Seniors with Cars – Apartments – Letter

We will deliver the following letter to every windshield of every car in the Terrace and Primrose Gardens parkades:


Date:               March 25, 2020
To:                   Drivers of Cars parked in Terrace or Primrose Gardens Parkade


Dear Driver,

This is a notice to strongly caution you about going out in your car during this time of social distancing and COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS.

The Public Health Officer is ordering ALL citizens to practice social distancing. This means being 6ft or further from other people at all times. We know that the most vulnerable citizens to this illness are the elderly whom we love and serve here at Menno Place. We care about you and want you to get through this safely.

The Public Health Officer has warned us ALL to stay in our homes. For you, this means your apartment suite. We are here to help you organize alternatives for grocery shopping and pharmacy delivery. You no longer need to go to your doctor to renew a prescription. Phone your pharmacy.

If you go out, you are exposing yourself and ALL of those who live and work here to COVID-19.

If you need help organizing essential services such as grocery delivery, please call Nik (604.851.4006) to help you. We have volunteers from churches and within Menno Place who would love to serve you and help protect you.

Please know that this notice is written with your safety as our top priority. We love you and love the seniors who call Menno Place their home.


Sharon Simpson, Director, Community Enrichment