Terrace East: Pendant System Upgrade

The following memo was distributed to Terrace East apartment residents on July 15.

Date:               July 15, 2024
To:                   All Terrace East Residents
Re:                   Suite Access on July 17, 2024 and July 18, 2024

Dear Residents of Terrace East,

This is official 24 hours’ notice of intent that we will access your suite on the following dates:

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 – Pendant System Upgrade

The technicians who are working on our pendant system upgrade need to reprogram the wall units in each suite. They will also check your pendant. The work is expected to take about 5 minutes to complete in each suite. The technicians will start entering suites on Wednesday, July 17th and will continue until the project is completed.

Thursday, July 18, 2024 – Fire Safety Equipment Inspection

With the new fire panel now installed at Terrace East, the fire safety technicians will test all smoke detectors and other fire safety equipment. You will hear the bells ring on occasion throughout the day. The technicians will enter each suite as part of the testing.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during these projects.

Leonard Klassen, Manager of Community Enrichment


Contact the Life Enrichment Team at 604-851-4004 with any questions.