Terrace West Laundry Room Closed Feb 2

We will be doing repairs in the Terrace West laundry room this Friday. This means that you will not have access to this room on February 2nd. The bistro, along with the women’s washroom in the bistro, may also be affected.

The Terrace West laundry room will be closed on Friday, February 2nd all day.

Thank you for your patience as you’ve waiting for these repairs to be done. We appreciate your cooperation.

The laundry room should reopen on Saturday, Feb 3rd.

Menno Hospital Transition from ARH Pharmacy to Apex Pharmacy

Date: January 3, 2024
To: All Menno Place staff, residents, and Families
From: Smitha Varghese, Director of Care, Menno Hospital
Re: Menno Hospital pharmacy transition from ARH pharmacy to Apex pharmacy

We are pleased to announce that Apex Pharmacy will be our new pharmacy partner for Menno Hospital Long-term care beds. This change will commence on January 8th at 8am.  There is nothing that residents or their families need to do at this time. Menno Place will take care of all of the details.

Menno Place has a long-standing relationship with Apex at Menno Home and Terrace East Assisted Living. We have known Apex Pharmacy co-founders Elke and Jason for a very long time. They specialize in working with seniors and are well known in the community for their excellent services and wide range of products. We are excited about this expanded partnership!

This transition will provide opportunities to improve resident care and enhance staff experience. We will introduce new procedures like e-MAR (electronic medication administration record) and online medication incident form and will be able to have clinical pharmacist participation in our care conferences. We anticipate your cooperation and support during this process to ensure seamless transition and a successful partnership and collaboration.

Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions/further information regarding this transition.

Hymn Stories – January 2024

January’s hymn is Trusting Jesus. This textually and musically simple expression of child-like trust in Jesus has met the daily spiritual needs of many of God’s people to the present time.

Click to listen.

Celebrating 70 Years of Compassionate Care – Watch Now

Over the past 70 years Menno Place has provided trusted care to more 27,000 seniors. As part of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary we interviewed current and former staff and residents about the impact Menno Place has had in their lives.  These are their stories.

MEMO: Christmas Gifts, Donations and Fraud Awareness

‘Tis the season to celebrate, and for many of us that involves gift-giving. We want to share a few reminders with all of you about Menno Place policies.


If you wish to give a gift to the staff, here are some guidelines:

  • Gifts must be able to be shared by all the staff (e.g. chocolates, cards, pizza lunch, flowers).
  • Do not offer an individual staff member a gift as they are not permitted to accept it.
  • Financial gifts (cash/gift cards) to individual staff members are NOT allowed to be received.

If residents wish to make a financial contribution to Menno Place, donations to the Mennonite Benevolent Society can be made at reception (charitable donation receipts available).


There is to be NO fundraising, solicitation of gifts, or request for money at Menno Place (whether from or by residents or staff). There should never be any obligation or social pressure to make a financial contribution.  Fundraising is NOT allowed at Menno Place (unless Menno Place announces and endorses an official project; this will be clearly communicated through a memo).


At this time of year, unsavory people are often more active in trying to get money and information from our residents. Please remind your loved ones to be very careful with whom they share any personal information (such as banking information, birthdate, social insurance number) when receiving random phone calls. It is doubtful that a resident will receive a phone call from the CRA about an overdue account, from Amazon about a compromised credit card, or from a stranger asking for funds to help a grandchild get out of jail. If a resident gets a call like this, it’s best to hang up and initiate a call to CRA or their financial institution or their grandchild. This way you know you can be sure they are speaking with the right person.

If your resident is suspicious or feel you may be a victim of fraud, please contact the Seniors Abuse & Information Line 1-866-437-1940 or a trusted family member. A helpful brochure with more information can be downloaded by clicking here.

Thank you for being so kind to our staff and wanting to honour them at this time of the year. It means so much to us. By sharing the gifts, all our staff feel your appreciation.

On behalf of all of us who work at Menno Place, thank you for making this place so special. We appreciate you very much. We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and many blessings for the new year ahead. Stay safe and thank you for choosing to live at Menno.

Hymn Stories – December 2023

Joy is the keynote of the entire Advent season, especially for the Christian, who realizes its spiritual significance – God Himself invading this world and providing a means whereby sinful man might live eternally. Joy to the World is generally considered to be one of the most joyous Christmas hymns in existence, not in the sense of merry-making, but in the deep and solemn realization of what Christ’s birth has meant to mankind. Find out more about this hymn by Isaac Watts.

Click to listen.

Family and Friends (Family Council) Dec 7 2023

On December 7, 2023, 2:30pm-3:30pm, Family and Friends (Family Council) will be meeting in person, with the option of attending online via Microsoft TEAMS. The meeting will take place in the Menno Hospital Corporate Boardroom (near the Fireside Café – behind the Receptionist’s desk).

If you plan to attend online through Microsoft TEAMS, please click the following link below to join the meeting by video, or call the number with the code beside it to call in to the meeting. It is recommended to download Microsoft TEAMS onto your device to b enefit from all its features, but it not, you can still click the link and use TEAMS through your internet browser.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 281 007 865 752
Passcode: dzbXQa
Or call in (audio only)
+1 778-731-1352,,209748998# Canada, Port Moody
Phone Conference ID: 209 748 998#

Family and Friends is a regularly scheduled meeting for family members, friends or representatives of residents in Menno Home and Menno Hospital. Our guest speakers will be Executive Director of Care Pooja Mishra and Recreation Aide Candace Crowley. Each will be discussing their roles and how they support our staff, residents and families at Menno Home and Menno Hospital.

Family Council is a great way to connect and learn about the opportunities that are on the Menno Place campus, as well as getting to know other family members that are on a similar journey with their loved ones in long term care. We hope you will be able to join us.

Congratulate Menno Place on 70 Years of Compassionate Christian Care for All

For 70 years Menno Place has provided hope, dignity, and compassion to more than 25,000 seniors in Abbotsford. At Menno Place it’s not just about a bed, food, and medical care. It’s about the incredible staff, volunteers, and donors who make it possible for our 700 residents to live their best lives.

Use the form below to share your greetings as we celebrate this milestone and look forward to another 70 years of compassionate Christian care for the seniors in our community.

Fill out my online form.