director of Care
604 851 1337

Family and Friends (Family Council) Dec 12, 2024

On December 12, 2024, 2:30pm-3:30pm, Family and Friends (Family Council) will be meeting in person, with the option of attending online via Microsoft TEAMS. The meeting will take place in the Menno Hospital Corporate Boardroom (near the Fireside Café – behind the Reception desk).

If you plan to attend online through Microsoft TEAMS, please click the following link below to join the meeting by video, or call the number with the code beside it to call in to the meeting. It is recommended to download Microsoft TEAMS onto your device to benefit from all its features, but it not, you can still click the link and use TEAMS through your internet browser.

Click here to join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 287 805 325 698
Passcode: 7E2KVC

Dial in by phone

+1 778-731-1352,,892411930# Canada, Port Moody
Phone conference ID: 892 411 930#

Family and Friends is a regularly scheduled meeting for family members, friends or representatives of residents in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. Our guest speakers will be the Health Care-Aid Lead Tonya Neufeld and Physiotherapist Sangeetha Thukkaram. Each will be discussing their roles and how they support our staff, residents and families at Menno Home and Menno Hospital.

Family Council is a great way to connect and learn about the opportunities that are on the Menno Place campus, as well as getting to know other family members that are on a similar journey with their loved ones in long term care. We hope you will be able to join us.

Join us weekly for Tuesday Chapel Services

Hymn Stories – November 2024

Overwhelmed with God’s creative brilliance, Folliot S. Pierpoint wrote this poem, “For the Beauty of the Earth.” He intended it primarily for Communion services in the Anglican Church, but when it jumped the Atlantic, it quickly became associated with the American Thanksgiving holiday. Find out more about this hymn!

Click to listen.

Strong Winds and Heavy Rainfall: Special Weather Statement

A strong fall storm system will direct an atmospheric river towards the South Coast, bringing heavy rain to the region. Rain is expected to begin early in the day on Friday and continue into Sunday morning.

Upcoming Overnight Water Shut Offs

We are upgrading our water systems on campus. As a result, there will be a complete water shutdown (hot and cold) overnight on the following dates. All nursing staff will have access to hand wash stations while the water is shut off. We trust that the overnight hours will have only a minimal impact on our tenants.

Water Shut Off Schedule:

For tenants who live in the apartments:

Ensure you have some water set aside to drink before you go to bed. Every toilet gets one flush after the water is shut down; you may wish to fill a bucket with water for an additional flush. Hand sanitizer can be used to clean your hands as needed.

For residents who live in Long-Term Care:

Care staff will make sure you have what you need.

For all:

We will have maintenance staff on campus during this time. The fire sprinkler system will remain active during the shutdown.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Long-Term Care Caregiver Support Group

Family, friends, and caregivers of residents from Menno Home and Menno Hospital are invited to join our Caregiver Support Group.

As family and friends, you share similar experiences and you are not alone. Our Family & Friends Caregiver Support Group is about having a safe place to talk about your emotions, connect with other family, friends and caregivers, learn how to support your loved one in care and learn how to take care of yourself.  Our support group will meet to share stories and support each other through the difficult moments. Our hope is that you will feel encouraged, supported and strengthened to continue this ongoing journey.

The Family and Friends Support Group will be a closed group with a maximum of 10 members. This is to create a safe and familiar space where you can build trust with other members over time and feel comfortable sharing with one another. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis. There will be a total of 6 sessions, occurring once every 2 weeks:

November 7, 21, Dec 5, 19, Jan 2, 16 (Biweekly)

2:30 -3:30 pm

Topics may include:

  • Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Secondary Stress Syndrome
  • Ambiguous Loss and Grief
  • Understanding behaviors
  • Learning to cope with difficult emotions
  • Communication (how to have a good visit, effective communication)

After this group has completed, another group will be started in Spring 2025. Members who have completed a Family & Friends Caregiver Support Group series can register for another group in the future.

The group will be facilitated by Menno Home Social Worker Kim Wiebe and Menno Hospital Social Worker Dan Janzen.

For more information and to register please contact Menno Home Social Worker (604)851-1361

Hymn Stories – October 2024

“My soul cried for deliverance, and God’s unlimited promises stood out like stars above me. But I wasn’t willing to pay the price.” The author of “Standing on the Promises,” Russell Kelso Carter, author was an athlete, educator, rancher, preacher, and physician. Find out more about his captivating testimony of surrender.

Click to listen.

Menno Place Observes Truth and Reconciliation Day

Menno Place honoured Truth and Reconciliation Day on campus on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

Staff were invited to wear an orange t-shirt. (Read about why we wear orange shirts on Truth and Reconciliation Day.) There was a presentation for the residents by Cecelia Reekie, a member of the Haisla First Nation, at 2:00 in the Menno Hospital Chapel.

As the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, said, “Education got us into this mess and education will get us out of it.” Leaning into this need to start with education, staff from Menno Place participated in a series of discussions based on the Listening to Indigenous Voices curriculum. The discussions were facilitated by Bridget Findlay, Mennonite Central Committee BC Indigenous Neighbours Coordinator, along with guest speakers from local indigenous communities.

If you would like to go through this material it is available online at: 

Taking Steps Towards Reconciliation

As we honour Truth and Reconciliation Day it can be hard to know where to begin to tackle such a complex and painful history. In the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada the authors wrote about the importance of all Canadians practicing reconciliation in our everyday lives.

Here are 5 ways you can step into the conversation and practice reconciliation:

  1. READ about residential school history
  2. EXPLORE the stories of the victims and survivors
  3. LISTEN to kids from the Sk’elep School of Excellence sing “We Won’t Forget You”
  4. WATCH stories of survivors:
  5. PARTICIPATE in the Stetís ímexstowx Gathering at The Reach Gallery Museum in Abbotsford

Menno Place is Music Care Certified!

We are delighted to announce that Menno Place is the first long-term care home in Canada to be Music Care Certified!