Date: Friday, June 14, 2024

Time: 2:30 pm

Location: Menno Place Courtyard

Gates open at 1:30 pm | Butterflies available for pick-up at 2:00 pm

Refreshments to Follow

A joyful time to release butterflies into the beautiful courtyard. Join with residents to share a special moment of excitement as butterflies are released by those who have pre-purchased a butterfly in anticipation of sharing this precious memory together.

Would you like to release a butterfly?

Pre-purchase your butterfly for the event for $30 by June 12th.

Memorial Service

Menno Place holds an annual Memorial Service for those who have passed away in the previous year. This is held in conjunction with the Butterfly Release for those who wish to remember a loved one through the releasing of a butterfly. The Memorial Service takes place at 1pm in the Hospital Chapel just prior to the Butterfly Release. The primary contacts of all those who’ve passed away between June 1, 2023 and May 31, 2024 will receive an invitation to attend the memorial. If you’d like to view the livestream, you may do so here at the time of the event.


Free Parking & Shuttle Service

Parking on the Menno Place campus will be free on Friday, June 14th for this event. There will be additional parking available down the street at Peace Lutheran Church and Mill Lake Church (1.5 blocks away at the corner of Marshall Rd & Ware St).

A shuttle service will run approximately every 20 minutes from Peace Lutheran Church beginning at 1:20pm for those attending the Butterfly Release. The shuttle will run until the program begins at 2:30 and will return to the church parking lot after the event at 3:30.