Summer Camp Party
Residents and families are invited to the Summer Camp Party Wednesday, August 21 in the courtyard. Join us for food, music and more!
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Claire Colvin contributed 130 entries already.
Residents and families are invited to the Summer Camp Party Wednesday, August 21 in the courtyard. Join us for food, music and more!
The Recreation team is delighted to announce that they are in the final stages of completing their certification and will officially be Music Care certified this September.
We are currently experiencing a community-wide power outage. BC Hydro has a crew on-site.
During the Mother’s and Father’s Day breakfasts we were able capture portraits of many of the residents who attended. We’re delighted to make these portraits available to the residents and their friends and families.
These increases to guest meal and guest suite prices are required to ensure that we can continue to provide these services.
Starting July 17 technicians will enter each apartment in Terrace East to work on the pendant system upgrade. The work should take 5 minutes per apartment.
Make sure you know how to stay cool and watch out for symptoms of heat exhaustion.
On June 20, 2024, 2:30pm-3:30pm, Family and Friends (Family Council) will be meeting in person, with the option of attending online via Microsoft TEAMS.
Menno Place Campus is one of the largest senior’s care campuses in British Columbia. There are 700 seniors living on 11 acres across from the Abbotsford Regional Hospital. Menno Place is governed by the Mennonite Benevolent Society which founded faith-based seniors care on this location in 1953.
All materials available on the website are published for the sole purpose of keeping informed those family, friends and residents who live or have a loved one living on the Menno Place campus. These materials may be shared with others who are also connected to the Menno Place campus in this way. No content or material may be used or shared in any other context without the written permission of the Menno Place Director who oversees communications.
Menno Place
32945 Marshall Road
Abbotsford, BC V2S 1K1
More Information: 604.851.4000